Let's Get Away

To Heal Key's Broken Heart



Minho placed a hand over his heart. He knew that Key didn’t feel the same way, but he felt strange. Key had practically purred at him on the phone, and Minho couldn’t help but wonder if the older boy was really okay. He had slid down to the floor in the shock, and was sitting stiffly against his bed. He heard the apartment door click open and his heart began slamming against his ribs. More time must have passed than he realized. Footsteps were echoing down the hallway, and they were getting closer. Minho tried to move but his body was frozen. I don’t want to look like an idiot. Key poised himself at the door frame. He noted with satisfaction that Minho’s breath hitched. The man approached Minho, like a cat going after its prey, and ready to play with it.

“Hey, Minho. What are you doing down there?” A smile curved onto Key’s lips as he bent to his friend’s level.” Key rested his hand on Minho’s forehead, purposefully leaning in extremely close to his face. “You don’t have a fever. Why do you like you’re in shock?”  

I am. Minho thought to himself.  Key leaned back tapping his lips, drawing in the other boy’s attention.

“You want to get out of here?” Minho looked up, surprised.

“Where?” Key looked thoughtful for a moment; an idea was crossed over his face.

“We should go somewhere where no one can find us. Somewhere secret, and far away!” Minho was hesitant, but Key was adamant.

“And I know just the place!”

      Minho hands were clenched onto his lap. He was so nervous, he could hardly breathe. Key had packed them both clothes in a duffle bag and loaded them into the cab, he called. Minho wasn’t sure if they were doing the right thing. He cleared his throat.

“We still have a schedule. Shouldn’t we tell the other members where we are going at least?” Key shot him a slightly annoyed glance.

“Minho, don’t you ever want to get away from it all?” He was quiet.

“Is that why we are taking a cab? So that the others won’t know that we have left?” Key didn’t look at him. “I see.” Key suddenly scooted over close to Minho, resting his head in his shoulder.

“I’m just glad I get to be alone with you.”  Minho lost all hope of ever being able to breathe again. Key had begun to trace circles onto Minho’s arms, giving his goose bumps from all of the unexpected contact.

“Where are we going?” Key looked up at Minho, from underneath his lashes. He pursed his lips innocently.

“It’s a surprise!” The rapper sighed, knowing he wasn’t going to get any information from Key.

“Is it somewhere we have been before?” The boy on his shoulder shook his head.

“Some of the members have been there.” Minho scrunched his brows. We usually go everywhere together. Which members have been there?

“Stop worrying Mr. Charisma. You’ll give yourself worry lines.” Key poked the crease between Minho’s eyes and laughed.  “We will have a lot of fun. It will be a nice change from the usual scenery.”  He picked his head off of Minho’s shoulder and glanced out the window.

“We’re here!” He chimed happily. The cab came to a stop and he quickly exited the car, grabbing the bags. Minho slowly stepped out, surveying his surroundings.

“Where are we?” he couldn’t place their location. Key walked around the car.

“We are at a vacation spot I like. There is a beach and the town is small, but there are a ton of adorable little shops. I can look for records, and there are tons of places to get awesome pictures.” Key was rambling about the joys of the area he picked. Minho was staring at him. Key stopped, and sent him a questioning glance.

“Minho?” The tall boy approached Key wordlessly, and enveloped him in his arms.

“Are you really okay?” Key was frozen.

“I’m happy.” He forced out. Minho smoothed his hand over Key’s hair gently

“No you’re not.” He whispered. Key choked, feeling hot tears bubbling to his eyes. Why am I crying? This is not what is supposed to be happening.

“You don’t have to pretend that you are happy, when I know that you’re not. It hurts me more when you don’t show your true feelings. Just let it out, Key. Don’t keep things to yourself.” Key wrapped his arms around Minho’s waist, securing their connection. He buried his face into the younger man’s chest, and cried. Exhausted and tearful, Key at least felt safe in the other’s arms. Key felt his heart against his ribs.

What am I feeling? Why does my heart hurt do much? 

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i re-updated my new chapter: Meaning I added more! so check it out!


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SashaHRH #1
Chapter 6: Hopefully Key isn't just using our Minho. And fingers crossed for an update in the near future.
Ilonahaku #2
Hello, are you going to continue this story? T__T
Ilonahaku #3
Hello, how are you? Is everything alright?
I hope you could enjoy Easter holidays a lot. :)

I just wonder...will you continue this fanfic? I really love this story and it kinda breaks my heart that there was no update in last months. T.T I would love to read more of your story. :)
Have a nice day! :)
Ilonahaku #4
Chapter 6: OMG, I am so happy that you updated again! <3
I was looking forward to your update so much! :D

I liked that Key and Minho spent some time together and "alone" (without others), but I think Key´s behaviour is too forced to get Minho´s heart. :/ Too bad that it confuses Minho even more. But the last line made me think that Key may really start falling in love with Minho. :D I hope he will quit his revenge soon and will focus on real love, feelings and relationship. :)

Poor Key, he cried again. T.T He is so broken.

Thank you very much and have a nice day! ^^/
Ilonahaku #5
Chapter 5: I hope you are going to continue this fanfic, because I really like this story a lot and it seems that a lot of interesting things will happen. Looking forward to your next update! ;)
Chapter 5: Key's plan is never going to work lol.He'd either start falling for minho half way through the plan or succeed with it and leave behind a hurt minho and probably feel guilty forever...
Kendall #7
oh no Key TT I don't like it when people use other people to get what they want XD! I hope his plans will fail and then he'll fall in love with Minho without thinking about Jonghyun ;A;
Kendall #8
hehe Hmm wonder what will happen next :)
Kendall #9
doesnt matter if it's short :D it looks great anyways ^^ i can't wait to read new chapt! :)