Chapter 17

Seducing Nerdy Chanyeol !

(A/N) I reached 200 subies,  thank you so much for taking the time to read my fanfic ! ಥ⌣ಥ LET ME HUG ALL OF YOU ! 



No battery.


« Fantastic ! » You sighed before throwing your phone back in your bag.


How were you supposed to go home now ? You were standing on the sidewalk in front of Mina's house, trying to find a way to get home.

Mina suggested you to stay over but after what happened, you felt too uncomfortable to stay.

Since you didn't own a car or a scooter, you had to call your parents and ask them to pick you up. But without battery, this was going to be difficult.

You your teeth. Bad luck seemed to by your side tonight. You looked around the street, maybe you could barrow someone's phone. But unfortunately, the street was empty. There was only a couple cuddling without any restraint in the bush. No way you would ask them something ! You rolled your eyes and sighed. It was too late for bus and you had no money for a taxi. Seemed like the only possibility left was walking. Your feet were badly hurting but did you have another choice ?

Mina's house was not very far from yours. You would only have to cross few districts to reach your home. It shouldn't take a lot of time if you walked with energy. You took a deep breath, slipping on the strap of your bag.


« Ok, let's go ! » You cheered yourself before starting to walk.



Kai's head was spinning and everything was unclear; but this was the least of his problems. What he really needed was to find a nice spot to pee. He hadn't the energy to go back to the bathroom and since he was already in the garden, why would he bother himself ? All he had to do was to find a quiet area here. He walked around the house, staggering. The world was pitching and his drink was spilling everywhere at each step.

After a short moment, he finally found the perfect spot. Putting down his glass on the grass, he looked around to make sure he was alone when he spotted a familiar silhouette in front of Mina's house. Narrowing his eyes because of his slightly blurred vision, he curiously observed what the person what doing.

It must have took him two good minutes to recognized you. As soon as he did, Kai giggled. « The stupid girl », as he liked to call you, was there and alone. Quietly spying on you, he saw you looking at your phone before mumbling something and putting it back on you bag. You glanced around and seemed quite annoyed.


«  What the hell is she doing ? » He asked to himself, pushing away few bush's leafs to see more clearly what you were doing.


He was now squatting on the grass of Mina's garden and completely forgot about what brought him here in the first place. The troublemaker Kai was was way more entertained by spying on his scapegoat and curiosity was stronger than the need to pee. Silently looking at you, he noticed a stain on your red dress.


«  Tsk ! She's even more ugly, now ! » He chuckled, with a mocking smirk.


Actually, for once, you weren't that ugly to him. Maybe it was the alcohol or the poor lightning of the streetlight, but tonight, in your little red dress, you managed to look quite... hot.

Kai hesitated to come towards you and bother you as he was always doing. But, curiously, he didn't. He just quietly stayed where he was and kept on watching you.

You were now walking away.


«  Already going home ? Pfff ! That dumb girl will miss all the fun. » He rolled his eyes, pushing another leaf.


You were moving away, your nice little dress staining the darkness of the night. When he realised you were going by foot and alone, he immediately stood up and felt somewhat... angry ?


« What the hell ?! You can't be that stupid, right ? Everyone knows a girl shouldn't walk alone by night ! You're going to get harassed, silly ! » He sighed, his teeth and putting his hands on his waist. « You're even more stupid than I thought, goddamn naive girl ! »


Kai facepalmed and kept on mumbling, not knowing if he should interfere or not. Why should he, after all ? It wasn't like he cared about you or was worried. But, if you died (in the most extreme case of course), who will he bother everyday ? Tsk ! You were his precious plaything ! He tapped his foot on the grass, unhappy.


« Kai ? Where are you, man ? » Someone yelled, interrupting his thoughts and bringing Kai back in the reality.

«  Ah. I'm coming ! » He replied with an husky voice after quickly glancing at you.


You were now out of sight. Kai shrugged and grabbed the glass he previously left on the floor. Be stupid and reckless if you wanted too. This wasn't his business after all and he wasn't going to be worried about you. He wasn't your father. Besides, he was missing the party !

Looking a last time in your direction before getting in, he still hoped you wouldn't put yourself in trouble.


«  Stupid girl... » He whispered, before turning back.



Walking alone calmed you down. It gave you the opportunity to think about what happened. Your heart was heavy from all the drama and your eyes were dry from all the tears you cried.

Your mind was still befuddled but it was getting clearer. You were now able to stand back on the situation and take some detachment.

Two feelings were clashing. Guilt and anger. Guilt because you felt like everything was you somewhat fault. You knew it wasn't true, but you couldn't help but feel this way. Because of you, Mina's party was ruined. She didn't deserve this whole scene the night of her birthday.

And anger, because what Vicky did tonight wasn't right. She didn't have to put you in this uncomfortable situation in front of everyone. She didn't have to be so loud and childish. Wasn't she mature enough to know that she had gone too far ? What happened kept on replaying on your head like a bad movie.This situation wasn't fair ! You would have never done something like this to her. Never ! To her or to someone else. Why couldn't she too ? You had the unpleasant impression that nobody had respect or consideration for you. Not even your bestfriend. Irritation and sadness grew in you, making you kick stones on the sidewalk. You didn't even want to think of the tonight's consequences. Had you lose your only two friends because of this ? Your heart squeezed at the thought. You'll see on Monday...

Baekhyun's face crossed your mind. You stopped walking for an instant and closed your eyes, feeling suddenly ashamed and really embarrassed. That was the worst way to confess to someone. You wouldn't dare to look at him in the eyes anymore. You never really envisaged to tell him about your feelings, but if you had, then it wouldn't be in this way. You sighed and walked again. You weren't naive, the fact that he knew wouldn't change anything. It was Mina's crush. Still friends or not, the good girl you were would respect it. Besides, Kai, that jerk, forbid you to try something with someone else than Chanyeol. He still had that stupid photo and you didn't want to test his word.


You reached Seoul's downtown in ten minutes and, to go home, you had to cross the artistic district. Even if the night had already fallen since a long time, the place was still crowded. It was a really popular place in Seoul because of its cool and artsy atmosphere. A lot of concerts and showcases took place in the surroundings area. Every bar and café owned a small stage where bands could perform. Here, you could attend to the craziest and the most unique shows. You always loved to come here, enjoying the night and the good music. Instrument's sound escaped from the different bars of the main street. It was a ballet of melody, musical notes, applause and laughs. The place's aura warmed your heart and managed to make you smile, anesthetizing the pain.

You crossed the district, hoping you wouldn't meet anybody you knew. You weren't very « presentable » and there were no need for any extra uncomfortable situation. Your bed was only few minutes away, it was enough to avoid any unwanted complications.

You noticed one bar was more crowded than the others. There was a long queue at the entrance, mostly composed of girls of your age. They were all holding a ticket, impatiently waiting for the doors to open. You wonder who was performing tonight, but here were no posters indicating what tonight's concert was. It must have been a really popular singer or band, though.

You shrugged and kept walking, tiredness winning over curiosity. You went past the bar, your glare wandering around.


« Wow tonight's sky is really dark. » You noticed, raising your head.


You narrowed your eyes, observing little lights emanating from the stars. Your head was still a bit dizzy and not looking at the road made you zig-zagged in the street. And of course, not paying attention to where you were walking made you bump into someone.


« Aish ! » You cried, holding your shoulder.


That actually hurt ! You lazily bowed down and apologized. You expected the person to do the same but you didn't hear anything. Surprised, you raised your head and realised person had disappeared. You turned around, astounded. You would have think you had imagined everything if you hadn't notice a guy wearing a shining jacket running away in a small adjacent alley.

You sighed, before going back to your contemplation of the sky when a scream interrupted you.


«  Oh my God ! You touched him ! » A girl exclaimed, pointing a finger at you with her eyes wide opened. « The Happy Virus ! You touched him ! »


The happy what ?

You looked at her, confused. Whatever she was talking about, that girl looked... crazy !

She was being almost hysterical ! The two other girls by her side didn't look shocked by their friend's excitation. The three of them were holding a ticket concert for the bar you just walked past. You quickly glanced around to make sure they were talking to you. You pointed a finger towards your face.


«  Me ? »


The girl who screamed ran to you like her life depended on it. Grabbing your arms, she started to furiously shake you.


«  What the... Do I know you ? » You gasped, too shocked to struggle and get out of her grip.


What the hell was that girl doing ?

She kept on furiously moving your arms as you were questioning her sanity. You couldn't figure out if the situation was rather funny or worrying.

Her friends quickly followed her like two shadows.


«  Do you know how lucky you are ? » The girl cried, almost angrily. « Oh my God ! She touched him ! The Happy Virus, she touched him ! »


You had absolutely no idea what she talking about. What the hell was the « joyful bacteria » or whatever she was talking about ? And could she stop shaking you ?

You head was still hurting, and your mind completely confused.


« What ? » You asked, still being shaken up.


The girl finally stopped moving you for a moment (thank God !) to look at you in the eyes. She widened her eyelid and squeezed your poor arms. It was like she wanted to read deep down into your soul.


«  How was it ? HOW-WAS-IT ? Tell me e-ve-ry-thing !»


You nervously glanced at her friends, looking for some help. But they had the same crazy and worrying expression. You eyes got back on the girl who was holding you.


«  How was what ? » You frowned, not understanding.


All you wanted was your freedom and your bed, damn it ! Why did you have to met crazy chicks on the way ?

One of her friend, with blonde hair, grabbed your shoulder.


«  Does he smell good ? » She asked, extremely serious.

« Wh- »

« Did he talked to you ? Did he say something ? What part of his body did you touch exactly ?  »


She was talking really quickly and you lost the track of her questions. You shook your head, lost and confused.


«  What are talking about ? » You cried, cutting her off.

« The Happy Virus ? » They chimed together, like it was obvious.

«  What virus are you talking about ? » You angrily asked.


You didn't have the energy and patience to deal with theses weird people. The three girls stopped talking and looked at each other like you just said something crazy or really stupid. How could you not know ?


«  Wait ! You... You don't know ? » The third one asked, appalled. « The guy you just bumped into... You don't know who he is ? »


You shook your head once again.

What did the boy with a shining jacket had to do with the « virus » ? Wait, was he sick ? Was the virus contagious ? In that case, did it meant you were contaminated ? Panic started to grow. Things were getting so confusing !

The blonde one dramatically dropped her arms with a cry.


«  You must be joking, right ? » The third one replied, even more shattered.


You shrugged. Seoul was the third biggest town in the world. How were you supposed to know the identity of a random citizen ? You truly had no idea what was going on and why theses girls were in such a state. They were scaring the crap out of you.

They sighed and facepalmed.


«  How can she not know ? »

« And to say she bumped into him. »

«  What a waste ! »

«  Yeah, I know, I know. »

«  Aigoo, life is unfair my friends. »

«  Look at her, she's not even one of us. »

«  Yes. Exotics are more sophisticated than... that. What the hell is she wearing, by the way ? »

«  Tsk. I should be the one who bumped into him.»


They kept on talking about you, in front of you, like three old adjhummas. At the mention of your outfit, you tried to hide the stain with your bag, embarrassed. Why didn't you bring a jacket ? It would have hide it perfectly.

You quietly stood there, waiting for some answers.


«  We come to every concert and yet, we barely get to talk to him. »

«  What have we done to get this bad karma ? »

«  She could at least look happy ! »

«  I hope she didn't hurt our Oppa ! »


Since they seemed to forget you, you coughed to remind them of your presence. They turned to look at you.


« Am I... contaminated ? » You asked, crossing your arms ready to hear the truth.


The three girls stopped chatting to look at you with strange faces. An awkward silence built up between you. You nervously waited for the answer, hoping it wasn't something too bad. This night was already a real nightmare and you would believe anything they would say.


«  Why would you be contaminated ? » One of the three girls asked, lifting an eyebrow.


You shrugged.


«  Well..If that guy has the virus... Since we touched, I have it too, right ? » You explained. « That's how it works. »


The girls looked at each other, slightly confused.


«  Is this for real ? » The blonde one asked, holding a laugther.


Your eyebrows joined.


«  I-I don't know. » You stammered. «  Weren't you talking about a virus ? »


The one who previously shook you sighed and put her hand on your shoulder, jabbing her eyes on yours.


« You, ignorant lucky bitc- girl, you just bumped into the rapper of the Rolling Buffalo. » She solemnly explained. « His stage name is « Happy Virus » and he's not sick or anything. »


You blinked.

You were even more confused than before. But at least, you felt relieved... and quite stupid too.


«  The Rolling what ? » You repeated, frowning, not really sure to have understand it correctly.


The blonde one bursted and started to yell at you.


«  Oh my God ! Yah ! Are you stupid or what ? Where the hell are you from ? This is too much ! I can't handle it. She doesn't even know them and yet she-she-she... »


The third girl patted the back of her friend with a sad face.


«  Keep calm Jena. » She gently whispered. « I know it's difficult but you need to stay calm. »


Your attention got back on the girl who was explaining the situation to you.


«  The Rolling Buffalo. » She repeated with a smile, joining her two hands together. « The best band in Seoul ! »


She held you her precious ticket to prove you it was the correct name. It was written, black on white : THE ROLLING BUFFALO

You glanced at her than back at the paper. So this was for real ? It wasn't a joke or anything ?

What kind of band called themselves the Rolling Buffalo ? Ludicrous images popped up in your mind. This name was ridiculous ! But the three girls looked like they were taking it seriously.You had to bit your lips to not laugh.


« And the boy I bumped into is one of the member ? » You made sure, lifting an eyebrow.

« Yes. »

« And you are fans of the band.» You assumed.

«  Yep ! » A girl cheerfully answered, raising her fist. « We are their loyal fans, the Exotics. »


Ah fangirls... The situation started to make a little bit more sense now.


«  The guy you bumped into is the main rapper. As we told you, his stage name is « Happy Virus » and he's incredibly talented ! And hot as hell. » The third fan explained, blushing.


You smirked.


«  The guy with the shining jacket ? » You asked, raising your eyebrow and pointing a finger towards the way he ran. « Hot ? »


Shining jacket wasn't really a part of your idea of a hot boy's outfit.

She nodded.


«  If I wasn't in love with the main dancer, Happy Virus would definitely be my bias. » The one who explained everything to you admitted.

« How can someone be so talented and so handsome ? » The girl called Jena moaned along with her.

«  You never heard of them ? » The third girl asked, surprised. « They are quite popular now. »

«  Nope, never. »


With this name, you would have remembered them for sure.


«  In this case, you should come to the concert ! » She exclaimed, snapping her fingers.


Oh, no... What you wanted was your bed, some sleep and silence. Attending the concert of the Flying Cow or whatever their name was wasn't a part of your plan.


«  Too bad, I don't have tickets. » You answered, faking disappointment. « Maybe another day. »


You were about to go when Jena threw her arm around your neck, like an old friend.


«  That's ok, we always have an extra ticket in case one of us forget it. » She said, giving you a thumb up.


It was really nice of them but no.You had to find another excuse.


«  Oh, no ! Keep it ! It's getting quite late, you know, and... » You started to apologize with a fake embarrassed smile.


You didn't even know what kind of band it was. What if it was a satanic group tributing every of their songs to a buffalo or another strange cause ? Their fans were too crazy to belong to a sane band. Nah, you definitely weren't going to come.


«  It's not late at all. » The first girl cut you off with a bright smile and her eyes full of excitation. « Come on ! It's going to be fun, you're going to love them ! »


You winced, annoyed and feeling they were kind of twisting your arm. What kind of people force you to go to a concert after you just met them ?

If only you had paid attention to the road and didn't bump into that guy...! You sighed, racking your brain to find another poor excuse.

The girls started to walked towards the bar's doors, and being stuck under Jena's arm, you had no choice but follow them too.


« You won't regret it ! » The third one giggled. « You're going to be mindblown, I can guarantee you ! »


You rolled your eyes. You weren't easily impressed. And you highly doubted a band called Rolling Buffalo with a member wearing a shining jacket would give you thrills.

They better had to be good, because you were expecting the worst.


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[Seducing Nerdy Chanyeol] 12/10 I'll update this week !


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pcygal #1
Chapter 40: Read this ff first in 2015, I think. Then read this again second and third time. It’s 2024 now and yes, I read it again. Laughed and cried over this story again.
Pleae1 #2
Back here for the third time
just letting you know i came back here to read this story everytime i had a break up just to get me in that depressive mode.
1312AZ #4
Chapter 41: Hey, just want to know what's the deal with Kai ??
Chapter 41: So... I hate Kai here. I expected a reason of why he'd been always so mean to her. There was no reason mentioned. I ing hate his character in this fic so much. What the .
Chapter 40: I'm here re-reading the finale episode once again.
I move on in circle.
Chapter 41: Need to say, i know it from 2014 and this is 2019. I don’t know if the writer still seeing this but i need to say. this is the best stories I have ever read. I love how you write and run the characters. I love your story lines. I love the ending that i know in my damn heart that it’s a happy one. I so freaking love this story! After finish commenting this, I probably go to your profile and hope to see another stories. I do hope i will find at least one <3
Chapter 5: Seriously, if it was me, i would totally deeply falling for Chanyeol when he tease me like that. *shying to death*
Chapter 3: oh my god! He's too cute I really can't handle x'D