The Idea of Revenge

To Heal Key's Broken Heart

Jonghyun is going to get it! Key thought angrily, pacing back and forth across the empty practice room.  He couldn’t stand to be in the house any longer, so he had left to go to the one quiet place that he knew of.  He had discovered the little abandoned building two years ago, after taking some wrong directions from Onew.  He could tell no one had been there for years because everything was covered in a thick layer of dust and cobwebs.  When he had peeked around, he had found a room with mirrors covering every wall.  From the looks of it, the room was once an old dance studio.  Within the week, Key had managed to slip away enough to clean up the room and make it his.  Overtime the room gained more of his possessions.  Stacks of magazines, catalogs, and articles were stacked haphazardly against the back wall.  Right above the piles was a wide, boarded up window.  A small pile of clothes was tossed to one side of the room, and a Tupperware box containing some food was next to the door leading in, that sometimes had a sticky lock.  Even some pictures that Jonghyun had drawn him, or that Taemin had colored for him, were stuck up on the mirrors.  It was Key’s sacred, secret place.  He would go there when he was upset or angry.  Whenever he felt lacking, he would sneak away to practice his singing and dancing, away from prying eyes. 

“I’m so angry!” Key yelled to himself in the mirror.  He kicked a pile of magazines and they went skittering all over the floor.  Key glanced down and saw a picture of him and Jonghyun staring up at him.  Key swiped the magazine, ripped out the page, and then tore it in half. 

“If only there was a way to get back at him.”  Key said through gritted teeth.  He felt a vibration in his pocket, and fished out his cellphone, that he had managed to grab before storming out of the house.  The caller ID read Minho.  An idea formed in his head, and a sly smile spread across his face.

Minho loves me.  Key thought.  He will be perfect.  Key glanced down at his phone once again.

“Jonghyun, I’m going to get revenge… I’m going to make you wish that you’d never left me.”  He pressed the receive button on his cell, and answered the call. 

“Oh, hi Minho.  I was just thinking about you…”   



Sorry that I am a super slow updater! but please enjoy anyway and leave some comments!! :)

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i re-updated my new chapter: Meaning I added more! so check it out!


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SashaHRH #1
Chapter 6: Hopefully Key isn't just using our Minho. And fingers crossed for an update in the near future.
Ilonahaku #2
Hello, are you going to continue this story? T__T
Ilonahaku #3
Hello, how are you? Is everything alright?
I hope you could enjoy Easter holidays a lot. :)

I just wonder...will you continue this fanfic? I really love this story and it kinda breaks my heart that there was no update in last months. T.T I would love to read more of your story. :)
Have a nice day! :)
Ilonahaku #4
Chapter 6: OMG, I am so happy that you updated again! <3
I was looking forward to your update so much! :D

I liked that Key and Minho spent some time together and "alone" (without others), but I think Key´s behaviour is too forced to get Minho´s heart. :/ Too bad that it confuses Minho even more. But the last line made me think that Key may really start falling in love with Minho. :D I hope he will quit his revenge soon and will focus on real love, feelings and relationship. :)

Poor Key, he cried again. T.T He is so broken.

Thank you very much and have a nice day! ^^/
Ilonahaku #5
Chapter 5: I hope you are going to continue this fanfic, because I really like this story a lot and it seems that a lot of interesting things will happen. Looking forward to your next update! ;)
Chapter 5: Key's plan is never going to work lol.He'd either start falling for minho half way through the plan or succeed with it and leave behind a hurt minho and probably feel guilty forever...
Kendall #7
oh no Key TT I don't like it when people use other people to get what they want XD! I hope his plans will fail and then he'll fall in love with Minho without thinking about Jonghyun ;A;
Kendall #8
hehe Hmm wonder what will happen next :)
Kendall #9
doesnt matter if it's short :D it looks great anyways ^^ i can't wait to read new chapt! :)