Minho's confession

To Heal Key's Broken Heart

               Key had heard the entire argument.  He heard Jjong smack the ground, and Minho’s battle cry.  Key was even more embarrassed.

     I must’ve been talking in my sleep.  Key thought.  Tears started to prick’s Key’s eyes once again, and he heard his door creak open.  He turned to face the wall and quickly brought the covers over his eyes.  Minho, believing Key was still asleep, sat back down on the bed. 

     “Sorry,” he whispered at Key.  “I don’t know what has come over me.  He… I was always so jealous that he got to have you, when you never really even noticed me.  I just don’t understand how he thinks he could ever find anyone better than you.”  Minho ran a hand through his dark brown hair, and blew out a breath.  “I’m such a fool. I can’t even tell you how I feel about you, and now I’m sitting here explaining it to you when you can’t even hear me.  I have to go.”  Minho leaned over Key, his arms resting over both sides of the boy’s body.  He smoothed back the hair on Key’s forehead, and gently kissed him.  “I love you.” He breathed and then left.  


     Key thought his lungs were going to explode.  When he heard the door shut quietly behind Minho, he gasped for air.  He pressed his palms against his flaming red cheeks.  He sat up in bed, light headed and breathless.

“Minho loves me.”  A while later, Key knew he was all alone.  The house was completely quiet, and most of the lights had been turned off.  Everyone had already left for their engagements and activities for the day.  His schedule was supposed to be full too.  Key sighed, he had a splitting headache the size of China and he felt extremely hollow inside.  He slid his legs over the side of his bed, and pressed his feet to the cool floor.  With a shiver, he forced himself to stand on his wobbly legs.  Key slowly tried to make his way toward the kitchen.  With the house dark, Key couldn’t see anything.  Especially since whenever he strained his eyes to see in the dark, his headache intensified tenfold.  Key’s foot caught on something lying on the ground, and he slipped.  With a curse, he went down, and there was nothing to catch him but the solid floor.  He groaned, gripping his head and rolled into a tight ball on his side.  The familiar black spots had returned, and he once again faded into darkness.

               Jonghyun made his way to the door of their apartment, and d for the keys in his pocket.  He was exhausted from a long day of meeting fans and working on promotions.  He could still here the echo of screaming fans ringing in his ears.  Finally finding the correct key, he slipped it into the lock, and twisted it.  Click.  The entire inside of the house was dark now except for the last dim rays of sunlight breaking in through the open window in the living room.  Jonghyun sighed.  It has been such a long week.  He scuffled out of his shoes and headed toward the kitchen for a snack.  Jonghyun jolted back as his toes, ran into a soft object.  Groan.  Jonghyun squinted down at the floor.

               “Key!” Jjong dropped to his knees beside his ex-boyfriend, shaking him.  “Key, are you okay?  Why are you here on the floor?”  He watched as Key shakily pushed himself off of the ground, winced and then grabbed his head.  “Key.” Jonghyun whispered weakly, hating seeing his fellow member in pain.

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i re-updated my new chapter: Meaning I added more! so check it out!


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SashaHRH #1
Chapter 6: Hopefully Key isn't just using our Minho. And fingers crossed for an update in the near future.
Ilonahaku #2
Hello, are you going to continue this story? T__T
Ilonahaku #3
Hello, how are you? Is everything alright?
I hope you could enjoy Easter holidays a lot. :)

I just wonder...will you continue this fanfic? I really love this story and it kinda breaks my heart that there was no update in last months. T.T I would love to read more of your story. :)
Have a nice day! :)
Ilonahaku #4
Chapter 6: OMG, I am so happy that you updated again! <3
I was looking forward to your update so much! :D

I liked that Key and Minho spent some time together and "alone" (without others), but I think Key´s behaviour is too forced to get Minho´s heart. :/ Too bad that it confuses Minho even more. But the last line made me think that Key may really start falling in love with Minho. :D I hope he will quit his revenge soon and will focus on real love, feelings and relationship. :)

Poor Key, he cried again. T.T He is so broken.

Thank you very much and have a nice day! ^^/
Ilonahaku #5
Chapter 5: I hope you are going to continue this fanfic, because I really like this story a lot and it seems that a lot of interesting things will happen. Looking forward to your next update! ;)
Chapter 5: Key's plan is never going to work lol.He'd either start falling for minho half way through the plan or succeed with it and leave behind a hurt minho and probably feel guilty forever...
Kendall #7
oh no Key TT I don't like it when people use other people to get what they want XD! I hope his plans will fail and then he'll fall in love with Minho without thinking about Jonghyun ;A;
Kendall #8
hehe Hmm wonder what will happen next :)
Kendall #9
doesnt matter if it's short :D it looks great anyways ^^ i can't wait to read new chapt! :)