First Date

First Date

I was so lonely that saturday morning because I'm alone at our house. My parents are on a business trip and my siblings stay at my grandmother's house. Then, I text all my friends who can come with me to go out because its really killing me staying alone. 

(text message)
"Guys, who wants to come with me to go out today? ayyyy~ its really killing me here just staying by myself. Its ok for me if you can't come, I just need a company here.. I hope someone can go. Just text me or call me if you want. thank you guys.. take care~! :* " 

Then, I'm thinking of sending one of it to Dongho. I want to do it but I feel shy about it. Then I said to myself, "Maybe its ok. He won't come either, maybe its ok if I send it to him. He's my friend also." After thinking of what to do, I finally send one of it to him. I just need to wait for their replies to come. 

It was already 10:00am when I take a bath to just get ready if someone is going with me. After taking a bath, I fixed everything up, "I hope that someone can go with me." And, the doorbell rang surprisingly! I get shocked at it. Then, I go out to open the gate and get shocked of who's going with me..

HyunMi: D-D-Dongho?!! uuuhhmmm.. What are you doing here?
Dongho: I'll go with you today. I don't have things to do so, maybe I can go with you? 
HyunMi: Are you sure? You know its ok for me. Maybe you have some other things to do? (*worried.. I can't go with him.. What in the world. 
Dongho: Hey, is there something wrong? Why you look so worried? (*worry) are you scared? (*laughs)
HyunMi: (*nervous) N-no, I'm not. I just don't want to disturb you. Ok, if you need something to do, just tell me ok? I don't want disturbing people. 
Dongho: Ok, by the way, can we go now? I'm hungry already. (*laughs)
HyunMi: Ok. 

Then, we go to a resturant where tteokbokki (spicy rice cakes) are the best. I really like eating it. Dongho is just really quiet while eating. Then, I started talking with him..

HyunMi: Hey, are you really like that? You're so quiet. (*Laughs)
Dongho: Why? is there something wrong about it?
HyunMi: No, there's nothing wrong with it. 
Dongho: uuuhhhmmm.. by the way, can I ask you something?
HyunMi: Yes, sure. What is it? 
Dongho: Don't you think we're going on a date right now?
HyunMi: (*nervous) What? Why do you think such a thing?
Dongho: I don't know.. its really something. 
HyunMi: Something? 
Dongho: tsk! Just don't mind it. Just eat. 

After eating, Dongho ask me where I want to go..

Dongho: Where do you want to go next?
HyunMi: You? where do you want?
Dongho: Its ok for me everywhere. Where do you want?
HyunMi: uuhhmmm.. can we go to the movies?
Dongho: Movie? Uhhmmm.. ok. 

We decided to go the theaters to see what kind of movie we will watch..

Dongho: Hey, all the movies are love stories. What do you think?
HyunMi: Its ok for me, but for you? Is it ok?
Dongho: Its ok for me, I just want to know if you're fine with it.
HyunMi: So, can we buy tickets now?
Dongho: Ok.

While waiting for our turn to get tickets, an ajuma (middle aged women) calls me from the back.

Ajuma: Excuse me? miss..
HyunMi: Ne? (Yes?)
Ajuma: Oh~ I'm sorry. I thought you're my daugther.
HyunMi: ahh~ 
Ajuma: Miss, is he your boyfriend?
HyunMi: Aniyo~ (no) how can you say it?
Ajuma: ayyy~ the two of you really look good together, but his not your boyfriend?
HyunMi: Ajuma, we're really not. We're just friends. (Dongho calls me because its already our turn to buy tickets.
Dongho: Hey, were on already.
HyunMi: Ah, ok. Ajuma, Nice talking to you. Take care. 
Ajuma: You too. Annyeong! 

Then, we buy tickets and go to the theater already. When we enter the theater, the movie is already going on and its so dark. I can't really see anything but Dongho is holding me. After a while, we already take a seat.

After a few minutes staying inside the theater, Dongho asks me about what the Ajuma needs and she's talks to me like we know each other.

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