Two-Faced Seohyun

Desperate Coordi Noona!


A day seems so long
And doesn't seem to have an end
How does another morning come?
I don't know..
Day and night passed so boring here. Already a few days I haven't seen Sungra. Where's she? No one gave me a glass of cold water or tell jokes.. or just chat. Hah. With Seohyun and with Sungra.. it's totally different. Was she so busy working with her college assignments?
"Hahyo-ah" I said to Hahyo who was reading a book on the sofa
"Actually.. where's Sungra?"
"Oh... um .."
"You're hiding something from me, huh? Ah. Don't turn this topic okay"
"Actually ... she has been resigned from SM"
"MWO!? SINCE WHEN? Why don't you tell from earlier!? Now where's she? "
"Since the first day you were here ... she should continue her studies. It was her appa's request. I can't tell you before because I was worried"
"AIISSSH! Why was she lie to me!? You too! 
"Aiisssh" I wasn't in the mood to eat again. "I want to go home! I feel sick here!"
"MWO!? Andwae!" Hahyo held me
"Annye ... ong" I and Hahyo turned to the room's door. Wookyung. Eh? What she brought!? "Hahyo-ah help me" Hahyo immediately helped Wookyung to bring the stuffs or... goods?
"Aigoo! These are the love from your fans" Wookyung said while arranging the presents and stuffs she has just brought
"OUCH!" it's hurt for my feet to stand
"Use this" Wookyung gave me a crutch. Aaah.. I hope Sungra were here
That afternoon I spent my time to walk around the hospital with Wookyung. Hahyo back to the office, Seohyun couldn't come today because she's busy. And I. I miss the stage. I miss the other members.
Then I sat on the bench with Wookyung.
"It's really boring" I said
"Why?" Wookyung asked while eating her snacks
"I want to meet the other members. Seohyun isn't here too. Ah, but fortunately there are gifts from beloved fans~"
"Ah... There are some fans who also sent letter to you" Wookyung took out a stack of envelopes from her purse. I started to read it. All about their feeling how sad they are, they miss me, supports, and praying that I'll recover as soon as possible. I was touched. I just automatically want to talk on the fan Cafe as gratitude for their prayers. Ah. Hopefully I get out of here soon. I've longed for the stage, shouting fans, all members and, of course. My former manager.
"May I borrow your phone..please?" I don't know where's my phone, so I want to open the fan cafe through Wookyung's. "Can I have some... please?" I pointed Wookyung's snack
"Andwae! You're sick. Don't eat this kind of snack"
"Aish stingy. Seohyun usually brought it.." I mumbled
"MWO!? You sick but she usually give you snacks?? Babo"
"Yah! Don't tell her Babo! She was my savior" I said
"UHOK. UHOOOK. Ekhm. Sa.. savior!?" Wookyung asked with her astonished expression
"Ne ... wae?"
"How can she become your savior?? While she wasn't there at your side? Suho-ah. The first time you entered this hospital... who was there? You don't know, huh!?" Wookyung looks angry while eating her chips
"Seohyun.. and Euny-"
"Who else then!?" I was so upset
"There were two guys who brought you here. And another one is ... SUNG. RA. You know"
"MWOH!?" I felt totally forget everything. I forget what happened, the situation, as when I was in the car. Last thing I remember was I drove my car slowly at midnight.
I actually feel guilty now. My savior was her? Not Seohyun? And now... where's Sungra!? I haven't said THANKS or maybe BIG THANKS to her!
"Now where's she and what she do!?" I asked Wookyung
"Yeah.. she's now just become a regular college student. She can't work in SM anymore" There won't be her anymore!? My manager will change!? AIIISSSH!
"let's go back to my room..." I said to Wookyung and we just took the elevator silently
I can't do anything
While not doing anything
I look at the slow time
Where are you?
What are you doing?
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Chapter 16: Love the story! :D
i somewhat dont understand some hereee. buts in total i love your storyyy. like everyone is beinggg hyperrrr.
infinite_kenn #3
update soon :D
Sorry late update:'( I've gone for more than a week.. Sorry everyone but I promise I'll update after I arrive at home>< hehheeh
Ahhhhh ...
Updated soon
i think this story is about me !hahahahah
@Sunggi6 LOL........ yah.... yah.... yahhhh-_- MOLLAAAA><
leeharahan #8
wookyung? -__-" come on, she's with do il wahahahaahahaha
@Park_Sungra dude,i'm sure you will be confuse again after read this mwahaha
KYAAAAAA!!!! I'm gonna read this^^