First Date

First Date

Dongho: Hey, what did the Ajuma while ago tells you? Do you know her?
HyunMi: No, she just thought that I'm her daughter.
Dongho: ahh~ Maybe her daughter looks like you. 
HyunMi: Uhhmmm.. I think its not. (*laughs) You know, she aks me too if you were my boyfriend. But don't worry about it. I said to her that we're just friends. 
Dongho: Jinjja? (really?) Maybe its better if you just say to her that we're together. What do you think? (*laughs)
HyunMi: What are you saying? 
Dongho: No, its nothing. By the way, do you think its better if we just call this as a date? It really looks like one. 
HyunMi: A date? 
Dongho: Yes, a date. 
HyunMi: Are you sure?
Dongho: Yes, of course. Why? Is there something wrong with it?
HyunMi: No, there's not. I just feel awkward about it. 
Dongho: ahh~ So, its a date already? 
HyunMi: Ok? Uhhhmmm.. ok, fine.

After a few minutes watching, I feel very sleepy. Maybe I can sleep for a while. He'll not notice me either. Dongho is busy watching and eating when I fell asleep. I don't want to bother him so I didn't do anything to disturb him. Then, after a while Dongho wakes me up. I found myself already in his shoulders. I get shocked.

HyunMi: How did I sleep here? 
Dongho: I saw you already fell asleep, and your position while sleeping will make your neck hurt. So, I place you in my shoulders so you can sleep better. (*laughs) You know, I didn't imagine that you're cute when you're sleeping.
HyunMi: What? Did you say something?
Dongho: No, I'm not. I hope you're ok now? Shall we go?
HyunMi: uhhmmm.. Ok.

Then while walking around, I'm looking at him. I didn't really imagine that we are dating. Its like, Shin Dongho of a popular korean boyband UKISS is with me right now. Its like a dream with him. But, I don't know what brings him to me that he was the one to come with me. I think that maybe he just want to hang out. Then, he just found me looking at him.

Dongho: HyunMi shi~ Are you alright? (*worried)
HyunMi: uuhhmmm.. o-of course! (*shy) uuhh.. d-do you want to eat ice cream?
Dongho: Ice cream? Uhh.. ok. 

While searching for some ice cream store around the place, I notice that Dongho is out of my sight. He is not with me already. I get panicked at the same time scared because I didn't know the place. I said to myself, when I see him, I will really get angry. How could he leave me just like this? He's really dead. Then, I seated at one of the bench at the place. Hoping that he will come back, but it was already a few minutes ago when he left me. "I think he really leaves me." said to myself. I was going to cry already when someone approach me. "Excuse me, miss? Why are you crying?" And give me his handkerchief. Who make you cry?" He ask me. "My friend left me here, and I don't know what to do. I will surely get angry with him." Then, I gave him back his hanky. But, when I saw him it was Dongho. I burst in tears and hugs him tightly.

HyunMi: (*shouts) Hey~! Where did you go?! Why did you leave me like that?! Did you know how worried I am?! Why did you do that?! (*cries)
Dongho: uhh.. uuhhmmm.. I'm really sorry. I just... w-want..
HyunMi: W-what?!! (*cries)
Dongho: I just want to know what you will do if I'm not around. I'm really sorry. I think it will just turn out right. I didn't know that it will really makes you worried. Its my fault. I'm really sorry.                                                                                                                                 HyunMi: How can you fool around like that? I was really scared when you left me.. (*cries)

Dongho: I'm really sorry. I promise you I will not do such a thing again. I promise. And please, stop crying. Your face looks so puffy already. (Then, wipes off my tears.) 

HyunMi: But, I'm really scared of what you did. You promise me you will not do such a thing again. Ok? 
Dongho: Ok, I promise you. 
HyunMi: Promise is a promise. 
Dongho: Yes, of course. I'm really sorry. If you want, I will just treat you an ice cream? Ok?
HyunMi: uuuhhhmmm.. Ok. 

While heading to the ice cream store, Dongho just hold me tightly. I think that he is really sorry for what he did. I thought that he will never let me let go. After a while, we already got to the ice cream store. Dongho buys ice cream for the two of us. Then, I noticed a little girl crying because the other boy gets her ice cream. I approach the girl to calm her down.
HyunMi: Hey, stop crying. Its ok. Don't mind him. He's a bad boy.
Girl: Really? He's a bad boy?
HyunMi: Of course. He's getting things that doesn¡¦t belong to him. Like your ice cream. Please don't cry. Beautiful girls like you, don't cry.
Girl: Really? I'm beautiful?
HyunMi: Yes, of course. So please, don't cry. It will make you ugly. 
Girl: I promise I won't cry anymore. Thank you eonni! (*hugs me)
HyunMi: Its ok. You want I will just give you another ice cream?
Girl: Really? You can give me another ice cream?
HyunMi: Yes, come. Follow me. 

Then, we approach Dongho who is waiting for me at one of the tables inside the ice cream store. He looks like he wanted to eat it but I stop him.

Dongho: What's the problem?
HyunMi: Where's mine?
Dongho: Here. (*Hands me my ice cream.)
HyunMi: Here you go. (Gives the ice cream to the little girl.)
Girl: wow~ Eonni! Thank you! 
Dongho: Who's that?
HyunMi: Do you want another ice cream? 
Girl: You can give another one again? Wow~! Are you an ice cream factory? (*wonders)
HyunMi: No, I'm not. I just like sharing to others. (Dongho is already going to eat his ice cream but I get it to him.)
Dongho: Hey~! That's mine! 
HyunMi: (Hands the ice cream to the little girl.) Here you go again.                                                                                                           Girl: Oh~ Kamsahamnida eonni! (Thank you.) Goodbye. Mom is already calling me.
HyunMi: Ok. Take care.

Then, Dongho started complaining..

Dongho: Why did you give our ice cream to her?
HyunMi: Nothing. Why? Is there something wrong?
Dongho: I thought you want to eat ice cream?
HyunMi: I change my mind. And I planned to take a revenge on what you did to me so I get your ice cream. (*laughs)
Dongho: Revenge? You call that revenge already? (*laughs)
HyunMi: Why are laughing? What's wrong?
Dongho: Do you want to feel what revenge is?
HyunMi: Then what?
Dongho: Here! (Then, he started tickles me.)

We fool around inside the ice cream store. We really enjoyed the company of each other. Then, I notice that people are already staring at us. I told him to stop.

HyunMi: Ya~ Dongho shi~ Let's stop. People are already looking at us. (*laughs)
Dongho: Wanna get out of here already?
HyunMi: Where we will go?
Dongho: Everywhere. Where do you want? Or maybe we can just walk around, if you want. 
HyunMi: Maybe just walk around. I want to go around Seoul. (*laughs)
Dongho: Ok, if that's what you want. (Grabs my hand and we walk together.)

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