Meet the characters

No Matter What Happens

"Ahri, I have awesome news. Guess what it is!!" EunAe said with mysterious voice.

There was a long pause on the other end of the line, suddenly Ahri yelled into the phone.

"HOLY !!! Your dad is going to buy you the new IPhone 4S for your Birthday???" 

"No..... although that would be super awesome. But I doubt that will ever happen. Anyways.... You have two more guesses." EunAe answered.

"Hmmmm..... Does it have to do with a guy? OMO, is there a new student in your class who happens to be super hot? What's his name???" Ahri asked excited. 

"Seriously?? Does everything we talk about have to do with Guys? I will give you a tip... It has do with transferring schools." EunAe started to get annoyed.

She loved her best friend but sometimes Ahri was just super slow with her brain.

"AHHHH, I know it now, There is a new transfer student coming to Kangnam High School." Ahri sounded satisfied with her answer. Well she didn't know how wrong she was.

"Ahri, you know that I love you right? No offense but sometimes you are really dense." EunAe suddenly said.

She was the kind of person, who always spoke her mind. Sometimes her comments would gain her glaring and problems.

*Mann that was a mean remark, EunAe think before you say things. Now Ahri will play offended.* EunAe hit herself on the head. 

She was right, Ahri wasn't saying anything now. The other site of the phone conversation was filled with dead silence. Finally EunAe couldn't take it anymore and just blurred out the 'Awesome news'.

"I'm Going to transfer to Seoul International school!!!! Ahri, I'm sorry for calling you dense, forgive me? I know you want to scream of happiness right now." the annoyance in her voice was now replaced by teasing.

After a few seconds of more silence, EunAe heard small chuckles coming from Ahri, then she started screaming in her high pitched voice.


EunAe held the phone away from her ear until the screaming died. Then she started to give more details.

"I know, it's so awesome right? Anyway, I will take the entrance tests on Monday. My dad already scheduled an appointment. I'm so happy, finally I don't have to see that douche bag Nam Sukwoo anymore. After the winter holidays I will be free from him and his endless annoyance."

EunAe and Ahri both had bad experiences associated with Nam Sukwoo, he was a arrogant snobbish kid, who liked to play stupid and evil pranks on people. Also he would look for people's darkest secrets plus fears just to use it against them in the end. He was the kind of person that lives of other people's misery.

"EunAe, I'm so happy for you. Finally he will be gone from your life. He should pay for all the pain he caused you, both of us." Ahri's voice sounded like she was speaking a death treat.

*I can imagine her  putting her hands around Sukwoo's neck and strangling him to death. Scary but true.* EunAe shivered at her thought.

Although Ahri was her best friend, even she sometimes, was scared of her and the extreme mood swings Ahri would undergo while being on her period.

"So Ahri, how was school today?" EunAe asked. 

"Hmm, normal?Same boring classes and teachers as always." Ahri slowly answered. 

"What are you doing tomorrow? Want to go to the movies to gether?"

Ahri remained silent for a while.

*Something is up, she never refuses to going to the movies with me.*

"What's wrong Ahri? Don't even bother to lie to me, I know you like my sister. I know something is wrong and I want to know right now, so i can go kick that person's for making you feel bad." EunAe's voice was sharp as a knife.

EunAe would step in anytime to save Ahri from harm. She hated people who discriminated against Ahri because of her weight.

*So what? She may be chubbier than the rest of her class and maybe not the prettiest. But that shouldn't, matter should it? Ahri has a wonderful personality. She is bubbly and open hearted. When you get to know her, there was nothing you could do, you would just fall for her charm. The same thing happened to Me. In the beginning, I would have never thought that Ahri and I would become such close friends. And now? We are inseparable. But sadly most people didn't take time to befriend Ahri, they would see her and push her into the lowest drawer. There is no use in denying the oblivious, in our community, looks are more important than a persons personality.*

"Nothing is wrong EunAe, don't worry nobody insulted me. It's well.... How do i put this, I kinda have a date with a guy tomorrow.." Ahri slowly said, slowly a light red toned her face. Good thing EunAe couldn't see it over the phone, she would have used it for teasing. 

"Who?? Where?? When?? What's his name?? Why didn't you tell me about him before???" EunAe was furiously blurring out questions.

"His name is Woohyun, he's one of my classmates and I will be going to his house tomorrow, for the first time." Ahri answered after EunAe's question fire stoped. 

"His house? Do you like him?" EunAe was trying to remember if Ahri ever mentioned anything about that Woohyun guy, then it hit her, he was the guy she was referring to when she asked EunAe if any guy will ever like her for what she is. 

"Never mind that question. You don't need to answer it, I already know the answer. You like him right?" EunAe's stomache started to tickle, Ahri finally had a crush.

*Maybe she would have a shot? He could be different from other's, Right?* EunAe started to smile like crazy, she was so happy for her friend.

EunAe her self wasn't the luckiest when it came to guys, most of the time she would fall in love and end up being their second choice or sometimes she got rejected right from the beginning. EunAe wasn't bad looking. Her main problem was her height, she was really short compared to other girls in her age. Apart from that there wasn't much to criticize, she had a cute face and her body was not to fat and not to thin, just the right weight. The things EunAe hated the most about her self, was her face and height. She had many small pimples which you could only see if you came really close to her face, yet it annoyed her like hell.

"Anyway EunAe, I have to hang up now, it's getting late. I'm tired. And I need to wake up early tomorrow, since I'm meeting Woohyun at 10 am. I will meet him at the supermarket, then he will take me to his house. I'm so excited and nervous for tomorrow, whish me luck. I love you, Good night." Ahri's voice started to become light and happy when she talked about Woohyun. 

"OMO,10 am? wayy to early for me. Good night, Ahri. Good luck for tomorrow. I love you too." EunAe laughed. 

"Hahaha I know EunAe, you like to sleep long on weekends. Good night" Ahri beemed one last time than there was a click on the other side of the line, indicating that she had hung up.

EunAe walked to her room an layed down on her bed, she placed her phone next to her pillow and fell asleep.


EunAe was wakned by something viprating bellow her pillow. She opened her eyes and looked at the clock opposite of her bed.

*Nine am, who the hell is calling me right now?? This better be something important.* 

EunAe moaned when she pressed the answer botton. 

"EunAeeee!!! You love me right?" Ahri's cheerful voicee asked. 

"AHRIII!! What do you want? I'm sleeping!! Don't you need to get ready to meet that Woohyun guy?" EunAe's voice was filled with annoyance.

"Geez, EunAe about meeting Woohyun, that's why I'm calling you. I want to ask you for a favour." 


"Come with me to his house, i don't want to go alone, I'm too scared. Please go with me!!" Ahri's voice begged. 

"Ahh, Fine!! You better buy me ice cream or something else. If you don't, I will never do you a favour again." EunAe's voice was serious.

"Thank you, EunAe, Thank you. I will come to your house to pick you up. Bye, I need to get ready!!" A happy Ahri said.

EunAe got up from her bed and walked to the bathroom to get ready.

*Guess, I finally get to meet Woohyun. I wonder if he's nice... Hmm he must be, Ahri likes him, she only likes nice guys.  Operation 'Let's see if your good enough for Ahri' starts today.*


OMG Guys....

The First chapter is up... I can't believe it... It became sooo long. Well I hope you enjoy reading it :D This chapter was to introduce the main characters to you, I'm sorry if it's a little boring.

It will be come more exciting in the next chapter. I Promise :)

Thank you guys so much for subscribing without even the first chapter online. I love you <3

Please comment and tell me what you think.

Subscribe if you didn't. See you at my next update :D <3  






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Enjoy your stay in Germany :) I understand how you feel, no need to stress out. Just take your time :D
Have fun in Germany :D
May I please slap her shes just a !! OMG update soon :)
woohyun you better break up with that two face . )<
or i'll create a third face on her D<
please update soon ^_^
Subscribed ^^
OMGGGGGGG love this story :) Update soon!