Teaser #3

"Have a Safe Fall!" ☄ | Woollim Entertainment's New Girl Group {semi-hiatus}

Have a Safe Fall lands their feet on their own MTV reality show, ‘Ta-Dah! It’s Have a Safe Fall’
by OMGSun – May 22, 2012 at 2:27am

Woollim Entertainment’s new rookie girl group, HaSF, has already landed their own reality program before they have even debuted. The girls will be showing off their individual charms through a MTV programmed titled, “Ta-Dah, it’s HaSF”.

SBS-MTV’s ‘TA-DAH’will be following the girls over the next 10 weeks and will be focusing on the members’ hidden sides as well as stories behind their casting by Woollim Entertainment. They have been kept under wraps so far so fans are looking forward to seeing their personalities.

‘Ta-Dah’ has worked with previous rookies like B.A.P and MYNAME for their own successful debuts. HaSF has been chosen to lead the show’s third season.

Producers stated, “It’s a show with a different concept to other reality programs led by idols. This program will focus more on the members – each of their stories and how ‘Have a Safe Fall’ came to be and what made them who they are. We are hoping that with this show, fans would come to see HaSF members as normal and honest as they actually are. So please anticipate it.”

‘TA-DAH! It’s HaSF’ will begin broadcasting on June 10th. Check out the show’s official twitter and HaSFofficial for more updates!

Will Woollim Entertainment’s new girl group be like After School or T-ARA?
by OMGSun – May 23rd, 2012 at 5:33pm

Earlier this month, Woollim Entertainment caused a big storm in the media when it announced that they were preparing for the debut of a new girl group. Since Woollim Entertainment serves as a home to trend idol such as Epik High and Infinite, it came as no surprise that the group would garner massive attention.

The announcement that the group would feature 7 members caused a firestorm of comparisons to industry established groups such as T-ARA, After School, APINK and etc. In addition to these comparisons, much debate is held over the artistic direction of the group in relation to the much celebrated boy group, Infinite.

Though most of the members’ profiles have not yet been released, the unexpected release of teasers from both Woollim Ent and Infinite members added to the rising anticipation of the group. Industry veterans have made the analysis that this steady unannounced teasers, is Woollim Ent’s way of gauging the public response in order to better determine and formulate the characteristics of the group.

One thing is for sure, and that is that the group is sure to create an increasing amount of discussion and anticipation. Whether the predictions surrounding their style or music prove to be accurate has yet to be answered.

Nevertheless, fans can check out the girls’ teaser for their debut song here and follow @HaSFofficial for more updates on HaSF!

Seems like I'm not receiving anymore applications ;o; but it's okay, I guess. I am, after all, a fairly new writer in aff. I shall announce the closing date to send the apps (if anyone is still interesting) tomorrow or on Monday - whichever works. Thanks to those who subscribed to the story!

Highly doubt anyone reads this note of mine but I spent two hours trying to learn Zelo's rap. I amuse myself greatly.

Anyways, feedback would be greatly appreciated! If your character was chosen, which shows would you like for them to appear?

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ilabya6 #1
sweetlollie #2
Chapter 15: Please update quickly ~ I'm dying to know what happens next :(
No pressure LOL Hope you come up with a good story idea and didn't forget about this story !
hallo! two things~
1: i hope you figure out your plot soon, not gonna lie, im dying without this story D:.
2: i'm goin to use your tv show idea, ok?...
brightlightz #4
Get well soon!!! ^^ I'd be so upset if I lost the paper with my story plot written on it ;~;
In any case, take your time & I hope you feel better soon~
We love you too ^^
OMG my first reaction : i knew this was coming :C
my second reaction : you have a MAID??!! wow.
But yeah, i totally saw this coming. I was like "there must be somethin wrong with dumplingcheeks_..." Hopefully you'll enjoy your hiatus and figure out the plot. I srsly love this story! I would marry it if i could and it every night (even though we would be married...o_0) but yeah take as much time as yah neeed gurrrl. We love yah too! (at least i do...LOL) mrsmjjeje ; good luck with uni! im happy ive got a ways to go before i get the cuzlord knows i would be clueless hahaha.

RoxiLyn ♥
It's okay!! We'll wait for you patiently~ :3
Hope you'll recover well!! ^_^
Hwaiting!!!! :D
Awww I'm the ultimate bias~! *laughs like crazy* The fan account was cute ; I loved that you used a boy LOL. I would do the exact same thing with candy given to me by an idol o_0 that's not even healthy, man. LOL @ Jiae "Our skin is pretty bad today...". In the Gifs I can't help looking at L's scrawny lil muscles and SungJong in the second one teehee. *sighs happily* Well, now i have to go apply some calamine lotion caz I'm COVERED in bug bites...Have a nice weekend~!

RoxiLyn ♥ (the good hearts are back! wooooo!)
Aw, another sweet fan account. I always love hearing things about idols from a fan's point of view. The fans might be biased, but there's always that truth in there as well. I'm definitely going to go to a fanmeeting some day! ;^;
I love how the fan account is from a fanboy~ it definitely gives a new take and perspective on how Freefallers view the girls ^^ so sweet of him to give them all gifts! and even more sweet that Jiae gave him a Polaroid & Minjoo giving him candy that he's never going to eat haha so cute! great update!
brightlightz #10
Love the fanaccount; it's written so realistically as always ^^b
Omg Haerin's sense of humour, lmao OTL
Yes, Mr. Fanboy's right. Minjoo is very much like L.
Yeseul's so cute, hahaha.