08. key, overwhelmed

My BFF Key


Today, I felt a mix of emotions flow through me. I was bummed, upset, angry and grumpy. And I reached the conclusion to give up on Sooyun. That part hurt me the most. After all, she didn’t want me anymore. She was happy with Karam and I figured out that maybe what I wanted wasn’t the most important thing anymore.

“But what am I going to do!” I cried, burying my face in the cushion, “All I do is think of her. For the past month, all I’ve been doing was thinking of her!”

There was a hand on my back, probably there to comfort me. It gave my shoulder three soft pats. “In times like this, you move on.”

I pulled the cushion from my face and gave Onew an incredulous look. “Move on?”

Onew shrugged and struggled for words to say. “Um, look for someone new?”

That was one crazy idea. But I’ve never been dumped before, so I wouldn’t know what to do in situations like these. Sooyun was my one and only girlfriend, if you didn’t include the girl that followed me around in elementary school.

“Are you serious?”

“Yeah, why not? Sooyun has moved on.”

What Onew was saying was true. But I didn’t know if I should. “So soon?”

“Come on, she got with a new guy just days after you broke up. It’s been a week.”

I narrowed my eyes at him. “Yah, don’t talk about Sooyun like that.” Then returned to my sulking, “Ugh, what do I do?” I slumped on the couch. “I met Sooyun from Kyungmi and that’s how we got to know each other. Besides them two, we don’t know any girls!”

Onew shook his head and his eyes lit up, “We go out and look for potential matches!”

Finding a new girlfriend might be a better way to pass time, instead of sitting at home moping. I looked at him, “So where do you suggest?”

“No more talking, Key. Just follow me.” Onew gave a weird look and I didn’t know what to say back to a face like that.

I just nodded and I pulled on a coat, and then walked out the door with him.


I slurped my half price smoothie I bought from work and watched as Onew suggested girl after girl. “How about this one?” He pointed at another longhaired brunette with slender, never ending legs.

“I don’t like what she’s wearing,” I took another gulp of my drink. She was dressed like an arctic monkey and a summer babe crossed together. Her long sleeved, furry jumper and tiny shorts didn’t do it for me.

Onew rolled his eyes and looked around again. He glanced around the few clothing stores before us. “Oh! This is one looks good.” Onew nudged me and stole the smoothie from my hand to make me look at the tall female browsing a rack of clothes.

She was tall, thin and dressed reasonably. Did I say she was tall? Because I was sitting down, I didn’t know if I was going to be taller than her. What was Onew thinking? I liked to be taller than my girlfriend.

I turned to him with a disgusted face. I didn’t want a girl taller than me!

Onew looked alarmed. “What? Isn’t she pretty?”

“Pretty?” I looked at her again. Her face was all right and I could consider her. I looked her up and down. She was wearing a casual hoodie, dark blue skinny jeans and brown boots. That was a reasonable outfit. At least she knew how to dress. “I guess...”

His face lit up, excitedly.

“She’s taller than me!” I snatched my smoothie from his grasp.

“W-wha? You don’t know that. You’re sitting down! Come on, just look at her. She’s not that ta-” He gestured towards her and noticed her true height after looking at her again, “Man, she is tall.”

I gave him a knowing look and shook my head. “Told you so.”

“Key, we’ve been here for two hours and you haven’t expressed any interest to any of the girls at the mall!” Onew said, exasperated, “And the best girls are always at the mall.”

“I don’t know. I just don’t like any of them.”

They weren’t my type. They were simply not my cup of tea. I didn’t like overly y girls or extremely cutesy girls. I liked good-looking girls, cute at times but not painful to look at. Still after all this time, there was only one girl that fit into that category.

Onew frowned. “You’re a tough nut.”

I raised an eyebrow. “Yeah, I know. I have great taste.”

“I can’t believe you don’t find any of these girls attractive!” He complained, gesturing to all the people shopping and browsing the mall on a Sunday afternoon.

“And you do?” I eyed him.

Last time I checked, Onew was dating Kyungmi.

He looked at me like I was a madman. “Of course I do!” But I just continued to look at him and he realized what he had admitted. “B-but, Kyungmi’s the only one for me!” Onew clasped his hand over his chest.

“Is that right?” I leaned back against the bench and drank from my foam cup.

“Yes!” He pounded his fist onto the armrest.

At least I knew he was true to her. “Well, good for you. I wish I had a girlfriend.”

Onew sighed and looked at me with an expression that made it look like he had aged a few years in only a few hours. “You keep complaining that you want a girlfriend, but you won’t even put any effort into finding one!”

I nodded at him. He was right. I was complaining and not doing anything about it. But he was the one that was going to be putting up with my complaints. Not me.

He let out a tired sigh and buried his face in his hands.

I shrugged and took another sip of my drink. Then, something caught my attention from the corner of my eye. She was a slim, well-dressed and pretty girl. She was an appropriate height and I was certain I was going to be taller than her. She was almost perfect.

“Kyungmi!” Onew called, his tiredness has suddenly dissipated.

Then I realized who this almost perfect girl was. It was Kyungmi – my best friend.

“Hey, Onew, Key!” Kyungmi adjusted her shoulder bag and continued to walk over to us.

I couldn’t believe that Kyungmi was able to fit into my ‘potential suitors’ category. That was… gross. We were BFFs. I wasn’t supposed to think of her that way. “Y-yah, what are you doing here?”

“I heard about the whole problem with Key,” She sat down between Onew and I. “I’m here to help, even though you’re a bum, you don’t deserve to be unhappy.”

“You’ve heard about my thing with Sooyun, didn’t you?” He had such loose-lips. I turned to Onew, who then shielded himself behind his girlfriend.

Kyungmi wrapped her arm around Onew’s shoulders and leaned her head against his. “He always tells me everything. He can’t hide anything from me.”

“Very true.” Onew grinned and hugged her.

I looked at Kyungmi. This time I saw her in a different perspective. Her smile actually wasn’t that annoying and she wasn’t all that bad looking. The way her hair fell on her shoulders was quite attractive. She didn’t dress like a clown and we knew a lot about each other. She was always around and she never failed to help me when I needed it. Plus, she worked at LB.

I felt something within me change.

Did I always feel this way about her?

While the couple were occupying themselves with hugs and sweet nothings, I worked out what I was feeling.

I grabbed Kyungmi’s arm and they both looked at me with surprised faces.

“Kyungmi, I think I love you.”


Yes! Its chapter 8. Here comes the .

Key is a very bold man. Haha. How will Kyungmi react?

Stay tuned for the next chapter!

♥JSMPKK - 07/05/11

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Chapter 10: I finally finished reading it.. ohh... it's ended ...
wow, but it was really great story :)
Chapter 3: I guess Key is gonna really show her, he seems to be so determined ^^;
Chapter 1: I found it randomly, and I really liked it, I am gonna continue reading :)
Looks interesting :')
I'll keep reading and back with feedback :')
Finally 'My BFF Key' is completed!<br />
Thanks to everyone that has supported us till now~<br />
Please look forward to the sequel 'My Brother-in-Law Key'! :3
finally...<br />
finally..<br />
update soon I am so excited haha
wahh~ update soon please? <br />
xDDD<br />
i love Key <333333