Key's world goes dark

To Heal Key's Broken Heart

Key had oil pastel smudged on his chin.  He was working on coloring in a part of the bright, yellow flower that had been drawn onto the wall of the coffee shop.  Jonghyun burst into the room, his eyes wild.

     “I was just trying to fix it. It won’t be as pre…” Key was silenced by Jonghyun’s lips.  Key felt like he was melting and he felt Jonghyun pull back slightly.  With his arms already around Jjong, he pulled him back into a deeper kiss.  Neither was able to breathe, but it was a good kind of breathless.  When they finally unlocked their lips, Jonghyun looked Key in the eyes.

     “I like you.  Whether you’re a man, or an alien- I don’t care anymore.  I tried getting rid of my feelings, but I couldn’t… so let’s go as far as we can go. Let’s give it a try.” Key smiled, his eyes suspiciously bright.  With his hand on the back of Key’s neck, Jonghyun pulled him into a tight hug.

     “Cut!” The director yelled.  “Good work everyone! That’s all for today, we will continue filming tomorrow.” 

Key quickly disengaged himself from Jonghyun, blushing crimson.  He was so embarrassed. Jonghyun had broken up with him only two days prior to the shooting of their drama parody.  Key had tried to convince the director to switch him out for someone else to pair with Jjong, but he had refused.  Key didn’t know how much longer he could stand the torture of being so close to his now ex-boyfriend.  He walked out of the coffee shop to get fresh air, and only got to the end of the street, that led out from the shop, when he got attacked by fans.  They swarmed around him, screaming and grabbing for their cameras and cell phones.  Flashes were going off from every direction, and a tight circle had surged around him.  Key’s head was spinning and he couldn’t breathe. 

     This is too much, Key thought to himself.  I can’t handle anymore.  With spots of black already clouding his vision, Key collapsed.  The fans gasped, and were shocked into silence.  A tall, dark figure approached and waded through the mob.  With extreme gentleness, Minho eased Key off the ground and shifted him into his arms.  Fans started to close in on them both.  Minho looked coldly on.

     “Move.” He threatened, his voice ringing low.  The crowd instantly parted and he stalked off, with Key still unconscious in his arms. 

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i re-updated my new chapter: Meaning I added more! so check it out!


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SashaHRH #1
Chapter 6: Hopefully Key isn't just using our Minho. And fingers crossed for an update in the near future.
Ilonahaku #2
Hello, are you going to continue this story? T__T
Ilonahaku #3
Hello, how are you? Is everything alright?
I hope you could enjoy Easter holidays a lot. :)

I just wonder...will you continue this fanfic? I really love this story and it kinda breaks my heart that there was no update in last months. T.T I would love to read more of your story. :)
Have a nice day! :)
Ilonahaku #4
Chapter 6: OMG, I am so happy that you updated again! <3
I was looking forward to your update so much! :D

I liked that Key and Minho spent some time together and "alone" (without others), but I think Key´s behaviour is too forced to get Minho´s heart. :/ Too bad that it confuses Minho even more. But the last line made me think that Key may really start falling in love with Minho. :D I hope he will quit his revenge soon and will focus on real love, feelings and relationship. :)

Poor Key, he cried again. T.T He is so broken.

Thank you very much and have a nice day! ^^/
Ilonahaku #5
Chapter 5: I hope you are going to continue this fanfic, because I really like this story a lot and it seems that a lot of interesting things will happen. Looking forward to your next update! ;)
Chapter 5: Key's plan is never going to work lol.He'd either start falling for minho half way through the plan or succeed with it and leave behind a hurt minho and probably feel guilty forever...
Kendall #7
oh no Key TT I don't like it when people use other people to get what they want XD! I hope his plans will fail and then he'll fall in love with Minho without thinking about Jonghyun ;A;
Kendall #8
hehe Hmm wonder what will happen next :)
Kendall #9
doesnt matter if it's short :D it looks great anyways ^^ i can't wait to read new chapt! :)