Prince Charming

No Matter What Happens


“I had a lot of fun today. What are you guys doing tomorrow?” Woohyun was standing in front of the supermarket with Ahri and EunAe. 
“Well, nothing.” Ahri answered. 
“Let’s go watch a movie then.” Woohyun suggested.
“I would love to.” Ahri said without hesitation. 
“What about you EunAe? Do you want to go watch a movie tomorrow?” Ahri looked at EunAe with a pleading look. 
“Hmm, okay. What time do you guys want to meet at the movie theatre?”
“Let’s meet at 12 o’clock. We could have lunch before we go into the movies.” Woohyun had a big smile on his face.
“Well, see you tomorrow then. Ahri let’s go.” EunAe turned around and walked to the parking lot.
“Wait! Aren’t you going to say goodbye EunAe?” Ahri yelled after her, she turned around and walked back to Woohyun. 
“Goodbye, see you tomorrow. I had a lot of fun today.” EunAe looked up to Woohyun, she was about to turn around again when suddenly Woohyun grabbed her shoulders and pulled her into a hug. 
“I had a lot of fun today too.” Woohyun whispered. EunAe just nodded and wiggled out of his hug. Ahri was eying them with envy. EunAe just pulled her arm and walked to the parking lot.
“Bye!!” Ahri called over her shoulder. Woohyun waved at them until he lost them in the crowd of people. 
*Yes, I get to see EunAe again.” Woohyun fist pumped the air, earning weird looks from people walking past him.
“EunAe, do you like Woohyun?” Ahri asked while they were driving home.
“Yeah, he’s nice.” EunAe replied within a few seconds. 
“EunAe, you know I like him a lot? More than as friend but there is one problem.” Ahri slowly said.
“What’s the problem? If you say it’s because he only likes girls who are y and beautiful and not like you. I promise I will slap you. And if he does think that, well then he’s an who’s not worth your time.” EunAe’s voice was annoyed.
Ahri and EunAe had this conversation more than 1000 times. Ahri would always say no guy will like her since she’s not pretty nor has a perfect body.  Well who does? No human being will ever be perfect. Flaws are things that make people special, if all humans are perfect, live would pretty much be boring.
“No, that’s not it.” 
“Then what is it?” 
“He has a Girlfriend.” Ahri admitted.
“He has a girlfriend? Ahri, why didn’t you tell me before?” EunAe tried to sound untouched. When actually she felt something in her heart sink when Ahri said Woohyun was already taken. 
“Yes he is. And the worst of all she’s really pretty. Woohyun never had a girlfriend who was cubby. He always dated girls like you, shorter than him and not chubby. You are his ideal type.” Ahri pressed out between sobs. 
“Ahri don’t cry. Who knows? People change, there is a possibility that Woohyun will change. And he will love you for the person you are. We never know just wait Ahri, maybe someday he will feel the same for you.” EunAe Ahri’s back. 
“Don’t be sad, you still have a chance.” 
 EunAe’s felt happy when she heard that she was Woohyun’s ideal type but seeing how much Ahri cares for Woohyun she knew there was no possibility that she could be with him. She would never backstab her best friend for a guy, never. Guys come and go but friends stay forever. 
“What movie do you want to watch? Paranormal Activity 3 or Hunted House in 3D?” Woohyun pointed at the movie schedule. 
“Let’s watch Hunted House in 3D.” Ahri suggested. EunAe’s eyes widened, she slapped her face to see if she was dreaming.
“Isn’t 3D more expensive?” Woohyun pointed out.
“Yeah it is. Let’s watch Paranormal Activity 3 then.” EunAe said.
“Ok. You guys wait here I will go buy the tickets.” Woohyun turned around and walked to the ticket counter. As soon he was out of hearing range EunAe exploded.
“What the hell Ahri? You do know that both movies are total horror movies right? Are you trying to kill yourself? I know you hate horror movies; they freak you out beyond the point not being able to sleep.” EunAe was furious.
“But there are no other movies. And I want to spent time with Woohyun.” Ahri stuttered.
“Aww, fine but if you can’t sleep tonight don’t call me and cry. I warned you.”
“I won’t I promise. Anyways you and Woohyun will be there to hold my hands when I get scared.” Ahri happily beamed. EunAe just shook her head in frustration. 
*This is going to be the longest 2 hours of my life.* 
When Woohyun came back with the tickets, they went to have lunch. They decided to eat ramen at a nearby shop. As soon the food arrived at their table Woohyun and Ahri started to eat like they didn’t have food for weeks meanwhile EunAe ate slowly. Soon Woohyun and Ahri were finished eating, EunAe wasn’t even close to finishing. Woohyun watched her in amusement. EunAe felt someone watching her she looked up and saw Woohyun smiling brightly. 
“What are you smiling at?” She asked.
“Do you always eat that slowly? You are slower than a snail.” Woohyun cracked up.
“Well, I like to enjoy my food and it’s healthier too. I hope you don’t mind my eating habits, even if you do I couldn’t care less.” EunAe gave Woohyun a challenging look.
*Ohh, she’s feisty. Let’s see what she comes up with next.* 
“It’s okay Snail, just keep eating in your low speed.” Woohyun put special emphasis on the word snail. EunAe looked up from her food again, her eyebrows twitching in anger. 
“Don’t call me snail. Stop making fun of my eating habits. Just so you know, when you and Ahri will be complaining about an upset stomach, I will be the one laughing.” EunAe stuck her tongue out and resumed eating. Woohyun chuckled earning a death glare from EunAe.
“Our seats are I 14, 15 and 16.” Woohyun walked around looking for the seats.
“There! Next to the door.” Ahri pointed to their seats. They walked down the stairs and sat down. EunAe was sitting at the edge of the row next to her Ahri and then Woohyun. They waited for the movie to start. 
Everyone’s eyes were glued to the screen when the women opened the wardrobe, everyone was expecting something to pop out but nothing happened. Then suddenly a camera shot through the clothes with a head following. 
Ahri screamed in shock, she squeezed EunAe’s hand to the point where it became white and started to lose feeling. EunAe was just chuckling and eating her popcorn. Suddenly something took her free hand which was hanging over the seats arm rest into the aisle. EunAe tensed and slowly turned her head..... And she saw the most terrifying thing ever. 
She let out a loud scream, she jumped up from her seat, trying to shake off the hand, the popcorn box dropped on the floor and all the inside spilled on the floor. When EunAe screamed Woohyun jumped out of his seat, he rushed over to free her from the hand but he was too late, she tripped and fell. Everyone got up from their seats to see what was happening in the rows in front of them. Woohyun pushed the laughing masked man away. He knelt next to EunAe and hugged her, she was crying from shock. 
“Don’t cry. Its ok it was just a masked man, playing a trick on you.” Woohyun tried to comfort her. The staff member who was masked took it off and knelt down too.
“I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to make you cry. But this was supposed to be a Horror movie special.” He tried to touch EunAe’s arm but Woohyun pushed his hand away.
“Don’t you dare touch her! You scared her to death!” Woohyun was yelling furiously. The staff member starred at Woohyun and then got up. 
“Sorry for causing interrupting the movie. But this was supposed to be a Horror movie special, it was the first time to be tested and it will be the last time this cinema will do anything in this form. Please sit down again and resume watching the movie. Mian.” He bowed and walked over to Woohyun one more time he bend down and whispered. The crowd sat down again and resumed watching the movie. 
“I will give you back the money you and your girlfriend paid for this movie. Please don’t keep a grudge and come again. I’m extremely sorry for shocking her like that. I’m sorry” Then he disappeared trough the door. 
“Come one we are leaving.” Woohyun pulled EunAe up but her legs were still shaking. She almost fell on the floor again but this time Woohyun caught her. He lifted her up bridal style and carried her out of the movie, girls, eying EunAe in envy.
“Her boyfriend is so hot!” 
“He’s like a modern prince charming!” 
Ahri stayed seated, she watched the whole thing happen she wasn’t able to move she just starred at them paralyzed. Slowly everything sunk in, when she realized she was all alone in a horror movie she ran after them. 
I updated :D, I’m sorry for not doing so the whole week but I had end of year exams. 
 Anyways, I hope you enjoyed reading :)  
Please comment and tell me what you think, subscribe if you didn’t do so yet. 
I Have good and bad news for you guys :S
The good news, in one week I will be on holidays which means More regular Updates :D
The bad news, I’m going on a class trip this week and won’t be able to update :(
I Know I .... I’m sorry :( 
I Love you guys <3 Just bare with me :D Please :) 
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Enjoy your stay in Germany :) I understand how you feel, no need to stress out. Just take your time :D
Have fun in Germany :D
May I please slap her shes just a !! OMG update soon :)
woohyun you better break up with that two face . )<
or i'll create a third face on her D<
please update soon ^_^
Subscribed ^^
OMGGGGGGG love this story :) Update soon!