
The next morning was much like yesterday's, except for a sudden downpour.


For Tao, this was his first rainy day in his new school. Not wanting to be soaked and embarrassed, he went to the library and relaxed there.


Kris arrived later than usual, due to not being able to find his umbrella or hoodie. He was worn out from rummaging through his stuff and running around all over the house trying to find his stuff.


He looked around the courtyard like he did every morning when he searched for his friends. Figuring they probably wouldn't want to be stuck in the rain, he went inside the school building.


He found Chen, Xiumin, and Luhan (with Carlos of course) in the library with Tao. That gave Kris relief. They were being nice to him and talking to him and trying to make him feel welcome.


...Well, at least Luhan was. Chen and Xiumin sat together silently, Chen playing with Xiumin's hand and Xiumin sleepily watching him.

Luhan saw Kris enter the library from where he sat.


“HEY, KRIS! WE'RE OVER HERE!” he shouted waving at him, making echoes sound throughout the library, getting attention from all of the different students scattered around, the librarian shooting a dirty look at him, scaring Xiumin, and Kris facepalming.


Luhan didn't seem to notice, however. When Kris quietly scolded him (“This is a library, not a playground, if you didn't seem to notice!”) he acted as if he hadn't done anything wrong.


Tao watched Kris verbally slap Luhan in the face for shouting so loud. He actually thought it was kind of funny, seeing Luhan not really care, and making Kris even more annoyed with his carelessness.


“Whatever,” Kris sighed, giving up on teaching Luhan why you shouldn't shout in a library of all places.


He turned to Tao. “Hey, Tao. What's up?”


Tao made eye-contact with him, confused. “What's...up?” He had no idea what that meant.


“What's up! You know, like what's going on, what's happening?”


“Oh. Nothing's up,” he said, turning his head away from Kris embarrassed.


Kris laughed in his mind. Weird kid. So cute.


He took a book out of his bag. It had a red plain book cover, and in the center, in bold gold letters, it read “Welke Sonnenblume”. Plopping down in a chair next to Tao, he opened up to where his bright sky blue bookmarker had been.


'Where the hell did I stop...'


“What's that?” Tao asked.


“Huh? Oh, this old thing? It's a book my mom gave me a long time ago and now she's forcing me to read it. It's by Hannah Frahzn or something like that. ”


“Weelky....Son And Bloom?”


Kris laughed and snorted. “No, Tao. Welke Sonnenblume. It means wilted sunflowers in German.”


Tao blushed lightly. 'So so cute,' Kris thought.


“What's it about?”


'Yes. The million dollar question.'


“It has androids and telekinetic chicks and maids and thieves and y news reporters and--”


“Calm down there, Kris,” Luhan interrupted, fiddling with the locks on his violin's case noisily.

“Stop messing with your stupid violin!”


Luhan gasped. “He's not a stupid violin, Kris. His name is Carlos and he makes very nice music.”


“Yeah yeah, whatever. Also, where's Lay?”


Luhan thought for a second, and then perked up.


“I remember now! He said he ate something bad and stayed home.”


“Ha. That little faker.”


Luhan opened his mouth to reply, but upon seeing Sehun enter the library, he bolted up.




Kris had shoved a hand over Luhan's mouth, muffling his shout. Sehun, who was across the library, doubled over in quiet laughter.


Stop. Yelling.”



note from meepy: idk nothing much to say except THANKKK YOOOUUUU!  <33333 also i think i made luhan too bubbly? idk. i feel really horrible right now ugh. have finals tomorrow and then thursday is the last day of school woohoo! then i'm off to my first year of highschool. scary! will prob update bump tomorrow or something. thanks again for supporting me! <333

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taoriskt #1
Chapter 5: haha so cute
Tao nodded and smiled. He looked at Chanyeol and smiled to him as well, earning a toothy grin back.

Chanyeol smiled apologetically and grabbed his hand, leading him (baekhyun) down the hall. As they passed the remaining two boys, Chanyeol nodded at Tao, signaling some kind of secret friendship. Tao nodded back and waved.

woaa~ what is Chanyeol and Tao relationship?? hmm hmm?
taorishaehyuk #3
Real life mean girls !!!! *LOL*
Can't stop laughing reading this chapter !!!!
LOOOL this chapter!! Real life mean girls hahaha so funny XD
Bliss_Destiny #5
My baby watches Mean Girls?!
Cookie7 #6
Lmao! LuHan and BaekHyun having a b*tch fight? Lol ChenChen should have been in it!
Happened to me before too. Don't worry, we'll forgive you <3
sumomoyuki #8
Ugh so not fun >_< hope it gets fixed soon!