Chapter Three: She's Joking


~Chapter Three: She's Joking~


Third-Person POV



The lunch bell rang and everyone rushed out to the main quad.


Striding along several cliques were Bom and and Jonghyun.


As they reached a table, they each sat down and brought out their lunch bags.


“What did you bring for lunch Park?” asked Jonghyun in curiosity.


“Um, I brought fresh kimchi and corn...” Bom shyly replied.


“Nice. I brought my favorite – Squid stew.” Jonghyun added with a big devilish smile drawn across his face.


“Lets not get any ideas about dumping our lunch on random people, okay?” Bom requested as she pursed her lips.


“Okay, okay. Lets just chow down then cause I’m starving!” Jonghyun amusingly demanded.




As Bom sat there eating her lunch peacefully, she looked up now and then to see Jonghyun as he stuffed his face with fat chunks of squid. The stew that covered the squid began to drip down his chin as he chomped harshly on his lunch.


In her mind, she giggled to herself as she imagined that Jonghyun was a giant monster that was stomping around in a big city—eating all the buildings, cars, and everything in his path.


She tried not to stare, but felt the sudden urge to look up at Jonghyun with a smile and a quiet giggle.


“Vhat so funnay?” Jonghyun asked, with a large bolus of food bulging at the right side of his face.


“Don’t talk with your mouth full or squid juice might end up all over the place Jonghyun! You squid face!” Bom urged him as she giggled continuously.


Jonghyun bursted out with laughter and sure enough, there were chunks of squid that came spraying out of his nose—ending up all over his shirt.


They both could not resist the laughter that ensued them.


Bom  jumped up out of the table with tears of laughter in her eyes as she walked around to help Jonghyun clean up.


She took out a small tissue out of her cardigan and began wiping Jonghyun’s nose, and during this time, they both grew quiet and smiled silently as they stared into each other’s eyes as Bom continued to blot the squid stew off of him.


“So she does know how to joke.” Jonghyun teased.


“I do enjoy a good laugh every so often, yes.” Bom replied with a smile that felt like it would never disappear.




And for a moment, the world faded into a calm and pleasant dream. It was just him and her and nothing else existed for that one moment. Jonghyun pulled himself closer to Park and slowly brought forth his lips towards hers...


Just then, the next bell rang. The both of them snapped out of their trance and back into reality—feeling somewhat at loss for not being able to complete what could have been their first “special” moment.


So far, a sweet, artistic, and funny girl. This is what I love about her so far... Jonghyun thought to himself as he smiled warmly at Park.


“Jonghyun, I think I should go…” Bom said as she pulled and turned away with a glowing blush smudged across her face.




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Omo, how did I not see this?
ohayou87 #2
I;m so glad you updated:)
It so cute and such a radon couple! I guess I like Bom with everyone.
Kekeke..juz found diz..rly nice..I like it..
cheer-123 #4
Wonder how Seunghyun's character will come into this story since Jonghyun and Bom seems pretty sweet with each other already. Please update soon.
Atiram0094 #5
Myyygosh why U NO UPDATE YET?? O.O PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE update soon!! (Hope you felt my sincerity with that 'please', keke)
Atiram0094 #6
Whoa... It's soo cute!! I love it!! ^__^ It seems really good so far - keep it coming, pleeease *Puppy-dog-eyes*
ohayou87 #7
It's a cute story^^
Update soon!
BrightSummer #8
Gosh . Your story is just nice and simple . Lovin' it ! Hurry .. I wanna continue reading xP