you don't need to coz you already did it yourself!

E=MC2 is way EASIER!


Myungsoo’s pov


An hour had passed and Yoohee was still nowhere to be seen. It was bizarre. Yoohee was never late. She’s very discipline on studies. But why was she haven’t come until now. She didn’t text or mention on cancelling our class today. Why was she not coming on the day that I wanted to see her the most? She was the first person I want to share that I scored an A for chemistry for the first time. I sighed. It’s okay, I’ll wait a little more. But you know what? I ended up waiting until the library closed.


On the next day, I called Yoohee to the gym and she came.


“Why don’t you come yesterday, are you sick?” I asked her slowly.

“Nope...” She answered me shortly. Well this is so not Yoohee’s style since she loved to talk so much.

“Then, why don’t text or inform me instead?”

“There’s no need of that, right? You already got an A, you don’t need my tutor anymore...” She replied coldly.

“I waited for you until the library closed and you didn’t seem sorry for that...” I turned angry of her not care attitude.

“Why did you wait? I never asked you to wait for me.” She was still being cold.

“Are you mad at me?”

“Why should I, I was just your tutor.” Her voice shakes.


Now I seemed to understand the situation better.


“Are you mad at me because of the Blitzers?” I started to raise my voice.

“No!” she raised her voice as loud as me.


“Why can’t you just be honest? Was it so embarrassing to celebrate my birthday? Am I too filthy for you to even be your friend?” Her face turned red, her eyes burst into tears.

No, the cheerful face that I loved the most changed and it all because of me!

“It’s not like that.” My voice turned softer.

“Then what?”

“I was just trying to protect you!”

“Protecting me for what? I’m not a little kid anymore!” her face turned even redder and wetter because of her tears.

“I was protecting you from getting hurt. I don’t want the Blitzers team to harass you in any way.”

“You don’t need to. Because you already did yourself...” She said slowly and moved away.


I was left dumbfounded, I was not meaning to hurt her. I really do want to protect her. She was so special for me. Even from the first time she smiled, my heart was tickled. She was so nice and honest. Spending times with her made my feeling for her grew fonder. Every single thing she did looked so cute in my eyes. Everything that she said seemed so sweet. Her looks when she was focussed with all the chemistry’s equation looked so lovely. Her nags seemed like a beautiful speech. All her weakness seemed so perfect and everything about her was so special.




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I love your story! But is short.. nevermind, short and sweet :)