
Dreams DO Come True



      "Here you are," TOP smiled as he placed Sooyeon's suitcase at the foot of the only unoccupied bed. "You can freshen up in the bathroom across the hall. I'll be in the living room with Taeyang and Seungri if you need anything." Seunghyun bowed as he exited the room.
      Stepping into the bathroom, Sooyeon eyed the shower and decided that was just what she needed. The warm water soothed her sore airplane muscles. Stepping out, she realized that she didn't bring in a change of clothes. Clutching the towel to her wet body, she snuck across the hallway as quickly as she could. Closing the door behind her, she prayed to Shisus that the boys in the living room didn't see her. Suddenly her attention was drawn to the balcony that she didn't know was there. Stepping outside, she gasped at the amazing view of Seoul from the hill the house was built on.
      Sooyeon shivered as the cold night air hit her bare skin.
      "Are you nervous?" came Seunghyun's deep voice from behind her.
      "Of course I am," she replied. She swallowed hard as she heard the large man's heavy footsteps approach her. She flinched slightly as she felt his large arms wrap around her. When he released her, she was wrapped in a warm blanket.
      "I would be, too. Living in a foreign country with five strange men," he chuckled. "You really should come inside; it's freezing out here," he told her as he turned to leave. "And putting some clothes on would be a good idea, too." He smirked over his shoulder as he went back to the living room and Sooyeon's face burned.


      The sights and sounds of Seoul night life amazed Chanyoung as Daesung led her to his favorite restaurant. She was lost in her own world when the sudden sound of a car horn made her stop in her tracks.
      "Chanyoungie!" Daesung called loudly as he jerked the blonde into his arms and held her tightly against his chest. Both of them began to catch their breath as the outside world came into focus once again. Slowly breaking the embrace, Chanyoung turned around to find that a car was stopped mere inches from where she had just been standing in the street. Daesung apologized frantically to the driver before clutching the petite girl and guiding her away from the scene.
      "I'm so sorry, oppa," she apologized sincerely, looking at the ground.
      "It's alright, now I have a reason not to let you out of my sight." He smiled and gave her shoulder a squeeze as he continued leading her.
      All throughout dinner, Daesung watched Chanyoung intently. It was almost like he was fascinated with her. She was surprised at how much she blushed. Usually she would love the attention from such an attractive man. For some reason she couldn't figure out, Daesung was different from other men.


      "That was an intense workout," Kaseung told Jiyong as she wiped remaining sweat from her forehead. The pair slipped their shoes off and stepped into the dorm.
      "Tell me about it. You went harder than I did," he laughed as they ventured deeper into the strangely quiet house. ", it's late the others must already be sleeping. You can shower first if you want," he whispered.
      Kaseung nodded, heading to her room to grab her pajamas. She had to cover to stop herself from screaming when she saw her favorite leader laying in the third bed in the room. With a smile plastered on her face, she nearly skipped over to the bed and gave Sooyeon a kiss on the forehead. "Goodnight, Yeonnie~" She turned around and did the same to Chanyoung before gathering her things and heading to the shower. The steady stream of hot water reminded her of how tired she was.
      Stepping out of the bathroom in her Hello Kitty PJ shorts and shirt, she was about to cross the hallway when she heard her name being called from the direction of Jiyong's room. "Oppa? Did you call for me?" she asked, stepping into the room.
      "Yeah, come in." He shut the door behind her. "Do you think working out is paying off? Can you tell?"
      "Of course, oppa! You look great!"
      "You can't tell just by looking. Come on, feel," he said, holding his arm out to her.
      Kaseung ran her hand down his muscular arm, watching the skin glisten with sweat under her fingers. A strong hand on her chin forced her to look up into the dragon's eyes. The man above her took a deep breath, slowly closing his eyes.
      "Sleep in here tonight," he said suddenly.
      "You heard me," he laughed and tackled her to the bed.
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this is so cute.
AT LAST! I have found a fic where dae gets with one of the main characters!
yeonnie-_- #3
You're awesome!!!!!! And you miss awesome pants happen to be my best bud, and you're sitting next to me right now updating your first chapter unaware of me typing rapidly. You pabo:D