
Dreams DO Come True




Sooyeon sighed and tied her short, auburn hair in a stubby ponytail just as the flight attendant announced that they would be landing shortly. She couldn’t believe it; she was finally going to be living in Seoul. She had dreamed of this moment her whole life, and it was finally happening. As the plane began its slow descent, Sooyeon suddenly became nervous. She would be arriving at the airport to be picked up by an unknown friend of Rain’s. To add onto things, her two best friends had already arrived in Korea and were doing well. She sighed again as the plane hit the ground. She followed the long line of people out of the plane and into the terminal. She suddenly stopped and stared at a tall, blue-haired man right in front of her. Her eyes went wide when she noticed that he was looking at HER. It was TOP. The one and only TOP.

        “Excuse me? Miss? Are you Sooyeon-ssi?” he asked her.
        suddenly went dry. “Y-yes.”
        He smiled at her. “Hello~” He bowed. “I’m Seunghyun, you will be staying with me. I’m Rain’s friend. It’s nice to meet you!”
        “A-Annyeonghasaeyo,” she bowed slightly as she followed him out of the airport.


         Chanyoung ran her hand through her straight blonde hair as she looked around the airport terminal. Rain said that his friend would pick her up, but she saw NO ONE that looked even close to official enough to be picking up a future celebrity. Just as she reached for her cell phone to to Rain, she heard her name being called from behind her.
        “Chanyoungie! Chanyoungie!” She turned around to see a figure rushing towards her. “Thank goodness, I thought I’d never find you! Hello, I’m Daesung!” the man said as he bowed. “You’ll be staying with me. Your friend Kaseung is out to lunch with Jiyong and Seungri. Come one, let’s go to the house!"
        Chanyoung remained silent and allowed herself to be dragged behind the blonde man. She was shocked. Normally she was very controlling in social situations, but with this guy, she couldn’t even get a word in! And now he was dragging her! She sighed in frustration as the bright sunlight outside the airport caused her to squint.


Kaseung made a face at herself in the airport bathroom mirror. She ran a hand through her hair to fluff it. She already looked perfect; she was just stalling. Though she would hate to admit it, she was extremely nervous about meeting Rain’s friend, because she knew he had a lot of celebrity connections. But wait; she was going to be a celebrity soon, right? So why should she be nervous? Ignoring the butterflies in her tummy, she stepped out of the bathroom and went to the place Rain told her to go. She pouted as she looked around.
“Aigoooo~ So cute~!” a voice beside her said.
Her eyes widened. “G-dragon?”
The man beside her laughed. “Yeah, but you can call me Jiyong.” He paused. “Or oppa,” he added with a wink.
Kaseung blushed as she bowed deeply. “N-Ne oppa, I’m Kaseung.”
Jiyong laughed once again. “I know. You’ll be living with me.”
        “Living with you!?” Kaseung said, barely audible as she followed him out of the airport.
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this is so cute.
AT LAST! I have found a fic where dae gets with one of the main characters!
yeonnie-_- #3
You're awesome!!!!!! And you miss awesome pants happen to be my best bud, and you're sitting next to me right now updating your first chapter unaware of me typing rapidly. You pabo:D