Please remember again...



~ 6 ~


Junho and Chan didn't even bother to talk to me since then. Whenever I'd meet one, he would turn his head and walk pass me. At those times like this I was really hurt. What I couldn't stand most was that avoiding me didn't seem to trouble them that much. Not as much as for me though. It wasn't fair. They used to be my friends, they should understand. 

"Woo, what's wrong?" Khun showed his concern once again. We were sitting on a school roof.  No matter how many times I tell him I'm fine, he doesn't believe it. Though I tried to show him this situation is not a problem for me, it'd always end with a sad face and absent mind.  This time I had decided to tell him how I really felt.
"'s just hard. It's hard to see my friends like this." The first tear dropped. I've never shown Nichkhun's my weak side but this time I couldn't hold it in.
Khun came closer. His eyes were also wet. He took my hand pulled me into his arms and hugged me. For the first time, except for my mom, someone hugged me. His body was really warm. He was tapping my back while trying to cheer me up.
"If those friends are as important to you as you're important to me...I can't even imagine how in much pain oh are right now"
"Khun..." I muttered but it was so hard to say anything when your tears suddenly burst out.
"I can't promise you anything but I can ensure you that if they're truly love you, they'll do anything to make things back to normal again. And don't worry about me...I won't be a burden for them anymore. If that's just gonna make you happy..." he hugged me even more tight. I was astonished. Khun saying thing like's not like him.
"I'm happy. As long as I still have you I'm happy" I answered.
"If that's the case,  I don't think you should be worried. I have no plans on leaving you."   I hugged him back laying my head on his shoulder. We stayed like that for a long time until I finally calmed down. Khun gave took out one tissue and started to gently wipe my wet face with it.
"Oh Khun! I can do it by myself !" 
"Shut up and let me do it!" I didn't have strength to argue anymore. Knowing Khun, he wouldn't give up on this so easily. 
"Hej Khun, you know what?"
"Hmm? What?" Why on earth must he be so good-looking? When a guy thinks he's handsome, what must girls think? Because of that, it was really awkward sometimes to say something to him.
"I know I don't show you this much...but, you're truly my best friend."
"You don't have to show me that. It's enough for me if you just consider me as one" He gave me this look. The look I appreciated the most, the honest look. He always used it trying to comfort me and it usually worked. Unless I tried to avoid it in purpose but most of the time it was impossible. His tiny angelic innocent face was irresistible. His face was one of a few I treasured the most.    
"Wanna eat some ice-cream? It's on me !" 
"You know me too well Khun"
"That's just the basic thing you're best friend should know" 
And he knew. Khun knew that ice-cream is my mood-fixer, my mom also knew. But Ho and Chan...I don't think they did...
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Hey there :D I'm really sorry for making all of you wait for so long. I started writing a new chapter, hope to post it ASAP


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star1627 #1
Hi dear,
I know it's been years
I first started reading this story on 2016,
For some reasons i ened up reading it
But after 5 years all of a sudden i remembered this story and wanted to take a look
Damn,I liked it so bad,I like the way you write👍
Thank u for posting such a beautiful story with patience,
Especially when it's about 2PM,
Hope u having great time
Wish bests for u♥️
Chapter 5: Feels like the first time I'm loving it all over again ❤❤❤
Chapter 1: Rereading!!!!!
NobelVictoria #4
Chapter 23: This is my second time reading this but I'm still crying a lot
Yakoub #5
Chapter 40: *_* < 3 <3 <3!!! I’m totally amazed, ravished, enchanted by this extraordinary fic. I adored the whole scenario and the way you described the feelings, I also adored the narration, especially this sentence: “I wish it would last as long as life on this planet is planning to last” <3 <3 <3. Truly CONGRATILATION, hope you write more “Khunyoung” fics very soon. Thank you so much! Fighting :*
2pm_fangirl #6
Sorry I don't know Indonesian to translate for u :|
I am so intrigued by this story. And frustrates me,

please help me.

Can you make the Indonesian. So I can understand it.


Hhiiiikksss..... hiiikkkss..
Chapter 40: awwehhh... finally it's end ^^ i thought that you just too busy so you just left it hanging :D but when i saw the update notif and your story had been updated i was like "kyaaaa" and the "complete" sign really make my day ^^ i just can't accept if this story doesn't end soon cz i perhaps can't take the upcoming conflict :D but thank you that you willing to write it again and complete it within your busy life ^0^ thanks again... and this story was amazing. I hope i can read your next story...