[SonnyDearr] The Unfinished Song

☆★=The Divine Game=☆★ [☆★Oneshot Request☆★][Closed]

Title:  The Unfinished Song
Group:  CN Blue
Pairing:  Jonghyun+Sonny
Rating:  PG-13
Warnings:   N/A
Genre: Romance
Summary:  Jonghyun can never finish his song… at least not without her.

                He stuck the chords of the guitar at the moment preferring to use his fingers rather than a pick. It was a new song he was working on and every time he had a pick in his fingers when he played it never felt quite right. Something was wrong in some unknown, but profound way. Every time he tried to complete the song or even attempt to add a new chord it felt terrible, nothing fit correctly. To describe the feeling was like an itch one could never reach yet you couldn’t help but to try. For him it was a rash he’d had for over two years now.

                “Ah,” he cried out softly as the strings bit open his flesh, blood beaded at the top. Lightly he sat down his beloved guitar, the SE scarlet red PRS guitar; his very close friend gave him before moving on with her life. He smiled softly as the flicker of her face appeared in his mind, a bubbling ball of energy. The smile quickly dropped to a frown when he realized his bleeding finger was dripping blood lightly onto the stage floor.

                “Drat I have to clean this up, an idol can’t bleed on the stage he sings on,” Jonghyun muttered to himself. Jumping off the high wooden stool, he runs off to find a rag to rub off the blood before it bothers any of the staff that would later enter.  He dashed into the backstage dressing rooms before his eyes whipped over semi-long haired girl, after a quick scan of her and the room, he spots a neon yellow towel a fan gave him. Rocking slightly on his heels, Jonghyun darts his eyes between the towel and the rest of the room. Thankfully he sees a used rag in the corner, he would have felt guilty using such a heart-felt gift to wipe his blood off the floor. When Jonghyun left, the girl giggled wildly, trying to hold in laughter, with her eyes boring into his back.

                Jonghyun you’re always so secretly dorky, she mentally smiled. That smile only lasted a second as the memories she’d rather forget assaulted her mind the strong hands wrapping around his small waist, the intelligent eyes watching her bemused, the touch of bare skin upon bare skin, the brush of lips...

                “Stop it, Sonny,” the girl, no wait young lady, scolded herself. Projecting a tougher image, straighten out her back and standing as high as a 158cm girl can Ryu Sonny marched her booty out of Jonghyun’s dresser room.

                “He never even wonders why there’s a girl in his dresser room real smart Jonghyun babo,” she muttered again, it was a bad habit, the muttering. Without a conscious thought she reached her fingers to grasp the small black guitar pick she wore around her neck, it contained the last happy memory of them.  

On stage he watched her as he played his instrument, refusing to let her out of his sight. Those clever eyes, those cunning eyes, those eyes she loved so much, were only focused on her. She should have felt embarrass or ashamed but she’s couldn’t. The feeling in her chest was lighter than air, higher than cloud nine it was like she was made to get along with Jonghyun. They were a song with the perfect balance of melody and harmony. Watching him play on that stage made her wish she was up there too playing beside him. It was intense in a way beyond that of ual into a realm of passion unknown to most. Her body tingled and buzzed from the high of music. Right then seeing him on that small stage of that coffee shop was the joyful. The people cheering shyly, the clapping hands they all imprinted on her memory. It wasn’t a big job, at least not the biggest Jonghyun had gotten, but it was on were the hearts of the audience and performer had connected. It was the first one in the longest time he had the right to relax on stage, the most joyful one in ages, and one with the loudest cheering. After his song finished he jumped off stage and presented me with his pick.

“So you never forget today,” He grinned widely, wrapping his fingers around her waist.

 Sonny looked down at the ground with her heart pounding. Taking in a slow and steady breathe she left the doorway, she left the memory. It was stupid of her to be stuck to that memory, they were over. The distance between them was too big. He didn’t probably even remember her. Good thing that an opening artist never has to meet the main one or her heart would break. He never called her, never sent her a letter, never sent her a text after she left Korea that summer’s day. Gradually she began to more and more interested in her music, trying the best to him block out.

It was just chance, a cruel twist of fate, that she was now stuck with him for six months. Auditioning, making it through and becoming “Muse” of Paradise, which was, ironically, was part of the same entertainment company as his, she went through so many years without ever clashing with him professionally. Dropping her head, she shakes out all thoughts of him and prepares to go on stage.

“What are you doing?” Jonghyun asked politely while staring at the man holding his guitar.. 

                “Sorry, I have to clean the stage for the performance,” the tall man stated not appearing the least bit apologetic. Jonghyun rushes on stage and takes the guitar from that mans fingers.

                “I’ll take from here. You’re busy right?” he speaks with a professional smile on his face. His eyes graze the instrument carefully making sure that there are no fingerprints on it. Suddenly a wave of melancholy hits him, powerful and overriding. The memories of her connected forever to this instrument play in his head. It was a bittersweet instrument, he loved the guitar and the girl that gave it to him yet he hated that fact it reminded him of the girl he could never have. One day without warning she vanished out of his fingers, this instrument will always remind him of how she never even said goodbye. The shaky feeling of phantom tears rush behind his eyes when he enters his dressing room.

                I need to stop thinking about her, Jonghyun thinks, but knows that will never happen. It will never happen until he throws his guitar way or until he finishes his song for her, a song incomplete unless he sees her. Coughing, he drops into the nearby seat and when he opens his eyes see spots something else that reminds him of her. On the table was a bag of cough drops the exact brand she always brought for him. Opening the wrapper and placing the brightly colored item in his mouth he thinks of her more. The tiny curiosity itches in the back of his head, who brought them for me?  He was pretty sure no one noticed his coughing before no one, his dongsaengs, manager, or staff, commented on it, so who brought them for him. 

                “Hey,” a voice loudly calls to him. Tilting his head he sees his manager-nim glaring at him.

“Yes?” certainty clouds his voice.

                “You have five minutes before you go on come back stage,” the manager clearly orders. Nodding he marches towards the stage. Nerves bunch up in his stomach leaving no room for her in his mind. No room until he peeks from behind the curtain and sees her. Proudly standing on stage and belting out lyrics, she commands audience and his attention. It was the first time he ever watched his opening act… it was Sonny it had to be Sonny. He could recognize that frame anywhere, but it couldn’t be her. He never remembered any news of her returning from that States or this group debuting from his company.

                “When everything is lost, you always search for that paradise.” Listening to her voice his was 100% sure it was her. Although it was more polished, her way of singing and playing was fundamentally the same.  It had to be her, but at the same time he couldn’t believe it. In a flash the song ended and she disappeared.

                As he played on stand with all those screaming fans and flashing lights a fraction of his mind was occupied by her. Surprisingly with his mind filled with her, his body still played correctly, his body remembered every of instrument, even if they itched to play another song. A song only complete if sung for her.

                Following that one performance Jonghyun never saw her again, it was like she was avoiding him. It was probably stupid to wait for her, to look for her without ever meeting her. Every day he waited outside the changing room or the back entrance of the current revenue he worried his band mates and rumors started to fly.  The rumors of him being depressed and rumors of him waiting for a girlfriend that would never come, both of which were actually half true.

                Sonny hid in the changing room peeking out every ten seconds to check if Jonghyun had left…he hadn’t. It was irritating and bad for her heart to see him waiting for her… was he even waiting for her? For all she knew he had a crush on one of the other members or even “Muse.” Their manager had told her that Jonghyun had been asking about Muse, but he didn’t remember if he told him her real name.  It made her anxious knowing he might actually know who she was. After fifteen minutes he gave up and she ran as quickly as her two feet carried her to the practice room.

Nearly tripping along the way, she entered the room cautiously keeping an eye out for him. Voices filtered down the halls, Jonghyun’s one of them. Twitching, her eyes scanned the bare room for a hiding place, only finding a trash bin. Biting her lip, she thought about facing him or jumping in the trash can.

“Please Please! PLEASE! Don’t let there be anything nasty in the trash,” she prayed in her hand and stepped in the container.

Jonghyun walked into the room chatting to Hongki. They spoke about some nonsense topic before Hongki took off to change his uncomfortable clothes.  Jonghyun jogged up the stairs and stared at his guitar. His fingers itched to play that unfinished song, sitting down he attempts to play it. Just like every other time as he plays he his brain freezes the words and chords there but unable to play.

Chucking lightly, he keeps playing finding the next set of chords in the melody. Powerful and clear a string of lyrics earnest appear. He poured his heart into the song, those words he always wanted to say yet never got to. He complied all his thoughts, all this love, into these lyrics that never quite fit with another until then. The words were sweet yet sad, pure emotions lay clearly on the table for all to hear.

I wished I had the chance to say goodbye, but suddenly you were gone. Without a farewell…without any words gone like the wind” He finished singing and announced loudly, “You can get out of the trash can now.”

Quietly he added, “Why did you never say goodbye?”

Why did you never call?” she jumped out the container like a bomb full of accusation.

“You never told me you were leaving so I thought you didn’t.. Plus, I dropped my phone in the sink and by the time I got a new one you changed your number,” he answered reasonably. The two of them stared at each other, just stared continuously, before breaking out in laughter. Jonghyun stood up and stumbling laughing from his seat to sit next to her. Pulling her closer to him he placed a kiss lightly on her head. The song was now complete and the couple was moving on to the set one in the album of their lives.

A./n It wasn't a comedy really but I hoped you enjoyed it :D

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pignie1 #1
new subbie!

update soon!
minka_ichigo911211 #2
Whoa... I love it!!>.<<br />
Thank u so much for writing it for me!!^^<br />
It's a happy ending i think..hehehe<br />
He committed suicide for me.. oh.. so sweeeeet>.<<br />
Luv it, luv it:D<br />
<br />
Once again, Gomawo^^<br />
Saranghaeyo!!!<333<br />
Title: These Feelings<br />
<br />
Rating*: Rated R<br />
<br />
Profanity Level: 2<br />
<br />
Genre*: Romance, Dark, Angst,<br />
<br />
Themes: Revenge Love<br />
<br />
Mood: Dark, suspenseful, tragedy.<br />
<br />
Group*:B2ST, KARA,<br />
<br />
Characters*: <br />
Kang Jiyoung - Soft/Kind/Obedient/<br />
Lee Kikwang - Stubborn/Cold-Hearted/<br />
Park Gyuri - FeistyInAGoodWay/Motherly<br />
Yoon JunHyung - Manly/Over Protective/Kind Heart<br />
<br />
<br />
Pairings: <br />
Jing+Kiki = KARA/B2ST<br />
Gyul+Jun = KARA/B2ST<br />
<br />
Plot line: <br />
Kikwang is in love with Gyuri, but she's already married <br />
with Junhyung and is already expecting their first child. <br />
Kikwang wanted to get revenge by taking Gyuri's little sister<br />
Jiyoung and make her his play toy. He would torture or<br />
abuse Jiyoung every night. One night he finally loose control<br />
and take advantage of Jiyoung's whole body while she was sleeping.<br />
[woke up of course] Just then he realize how wonderful Jiyoung is<br />
and begin to loose his 5 years feeling for Gyuri to Jiyoung.<br />
But that very night Jiyoung escapes to her lover's house, Dongwoon.<br />
Kikwang follows her and in the end he gets sick from standing outside<br />
of the house. Jiyoung took him home and forgave him ending it with<br />
a kiss and says "I Love You Ever Since I Saw You..." <---Jiyoung says it.<br />
<br />
Ban: Any death.<br />
<br />
Anything else: At The End. It Ends<br />
With A Scene Where This Time Jiyoung and Kikwang<br />
Is Sleeping Together Gently.
Title: <br />
<br />
Rating*: NC17 / R<br />
<br />
Profanity Level: 5<br />
<br />
Genre*: Romance, angst, dark-beginning, romantic/happy-ending<br />
<br />
Mood: Dramatic, romantic<br />
<br />
Group*: BEAST<br />
<br />
Characters*: <br />
Kim Rinchyeon (19) <br />
Shy when first meeting strangers but opens up after awhile, or when gotten to know them.<br />
Understanding, caring and is a good listener.<br />
Believes in finding true love on her own and dislikes arranged dates.<br />
Determined, once she sets her goals on something she wants to do or someone she likes, she swears not to change.<br />
Independent and enjoys cooking.<br />
<br />
Yoon Doojoon (22)<br />
Cold on the outside, has a big-brother vibe, bold, loving, <br />
<br />
Plot line: Rinchyeon and Doojoon had been dating for a few months and they met at a club where Rinchyeon used to work as a part-time bartender assistant. They love each other very much but one day, Rinchyeon initiated a break-up and Doojoon was heart-broken and couldn't understand why. He followed her only to realise that she went back to work at the club, only this time, as a hostess. She does not want to cheapen Doojoon by carrying on with their relationship. He did not know of her family troubles and how she's working hard to earn money for the family, thus this decision. He walks into the room when a man is trying to take advantage of her and drags her home.<br />
They mend their relationship and Doojoon tells Rinchyeon how much he loves her and cannot let her go, and how he would shoulder and family burdens with her.<br />
<br />
Ban: Sad ending, death.<br />
<br />
Anything else: Thank you for noting and reading through my application ^^ HWAITING FOR YOUR ONE SHOTS <3 I enjoyed reading the L.Joe one too haha!
AWW~! I LOVED IT~!<br />
ahaha, I really like the ending with the y L.Joe~!<br />
Ah~! i also love his pink y hair too~! ahaha thanks~!<br />
hwaiting~! (can i apply again?)
Title: /<br />
Rating*: R <br />
Profanity Level: 8 ? <br />
Genre*: Romance, Comedy and drama. Happy ending.<br />
<br />
Themes: Alex Thao - Lay in my bed (cover) or CN Blue - Tattoo<br />
<br />
Mood: Drama, Romantic and y.<br />
<br />
Group*: B2ST<br />
<br />
Characters*: <br />
Kwon Min Ji: (19)<br />
Bubbly & Bright, Cute/Adorable, Have my sarcastic moments, Very curious, When annoyed or bored I tend to pout a lot. *Stupid habit ㅠ.ㅠ*, Loves to listen to music 24/7, Dances almost everywhere, Hate it when someone messes up my hair, Rather listen to the heart then the brain, like say something before thinking.<br />
<br />
Yong Jun Hyung: (22)<br />
Bad boy vibe/Swagger, Hardcore sense of fashion, Has an serious addiction for coke *Some serious shut right here ㅅㅂㅅb*, Seductive, Nags like there's no tomorrow XDLOL *Srsly what's his problem XD no just kidding~~ㅋㅋㅋ*, Adorkable Music lover, Love composing lyrics & to fool around, Protective, (Has his Omma moments towards the ones he loves) <br />
<br />
Plot line: Maybe something along with the song~~ Jun Hyung and I are already dating~~ just let ur imagination go all wild with the plotㅋㅋㅋ ㅅㅂㅅb<br />
<br />
Ban: Death & Sad ending, Broken hearts.<br />
<br />
Anything else: <br />
Good luck with all ur oneshots and thank chuu~~<br />
SonnyDearr #7
HOMG! LOL. You say it wasn't comedy, but I was laughing like mad! The TRASH CAN?! LMFAO. I loved it! Thankyousomuch(:<br />
<br />
Goodluck on the rest of your one-shots! Hwaiting! ;D
Title: ? Can you make one up for me..<br />
Rating*: R<br />
Profanity Level:8<br />
Genre*: Romance, Tragedy<br />
Themes: Finally - Brave Brothers ft Kevin and Alexander from U-KISS<br />
Mood:Sad and Romantic but happy at the end..<br />
<br />
Group*: Super Junior<br />
<br />
Characters*: Kim Chan Soo- normal girl, has a sad history, very quiet and doesn't talk because of sad history<br />
Sungmin- Chan Soo's bestfriend and childhood friend, has feelings for her. Knows about her past.<br />
Eunhyuk- Chan Soo's bestfriend has feelings for her but doesnt know about her sad history<br />
Kim Heechul- Chan Soo's older brother, overprotective but trusts Sungmin, Eunhyuk and Ryeowook<br />
Kim Ryeowook- Chan Soo and Heechul's cousin. Very close with them. Treats Chan Soo like an older brother.<br />
<br />
<br />
Plot line: Chan Soo is a normal girl that has bestfrineds. She is very quiet , is shy and doesn't talk. This is because of her sad history (can you make up a really sad history? please..). Her parents are gone and she lives with her older brother, cousin and and 2 bestfriends. her 2 bestfriends both have feelings for her. but she cannot choose because her past had something to do with love. But in the end she is willing to make a decision between Sungmin and Eunhyuk.<br />
Ban: Death to the main characters (the one listed above), blood (Please no blood..)<br />
Anything else: Make the whole story sad but put a happy ending. Make her choose Sungmin. but keep Eunhyuk as a bestfriend....<br />
forever #9
lol i wrote BOTHERS down in the plot line XD I meant BOYS; haha. just sayin' :D
forever #10
Rating: R<br />
<br />
Profanity Level: 10? I'm not too picky about it :P<br />
<br />
Genre: Romance, Angst, Dark beggining-Happy ending<br />
<br />
Themes: It's You {Neorago} by Super Junior MV & Song<br />
<br />
Mood: Dark, Sad, Romantic<br />
<br />
Group: Super Junior<br />
<br />
Characters: <br />
Shin Eunha: caring, soft, not too talkative or quiet, easily scared/worried, someone Kyuhyun can protect & show his loving side to<br />
Kyuhyun: intelligent, witty, caring, strong & determined, extremely soft and careful around Eunha<br />
Ryeowook: Kyuhyun's best friend. Quiet, shy, kind, timid<br />
Eunhyuk: Eunha's best friend. Outgoing, overprotective, Eunha can't keep up with his craziness