02. we have a problem

My BFF Key



“Kyungmi…” I held onto the doorframe. Onew and Kyungmi looked at me with pity. Oh, don’t look at me like that. It’ll make me feel worse.

“Onew, save me.” Kyungmi drawled the words and clung onto Onew.

“What’s wrong, Key?” Onew asked putting the fork into his mouth, he looked curious and quite eager to hear my story.

I sat down on the couch in the middle of the room. Should I really tell them about my predicament? But, I have no other choice… I took a deep breath before turning to them, “I want my girlfriend back.”

“You should try and solve it yourself…” Kyungmi still hung onto Onew and he didn’t seem to mind. Then she looked back at me with a shocked expression. “Key, you didn’t break up with Sooyun did you?”

“Sadly, I did…” I stared down at the floor. “But I didn’t mean it!”

Onew and Kyungmi exchanged looks and then thoughts telepathically. They’re probably trying to find a way to help rekindle my relationship with the girl that is truly mine.

“How’d you do it?” Onew asked.

“We broke up, (not really) two weeks ago because we kind of had a fight.” I looked at them with innocence in my eyes.

Kyungmi stacked some plates onto each other; I figure they were eating chicken. After all they are the couple that wants to travel the entire world to try all the different types of chicken they can find. Kyungmi said something about making a food show dedicated to eating all the world’s chicken. “What did you say? Sooyun would usually put up with you, doesn’t she?”

“You’re trying to insult me indirectly again, aren’t you?” I folded my arms across my chest.

Kyungmi narrowed her eyes. “No, Key. I’m insulting you directly. Now talk.”

“She asked me if she should cut and dye her hair and I said no, because I liked it long and brown. She asked me if I wanted to play PS3 with her but I refused because I didn’t want her to get worse vision. She wanted to go out shopping but I didn’t want to go because I didn’t want her to spend too much money. She’s got enough clothes already and I always get bugged by random passersby.” I gestured towards the door that signified the ‘outside world’. “Then it kind of turned into an argument and she said ‘we should break up’ and in the midst of it I said ‘alright.’”

Onew cleaned off the table with a wet cloth, “What did you really say?”

“I said that I didn’t want to go shopping because she’d make me pay for he- Ahem, it doesn’t matter about the details. I just want my girlfriend back. Come on and give me a hand here.” I asked pleadingly to the couple before me.

“Um, go call her,” Kyungmi said.

What a genius idea. It’d probably work if I hadn’t been doing that for the last two weeks at hourly intervals. I gave Kyungmi ‘the look’.

“Sooyun’s going out with a new guy.” I slumped in my seat. “His name is Park Hyunchul or Karam…”

“Whoa. Sooyun’s so quick.” I heard him utter to Kyungmi in which in return she nodded. I glared at them and Onew turned back to me, “How long have you guys been apart?” Onew asked with wide eyes. He wasn’t helping much; he was just prying into information that made me feel worse about myself.

I eyed Onew. “Are you even listening? Didn’t you just hear me before?”

“Oh right, two weeks.” Onew placed his hands before him as if to defend himself. That’s right, Onew. Be very afraid of my wrath.

“Seriously, why doesn’t anybody tell me these things?” Kyungmi sounded annoyed.

Well Kyungmi, I have a good explanation for you. You’re incapable of handling the situation, only until after it has occurred. I cuddled a cushion for comfort. “What good would it do to tell you anyway?”

Just as I saw Kyungmi’s forehead vein pop and she started to strut towards me Onew quickly intervened. “Yah, we don’t need a fight right? We’re trying to find solutions, not make more problems.” He placed his hands on Kyungmi’s shoulders, “Okay, Kyungmi?”

There was tinge of pink on Kyungmi’s cheek and she instantly calmed down. She had a smile on her face when she faced Onew and took a deep breath before talking to me again. “I’ll pretend you didn’t say that…”

“Help me think of a genius plan to get Sooyun back.” I patted the cushion.

Onew and Kyungmi exchanged looks. They nodded and shook their heads for a few minutes and traded more telepathic messages. Onew presented his findings, “We’ve thought of a great plan!”

I watched them expectantly.

“You should go and apologise to Sooyun!” Onew exclaimed proudly with a huge smile on his face.

I placed my hands on my lap. “Haha. That’s great, very funny. What’s the real plan?”

Kyungmi and Onew’s mouths fell open. “That’s our plan, there’s no other one…” Kyungmi’s eyes darted around the room, “You going to use it or not?”

“But… speaking logically, will apologising to her actually help? If I go all the way to wherever she is – she’s probably with Karammama – and say ‘I’m sorry’ will she break up with him and come back to me?” I folded my arms across my chest.

“Oh, was that what you wanted?” Onew shrugged, “I thought you just wanted to make her feel better about you.”

I had made a great idea to rely on these guys for advice, didn’t I? It’d be a great help if they didn’t give me ideas that I didn’t already think of. I flopped onto the couch and piled the cushions on top of me.

“I’m not leaving until you find a plan to win my girlfriend back.”

“You mean ex-girlfriend.” Kyungmi raised an eyebrow at me. “Don’t you live here anyway? Why do I care if you don’t leave?”

I scowled at her. “You better get thinking, Yang Kyungmi. For the sake of your sister! Do you know that Karammama is exploiting Sooyun? He’s distracting her from her studies and the exams are coming up! I mean, I never bothered her when it was exam time.”

“Are you an idiot?” Kyungmi scoffed. “She’s in the advanced course and she’s already graduated from high school! She’s preparing for college exams, you imbecile.”

I was pretty sure that I checked up on Sooyun’s studies. Damn, I was one year behind! “Oh…” was the only thing that came from my mouth. “So, where’s my plan?”

In the end, all I ended up with was the same plan as before. ‘Apologise to Sooyun and it’ll work out just fine.’ (Insert Onew’s corny smile) Couldn’t they come up with something better? When I asked them that they told me to think for myself. You think I didn’t do that before I came here?

“There’s Sooyun.” Kyungmi gestured towards the figure of her sister inside a coffee shop. “Now, you know what to do.” She seemed quite tired. Tsk, she should just sleep at night instead of playing iTouch games.

Over in the corner booth was Sooyun and my archrival... Karammama.

“Hey Sooyun!” I smiled brightly at her. For some strange reason when I see her I feel a surge of happiness within in. It must be her all powerful pheromones.

She looked at me in surprise, as she didn’t expect me to be here. “K-Key?”

Karammama was extremely stunned at my sudden arrival and how I didn’t acknowledge his presence.

“I wanted to see you. Come, let’s talk.” I grabbed her arm and gently pulled her up.

“But, I’m like-”


“I’m here with someone.” Sooyun’s eyes gestured to Karammama that smiled pleasantly at me.

I returned an unpleasant smile. Did he seriously think he could get away unscathed with going somewhere with MY girlfriend? “Excuse us for a moment.” I held onto Sooyun’s arm tightly until we were out of the coffee shop.

“Yes, hello to you too Key. What did you want to talk about?” Sooyun asked kindly. “Did you want me to speak to you like that?!” She roared.

“No. I like it when you’re yourself.”

Sooyun looked away from me. There was a tug on the edges of her lips that almost formed a smile but she assumed a serious expression. “What did you want to say?”

“I,” I averted my gaze to the ground and then quickly into her eyes. “I’m sorry. For maybe being… kind of mean. I didn’t want to break up, Sooyun.”

“You really mean it?”


“Apology accepted! But I’m kind of with Karam right now.” She had a small, ever so small smile on her face. “I’ll see you later.” Sooyun only patted my shoulder lightly and ran back into the café.

“Don’t leave.” I muttered as she went back to him. I resisted the urge to run into the coffee shop and shout in Karammama’s face for stealing my girlfriend. I knew that if I did that I’d have a less chance of winning her back. To achieve my desired outcome, I held myself back and stayed where I was.

“Ouch.” Onew pretended to flinch and took another sip of his smoothie. “That hurts.”

“Shut up, Onew.” I snapped and glared at the smoothie that he bought from the store in the mall. “I’m going home.”

Kyungmi and Onew didn’t reply. They were stuck in between whether to stay and spy on Sooyun or go after me. They stood there for a while before following after me. “Key!” Kyungmi called.

“You mean your BFF.” I eyed Kyungmi and glanced at the coffee shop behind her. “Yah, don’t follow after me unless you have a plan that’ll help me. Laters.”

I swear I’ll get my girlfriend back. Just you wait, Karammama.


Woo! This is the 2nd chapter and we hoped you liked this one as well. 8D

♥JSMPKK - 15/01/11

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Chapter 10: I finally finished reading it.. ohh... it's ended ...
wow, but it was really great story :)
Chapter 3: I guess Key is gonna really show her, he seems to be so determined ^^;
Chapter 1: I found it randomly, and I really liked it, I am gonna continue reading :)
Looks interesting :')
I'll keep reading and back with feedback :')
Finally 'My BFF Key' is completed!<br />
Thanks to everyone that has supported us till now~<br />
Please look forward to the sequel 'My Brother-in-Law Key'! :3
finally...<br />
finally..<br />
update soon I am so excited haha
wahh~ update soon please? <br />
xDDD<br />
i love Key <333333