Chapter One: A new day, A new friend


~Chapter One: A new day, A new friend~


Third Person POV


It was a typical Monday morning for Park Bom as she got ready for school she puts on her school uniform which is a white polo shirt and a blue plaid skirt, along with her favorite pink cardigan which she never leaves without. After doing so she goes downstairs and kisses her mom goodmorning and the picture of her dad that sits in the kitchen. Then sits down beside her mom and happily eats her cornflakes-her favorite cereal. After she finishes her food she puts on her old pair of black sneakers. Then starts to walk to school.


While walking to school she watches the leaves as it brushes against her legs as they blow towards her. She loves how the wind blows through her long light brown hair.


"Omo!" She exclaims as she bumps into a guy who has his back turned to her while rummaging through his bag. 


"Mianeh!" She apologizes to the guy as he turns around to face her. The guy is surprised and he calls out, "Oh!" 


The guy notices she has the same uniform as him and ask, "Do you go to Seoul High also?" As she stares down at the ground she shyly responds, "I do." 


So as the guy keeps rummaging through his backpack he ask her "What's your name?" She then looks up at his backpack and answers, "My name is Park Bom."


Then the guy says in a dapper tone, "Nice to meet you Im Kim Jonghyun, Do you want to walk to school with me? I don't have a car YET" She hesitantly nods and slowly starts to follow him like a lost puppy.


Still rummaging through his bag he ask her, "Where are you from?" then she answers, "I was born and rasied here." 


"Well, I just moved her from Busan because I got exspelled from dumping a bucket of squid pudding that I made on our principal's head in front of the whole school" He said laughing out loud.


Just then Bom also let out a giggle and things started to warm up between them.


"How about you? Have you done anything like that before?" He asked. 


She shook her head and said, "No, I can't afford to get kicked out of school at this time." 


They continue to giggle and joke on their way to school, until they get there.


Suddenly the school bell tower rings thats when they both realize that they're late.


They both froze on the spot, then the Jonghyun says "Is it time for lunch already?"


Bom starts to panic and exclaims, "OMO! Im late!" she then runs to her class.


Then Jonghyun calls out, "Okay..See you to..?" 


A/N: Short chapter, but interesting so far...right? I'll update later soon..Comment and subscribe! 

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Omo, how did I not see this?
ohayou87 #2
I;m so glad you updated:)
It so cute and such a radon couple! I guess I like Bom with everyone.
Kekeke..juz found diz..rly nice..I like it..
cheer-123 #4
Wonder how Seunghyun's character will come into this story since Jonghyun and Bom seems pretty sweet with each other already. Please update soon.
Atiram0094 #5
Myyygosh why U NO UPDATE YET?? O.O PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE update soon!! (Hope you felt my sincerity with that 'please', keke)
Atiram0094 #6
Whoa... It's soo cute!! I love it!! ^__^ It seems really good so far - keep it coming, pleeease *Puppy-dog-eyes*
ohayou87 #7
It's a cute story^^
Update soon!
BrightSummer #8
Gosh . Your story is just nice and simple . Lovin' it ! Hurry .. I wanna continue reading xP