Please remember again...


~ 22 ~


I don’t know how much time has passed since I fell asleep. I don’t even know if I’m cautions or not but I could hear a conversation going on right now. I wasn’t sure if it was a dream or a real talk though…

“How has this happened?” one voice asked. I think I even know who it was but I can’t get myself to believe in it.

“I don’t know. He was already like that when I saw him” I think it was Chan who answered him.

“But…where was he?”

There was a long silence. I think Chan didn’t want to tell him that. He probably thought I didn’t want him to tell that either. But lastly he failed to lie.

“On the roof”

“On the roof?”  Khun repeated in disbelief. “Are you sure?”

“Well, not exactly. He was sitting by the door to the roof” 

I heard nothing but a door (trzask) after that. I think Khun didn’t expect me to be there when he confessed to Victoria. And believe me, I didn’t want to be there too. . .

Now that I’m lying on bed, I think I kinda lost myself in time. I have no idea how many hour or even days have passed. All I know at this moment is that I have to get up. But why my eyes can’t even open? I can’t even control my body now. I want to get off of this bed but my whole body doesn’t feel like doing it. Am I that afraid to face the situation or maybe Khun? Feels like a coward.

After I don’t know..a longtime, I finally made myself to open my eyes. Gosh..why it has to be so bright? Did I spend a night here or something? I almost went blind for a moment. I looked around but no one was anywhere to be found. I was in the room all alone. I felt kind of disappointed. I thought my mom would be here at least.

“What am I supposed to do now? Should I just go home?”

I was about to take my things and leave the place when someone opened the door. To be honest, I was expecting only one person now and it was exactly this person.

“Oh Woo, you’re finally awake” Chan came closer with his eyes and mouth widely open.

“Yea –Yeah..I think I’ll go home now. Thanks for everything Chan, you’re a really good friend”

He suddenly took all my stuff from me “Let me help you”

We then headed to the exit and left school. It was really early and seeing there’s no other students i got to the conclusion it was weekend already. We were walking in silence for a long time. It felt somehow weird since Chan was always so talkative and dorky whenever we were coming back from school. It was the first time I saw him like that. I wonder if both he and Junho have changed so much during those few months. . .

“When you were asleep, Khun passed by” he finally said something.

“Really? When?” I pretended I didn’t know anything though the truth was slightly different.

“He came right after I got you to the nurse office. Unfortunately, you passed (fvgg) kinda fast”

I didn’t know what to reply to him. Should I just ask him more I should I just stay quiet until we reach the destination? He must’ve noticed my awkward situation as he went on with the story.

“He was panicking like crazy! Seriously, no joke. He was asking all those questions like “What happened to him?” “How did he ended like this?” gosh, Wooyoung, I’m truly sorry, but at certain point I wanted to slap him so badly so he could finally calm down” I smiled listening to him. Chansung I remembered was here again.

“Well…I don’t know if that’s good or not, but… I told him where I found you…” he did a quite worried face. He obviously knew that Khun was somehow I reason I passed out. Wouldn’t it be weird finding me right next to the door to the roof where Khun had his little conversation with Victoria? Even Chan wasn’t that dumb to figure everything out.

“Don’t worry Chan, everything’s ok”

“You sure? You know I really can’t lie. I don’t know what happened with the two of you but you have to know I didn’t mean to make anything worse between you guys”

I just smiled at him as we continued walking. I wasn’t mad at him, I was rather now worried what Khun must’ve felt when he heard that. He couldn’t have felt happy since he disappeared so quickly.

“Woo…me and Junho really missed you. . . “  he said out of a blue.

I did the surprised face as I didn’t know how to respond differently.

“I thought that Nichkhun was a good person so we just step back…but now, I’m not sure about that. Are you hurt because of him Woo?”

I was hurt. I was hurt like crazy but couldn’t tell him that. The reason was one – I didn’t want to end my friendship with Khun because…I love him. And even though he didn’t feel the same way I was happy even to have him as a best friend.

“It’s not like that Chan. Friends will always have fights right? It’s kinda unavoidable.” I practically lied to him. It didn’t feel right but it was definitely a good solution.

“Friends?”  Chan was surprised with my statement. I forgot about the whole rumor that me and Khun are somehow dating which made me fall apart from my friends. “ Well, if it’s just a fight then fine” he finished with an astonished face.

I wanted to believe everything was fine too. But knowing the truth makes it kinda hard to think like that. I don’t know why, but walking to my house took longer than usual. Was it because of me or Chansung ? I think it was rather me. I was the one who walked so slow, who wanted it to take as long as possible. It would be a bit weird to speed up now so I just continued to walk like that.

When I almost reached the house Chan stopped. I looked ahead and saw someone was sitting on a ground in front of my house.  I couldn’t see the face since it was lying on his knee but I was certain who was waiting for me there.

“I think my duties end here” Chan gave me my stuff and headed towards direction of his home.

I knew I will have to face this situation someday. I didn’t expect it to come to fast. For the first time I wasn’t happy seeing that person. For the first time it felt quite different seeing Khun’s face. It was the first time I didn’t want to talk to him. . .


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Hey there :D I'm really sorry for making all of you wait for so long. I started writing a new chapter, hope to post it ASAP


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star1627 #1
Hi dear,
I know it's been years
I first started reading this story on 2016,
For some reasons i ened up reading it
But after 5 years all of a sudden i remembered this story and wanted to take a look
Damn,I liked it so bad,I like the way you write👍
Thank u for posting such a beautiful story with patience,
Especially when it's about 2PM,
Hope u having great time
Wish bests for u♥️
Chapter 5: Feels like the first time I'm loving it all over again ❤❤❤
Chapter 1: Rereading!!!!!
NobelVictoria #4
Chapter 23: This is my second time reading this but I'm still crying a lot
Yakoub #5
Chapter 40: *_* < 3 <3 <3!!! I’m totally amazed, ravished, enchanted by this extraordinary fic. I adored the whole scenario and the way you described the feelings, I also adored the narration, especially this sentence: “I wish it would last as long as life on this planet is planning to last” <3 <3 <3. Truly CONGRATILATION, hope you write more “Khunyoung” fics very soon. Thank you so much! Fighting :*
2pm_fangirl #6
Sorry I don't know Indonesian to translate for u :|
I am so intrigued by this story. And frustrates me,

please help me.

Can you make the Indonesian. So I can understand it.


Hhiiiikksss..... hiiikkkss..
Chapter 40: awwehhh... finally it's end ^^ i thought that you just too busy so you just left it hanging :D but when i saw the update notif and your story had been updated i was like "kyaaaa" and the "complete" sign really make my day ^^ i just can't accept if this story doesn't end soon cz i perhaps can't take the upcoming conflict :D but thank you that you willing to write it again and complete it within your busy life ^0^ thanks again... and this story was amazing. I hope i can read your next story...