
E=MC2 is way EASIER!


Yoohee’s pov


“Yoohee shi, congratulation! Myungsoo scored an A for his latest chemistry test. You’ve done a great job!” Mr. Ryu said to me at the teacher’s room on recess.

“Well, thank you sir!” I smiled.


When I exited the teacher’s room, I could see all eyes were on me. They whispered to each other while smirking. They also pointed on me and even cursed slowly. All of them were holding a sheet of paper. Yeah, the paper was familiar – the Blitzers.


“Yoohee yah! You’re in the Blitzers today.” Jinhee who was from the canteen ran to me and passed me a sheet of paper.



It was reported that one of our beloved kingka is changing her girl again. Who else besides than our ice prince Kim Myungsoo? Kim Myungsoo was spotted dating with another girl, Ma Yoohee on a famous coffee shop last Friday. It was reported that that day was Yoohee’s birthday. They were seen chatting happily while enjoying vanilla ice cream cake.

To confirm this hot news, we interviewed Kim Myungsoo himself during Infinite dance practice and sadly to say that Kim Myungsoo actually denied on their relationship.

“We have no relationship at all. She is just my tutor and we’re studying chemistry that day. Nothing more than that” He said.

Well we hope it’s true Kim Myungsoo shi. Anyhow, anyway, we really wish for the best for you.




Tears ran down my rosy cheeks slowly. I didn’t know why I feel so sad. Was it because of the scary stares or because of his statement itself? I cried and ran to the toilet. Jinhee then chased me to the toilet.


“I told you to get your head straight. Why don’t you listen to me Yoohee?” Jinhee hugged me.

“I tried, but it just can’t” I sobbed slowly.


Jinhee then hugged me tighter. She brushed my back to ease my pain.


“It’s okay, babe... Everything’s okay...” She eased me.

“It’s way too hurting Jinhee yah....” I cried even more.

“Let it out, let everything out!” she said.



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I love your story! But is short.. nevermind, short and sweet :)