Woo another oneshot!~ :D

Why Did You Leave Me?
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my-life #1
Chapter 1: why they all die by killing themselves? :'( *sobbing quietly in a corner*
maryumizme #2
why does it have to end this way ??? i couldn't imagine cute bacon dying that way TT^TT my heart ached .. it's too tragic for me to handle .. *bawling*
sofina11 #3
SOO why Did baekhyun die again?...
You have a way with making me cry my eyes out. Baekhyunnie :'(
My comment below is a bit dramatic XD Sorry, I just got carried away because of your awesome story. Hehehe~ :)))
They died.

I was expecting a sad ending but I didn't expect any of the characters to die. I thought this was just a simple, sad and typical angsty oneshot but I was wrong. SO WRONG. This story will teach us, readers, values/lessons. After reading this, I have lots of thoughts on why do lot of people commit suicide. Do they not value their precious life that is God's greatest gift to them? So they think that they have the biggest problem in the world and the only reason to get away from it is to kill themselves? UGGGH GOSH. Baekhyun, Eun Sun and Min Sun are such cowards. They must face and overcome whatever problem they have. It's a challenge. God won't just randomly throw problems to us if he know that we can't overcome it. We just need courage to face it.

Hmmm, all in all, this fanfic is brilliantly written. Awesome job! :) It also made me cry like your Kris oneshot. You, evil author, are good in making your readers cry in the middle of the night while eating their midnight snacks. Haha! x) I totally love this! Thanks for sharing this story to us. :)

Off to read your other stories~
Waaaaahh. Good thing that I was expected sumthin' very sad would be the ending tht i found myself not cryin' over it.. but...why baekhyun hv to die??!?!?! T_T My Baekhyunnie...YOU THANDSOME AND CUTIE BOY! HOW COME U LEAVE HER LIKE THAT? i swear if i was her, i would feel tht there's no meaning i'm living in this world anymore. Btw., that is a brilliant one! U come with unexpected ending! and guess what, I still love this story much altho' it hurts me alot with the sad ending. T_T ^^
Little_Ys #8
OMG..Where's my tissue? uhuk uhuk TT^TT
Geez kill themselves huh ? Aaaiiiiggoo you should value your life ! You shouldn't do that be thankful to have a life ! There so many people who wishes to live but they can't :(