All I Need Forever...

All I Need....

Its been about 10 days since Kai got out of the hospital, it was almost as if a new Kai was born. He wasn't the 'old' Kai that I originally fell for anymore, he wasn't the Kai that he had become after his parents' death, but he was a Kai that had made me fall for him deeper, a Kai that had started to place others before him, a Kai that appreciated everything that had happened. 

It was a bit difficult for me to accept this super huge change . After the little talk and the following event, we had taken part in at the hospital (man, we had to face a loot of quizzical looks from the staff the next day), things had changes drastiacally between me and Kai. For one, he announced to the whole of EXO that we were dating the moment he stepped into the dorm.

We had changed the dorm already, Exo-K in one dorm and Exo-M in the other. We were on the same building as SHINee hyungs and Super Junior hyungs. I had somehow (with the help of the baekyeol couple) convinced D.O hyung to exchange rooms with me and let me share the room with Kai...well, now they know the reason!

Well, the nights were still the same, other than the fact that now Kai was the one who was topping, and it soo damn good. I had no idea that the felling of somone inside you would make you feel thiiiis good. We did it every night, to the point that the other members had demanded to soundproof their rooms...kekeke!!

Well anyways, our promotions had started and the 'HunHan' couple had become pretty popular, much to my and Luhan hyung's amusment. It was really entertaining to watch a jealous Kai and Lay hyung glare at us everytime we sit together, it was soo funny that hyung and I started to do it on purpose to annoy them, but it only resulted in us being dragged to our respective rooms. And the rest is obvious as Luhan hyung and I would be sitting on the bench during practice with a scraf around our necks and glaring at our boyfriends for being soo rough. Suho and D.O hyung, popularly called umma and appa, had taken charge and controlled Kai ripping Luhan apart and Lay from stabbing me to death!

Baekyeol had also come clean and shared a room, it was all very 'heartwarming', as Minho hyung would say it, but it is true. The whole of Exo seemed closer and free-er now, spending more time with each other and all. It was definately heartwarming. I found peace in just sitting there with my yeobo, in our spot in the park. It brings back tons of memories of the time we confessed to each other. I am tankful for each and every one of the things that we have been through, its been quite an experience, but I'll be willing to live through it all over again if it means that this is the way it'll be at the end.

A silent sigh of content left my lips as I had these thoughts running through my mind, and I looked up at Kai, only to find him looking back at me with so much love in his eyes, and we kissed, like we have kissed millions times before, and like we'll kiss a million times more, again and again and again...I'll never get tired of his kisses, its more addicting than drug, hell I think Kai is my drug...damn, I am feeling more and more like Edward nowadays.

His hand gripped mine so tight, passing on all the feelings he had right now, I wanted this feeling to never leave, to never get out from his embrace and to never wake up after with Kai, but life has a very harsh way of taking things that you really want. But I don't complain, because I don't want Kai, I need Kai, hes my oxygen, I'll most probably kill myself if Kai was gone. I need Kai, he's all I'll ever need, ever....Kai hyung saranghe....




I haven't been out of the hospital for long, but it feels like a life time. Today I was with SHINee hyungs, they took me out for lunch, as a sorry for not keeping in touch when they were in Japan. But I know that it was because they were terrified at the fact that I had tried to kill myself, I knew they blamed themselves for not taking more care of me, but its not their fault, and no matter how many times I tell them that they will absolutely not belive it, so I just let them do whatever.

That time in the hospital with Sehun was an eyeopener, a wake call from him to tell me that there were others who cared, a whole bunch of others who did, and it filled me with warmth, and made me happier, so I just decided to let go of my past, treasure the present and anticipate the future with my loved ones.

Yesterday Sehun had taken me to his house, man, his house is HUGE!! I was dead nervous to meet his parents. I wanted Sehun to meet my parents too, I am sure my mother would have love him to bits!! But when we entered the household we were greeted by a few servants, Sehun just smiled at my puzzled look and led me to the kitchen, there at table there were two huge life sized dolls dressed in human clothes. Sehun smiled sweetly as he pointed at the one in male clothes and introduced it as his father and the other one as his mother. I looked at the chef and he  smiled at me. I looked at Sehun, he just asked me to follow him to his room and told me the whole story...his parents were into business (that explains the huge house and soo many servants) and were never home, so he just called those dolls his parents. I hugged him so tight that day, I could feel his tears stain my shirt, but I just held onto him.

Now looking Sehun, sitting beside me in our spot in the park, it fills me with soo much regret about the things I had done, and this I wished I had done differently, Oh Sehun, I am thankful to have such an angel beside me sighing in content. He looked at me, his eyes sprakling, a soft smile on his face and love in every breath he took, I knew I had found my forever. I leaned into him and kissed him, and gripped his hands tight, trying to stop my heart beating so fast, you think that after all this time I'll be used to his kisses and skinship? but I am not, it still affects me like it did when me first met. A content smile spread across my face. Oh Sehun, I love you, I love you so so so much, you're all I need for me to carry on with life, all I need to keep myself sane. You're all I need forever.

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chapter 8 is uppp~~~!!


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ichathoriqlover #1
Chapter 9: oh my sekai babies, this is so beautiful, wonder why I haven't read it the end, kaihun is together, and that's what matters. thanks
starpower88 #2
Chapter 9: this story is so great I love this ending!!!
kamjongin #3
Chapter 1: one of the best sekai fic I've read (four months ago) heehehe..
kumadeer #4
Chapter 9: make more please
Palabra_viva #5
AAAAWWWWWWW!!! too cute !!! I loved this!!! hehehe please continue making lovely stories of sekai!!!!(^u^)
*Sniff* OMG !!! ~
darksanctuary #7
They do that on hospital. Haha
Sehunnie is so waiting for that so badly afterall X'D
............ No Comment ! ............
WHOA. They did 'that' at he Hospital? WOW O_O
Oooh well isn't the maknae needy here ;) *smug*