Infinite's showcase

E=MC2 is way EASIER!




Yoohee’s pov


The awaited day finally came! The Infinite showcase. To be honest, I don’t really want to go but then, the nice Dongwoo suddenly came to me yesterday and begged me to go. He said that it was the gift from Infinite to me because I succeed on tutoring their best friend Kim Myungsoo. But it was not the only reason I agreed to go the showcase, Jinhee also forced me to go with her because her mom won’t allow her to go alone. But deep inside my heart, I knew exactly that I actually want to see Myungsoo again since it had been so long that I don’t see him. I honestly miss to see his confused looks while reading the chemistry notes, I miss his cute smile when he managed to finish his math work, I also miss his pair of cold eyes looking straight into mine. I miss EVERYTHING about him.


The showcase started amazingly! They started with their title song The Chaser! The song was very good! Their beat was amazing and as always their steps were always synchronised. The showcase then moved on very smoothly with their next songs which are Only Tears, In the Summer and With. Apart from being hurt when looking at Myungsoo’s ‘didn’t affected’ face, I kinda enjoyed the showcase.


“The next song we’re going to perform is specially dedicated to a very special girl!” Sunggyu announced and had all in the hall in roars!


The microphone then was passed to Myungsoo. Myungsoo then calmly said.


“Listen this very carefully chemistry girl! I want you to know that I never felt shy to be with you. NEVER! The reason I told the Blitzers the stupid statement was just to protect you from any harm. Do you know why? It is Because I LIKE YOU! Therefore, I dedicate this song specially for you! Yes, I LIKE YOU Ma Yoohee!”


Girl, I love U I need U
Always with U I’m alone

I still see you
As if my fingertips fell asleep, it hurts
You make my heart race

You are always faint to me
I’m the only one standing in place,
Not being able to take that first step
I’m always lingering around you like this,
Though you probably don’t know

I, oh oh, I like you
You are the first of everything to me
Who cares? I’m just like that

Eventually, I’m doing this again
Standing far away and my eyes fixed on you
If our eyes meet, the world will end fo rme
Your cute smile makes me smile too
I’ll muster up some courage so please
Don’t burn me up by pretending not to notice
Because to me, it’s only you
Till you notice me, always with you

I see your smile from far away
You’re so dazzling that my eyes grow faint
My heart is racing again

Though sometimes you seem down and sad
At some point, you are smiling again
Why does my heart feel like it’s being slicd
I want to hold you tight

I, oh oh, I like you
You are the first of everything to me
Who cares? I’m just like that

(I’m right here) Always nearby – I can’t go on without you
(I’m right here) You are the same to me as always, only you have my heart

You are always faint to me
I’m the only one standing in place,
Not being able to take that first step
I’m always lingering around you like this,
Though you probably don’t know

I, oh oh, I like you
You are the first of everything to me
Who cares? I’m just like that


Everyone in the hall was startled. I was even more! My body froze. I was rooted there doing nothing. After a few seconds I realised that the spotlight was spotting at me during their performance. Tears then slowly rolled down on my rosy cheeks.


Myungsoo then came down to me and pulled me onto the stage. He then gave me a bouquet of beautiful flowers.


“I love you Ma Yoohee!” He whipered and slowly leaning towards me and planted the sweetest kiss ever on my lips in front of the big croud.






i chappie left!! enjoy!!

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I love your story! But is short.. nevermind, short and sweet :)