10. come back to me

My BFF Key



Here I am sitting in my bedroom wondering what I should do. No, scratch that. I’m wondering how I should do it. After much convincing from my BFF Kyungmi, I have realized that the only girl for me would be Sooyun.

I am going to have a happily ever after. All I have to do is get Sooyun to return into my arms. But how am I going to do it?

“Aish! I have no idea what I’m going to do!” I buried my face into my pillow, wrapping the covers around my body.

There was no one home. Onew was probably working his cell phone job and Kyungmi was probably at LB. Who was I going to talk to? Who would tell me what to do? I need advice!

I rolled around my bed for a while before I got tired of all the exercise. Yes, that is right, I don’t exercise very often. I stared up at the ceiling and heaved a sigh. “I want to see her…”

Although I knew that Sooyun had broken up with Karam and that she still loved me, I couldn’t help but feel insecure. I mean, what happens if she doesn’t want me again? As much as I knew that she’d take me back, I was nervous! I’d be shattered and very hurt, sad and really bummed.

“What would I say to her?” That I loved her? A lot?

Yes, that seemed like a good idea. And after I tell her how much I love her, I’ll tell her how much I cherish her and that I won’t complain if she spends all my money on games anymore!

I jumped out of bed, already clad in my outdoor clothes. Since I was ready for this from 6 in the morning, I had nothing else I had to prepare for. I was just thinking for quite a while. I knew that I looked good in my clothes because I had the best style.

I laughed as I was walking out of my bedroom looking cool, calm and composed. But whom was I kidding? My heart was pounding in my chest as I made my way out of my apartment.

Just as I closed the door and began to lock up, I heard the elevator ding behind me. It must have been my lucky day, as I wouldn’t have to wait for it to come up now!


I stopped fumbling with my house keys and didn’t turn around. I sighed. Who was it now? I was going to see Sooyun. Who dares get in my way?

“What?” I answered, now bothering to turn around and continued to lock up. My house had a lot of locks since Onew would get very paranoid about thieves at night.

“Yah, don’t speak to me like that.”

“Can’t you see that I’m busy?” I almost shouted. These locks were so annoying! Now I remember why I always left the house before Onew did.

“Too busy for me?”

Who did this person think they were? “Who are y-” I gasped as I saw who was standing before my eyes. It was the girl of my destiny. It was my one and only. The love of my life! (You get the picture right?) It was Sooyun.

She stood there with her arms across her chest. Although her face adorned a smile, I could tell that it was forced, her body language told me another story.

“Is Kyungmi unnie around?” Sooyun asked, probably feeling awkward in my presence after she attracted my attention. I mean, even I was feeling pretty weird too.

“Um, K-Kyungmi?” YAH! Kim Kibum why are you stuttering? Where is your almighty aura? “She’s not here…” I managed to say quickly in one breath.

Sooyun seemed surprised and then she nodded. “Never mind then,” She pressed the button for the elevator, “But thanks anyway.”

So Sooyun had just come to look for Kyungmi. She probably wanted to tell her some stuff about stuff that she wouldn’t talk to me about anymore. It had been months since I’ve been alone with Sooyun and I missed her company.

I watched as the elevator rose from ground floor from the screen beside the door. There was silence between us and I didn’t know what I wanted to say. That was new. There was never a time that I didn’t know what to say. I could always say what was on my mind. What was happening to me?

“So… Where are you going?” Sooyun asked breaking the silence.

“Just going to see someone.” I nodded.

She looked up at me and asked with a smug smile, “Oh, who is it? Is she pretty?”

I laughed. She was the most beautiful person in the world. “Of course she is.”

“Aw, you’re lucky. I’m jealous.” Sooyun laughed softly.

Then I realized what I was saying.

Was I just implying that I liked another girl other than Sooyun? Wait, Sooyun was right beside me and I was going to find Sooyun in the first place to tell her about my profound love for her. So Sooyun is thinking that the person I’m going to see isn’t her though it really is?

What was I doing?

The elevator dinged and the doors opened. “Time to go!” She announced.

“W-wait!” I gripped onto her arm. “Sooyun I love you! Will you be my girlfriend again?”

Sooyun was midway into the elevator and she just stared at me with a surprised expression. “H-huh? Don’t you have another… girlfriend?”

“No, no, no!” I screeched sounding like a fool, “I would never! I love you only!”

“But you were saying you were going to see another girl…”

I held onto her arm and looked into her eyes, “I messed up. I was talking about you.”

She was confused. I knew she was, since I knew her so well. “Oh…”

“Sooyun I’m sorry for all the bad things that I’ve done. Please be my girlfriend again!”

I cannot believe that I just confessed to her like that. All my pride and image that I’ve built from elementary school has just crumbled before my eyes because of my out of character confession. My manliness and almighty aura is all gone!

But… it was worth it.

I felt arms wrap around my body and my face heat up. She snuggled against my chest. Oh gosh. I felt her cheek against me. I could’ve died then and there. “Yeah, I will…” She muttered, only loud enough for me to hear.

I controlled myself from doing a victory dance. I had to salvage what I had left of my pride. I rested my chin on the top of her head. (I was taller than Sooyun). “Thank you.”

“Key… I love you.”

I felt my heart stop beating. I was so happy! Thank you world. I promise to be a better man. I nodded against her head. “You know how I feel already.”

She hit my arm and I didn’t even flinch. I was invincible.

Now I just needed to tell everyone the good news.


“I’m happy for you, Key.” Onew patted my shoulder. “Things are how they should be.”

I shrugged and gave him a smile, “Yeah.” I was laughing very loudly inside my brain. I was untouchable because I was the almighty Key!

“Did you pack everything?” I heard Sooyun’s voice and glanced over at her standing beside a large luggage.

“I think I did.” Kyungmi said, looking down at the suitcase. “But it doesn’t matter cause we can just buy it there if we need it!” She laughed and clung onto Onew’s arm.

Onew had a very happy expression when she touched him. I don’t know why someone would act that way against Kyungmi’s touch. But I didn’t care.

“I’m going to miss you, unnie. You’re going to a foreign country for two months!” Sooyun pouted and pulled her sister into a hug. “Will you be able to live without me? Who’s going to cook for you?”

“Neither of us!” Kyungmi proclaimed proudly.

“Because we’re going on an eating expedition.” Onew said with a smug grin.

“We’re going to eat out all three meals of the day. Isn’t that right?” She looked over at Onew with an excited expression. Onew returned a smile with just as much excitement and nodded at her.

“Wow, Europe. That’s pretty far away.” I said, pulling my hands out of my pockets.

Kyungmi beamed. “Yes, its very far away from you.”

I scoffed. No one could defy my presence. “You’ll miss me. I know it.”

She narrowed her eyes. “Maybe just a little bit.” She used her fingers for emphasis; “We’ll bring you back some souvenirs though. So don’t worry.”

“Thanks for being a good friend all this time.” I said, embarrassed. Although I didn’t want to admit it, Kyungmi had helped me out a lot. Without her, I wouldn’t be able to get together with Sooyun, get over my heartbreak, and get back together with her.

“You mean, ‘thank you for being my BFF’, right?” Kyungmi grinned.

I rolled my eyes and chuckled. “Yeah. Sure.”

“The plane is ready,” Onew grabbed onto Kyungmi’s hand. “Well, bye guys.”

Sooyun hugged Kyungmi and Onew one more time. “Take good care of yourselves!”

The couple nodded at us and began to make their way into the terminal. Before they could get past the gate, I realized that I had something to tell Kyungmi.

“Hold a sec, Kyungmi!” I called, sprinting up to her.

She stopped walking and looked at me. “What is it?”

I grinned. “I’m going to marry Sooyun.”

Her jaw fell open. “W-what did you say?”

“It’s a secret. I didn’t tell her so don’t you tell her yet.” I beamed.

Kyungmi had incredulous eyes. “Are you serious?”

“Anyway have fun on your trip! Bye!” I cackled, extremely happy with myself.

I had to tell her about it and I bet she was happy for me since we were BFFs after all.


MWAHAHA! Alas that is the end of My BFF Key.

Thanks to all the readers and subscribers that have been supporting us all this time!

We are extremely grateful for all this. :3

We are also very happy to announce that there will be a sequel titled My Brother-in-Law Key.

Please look forward to that!

♥JSMPKK - 28/09/11

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Chapter 10: I finally finished reading it.. ohh... it's ended ...
wow, but it was really great story :)
Chapter 3: I guess Key is gonna really show her, he seems to be so determined ^^;
Chapter 1: I found it randomly, and I really liked it, I am gonna continue reading :)
Looks interesting :')
I'll keep reading and back with feedback :')
Finally 'My BFF Key' is completed!<br />
Thanks to everyone that has supported us till now~<br />
Please look forward to the sequel 'My Brother-in-Law Key'! :3
finally...<br />
finally..<br />
update soon I am so excited haha
wahh~ update soon please? <br />
xDDD<br />
i love Key <333333