Kiss Me

Drabbles of All Sorts

*This is for all you fans out there who love EXO and Hunhan as much as me and my sister (who wrote this).*

Pairing: Hunhan!

Word Count: 615

Rated: PG

warning: BoyXBoy, fluff. yadda yadda...


"Hey! Makenae! Where is Namsan Tower?"

He did not seriously just ask that. Sehun looked up from his breakfeast at the Chinese man who had been confused for his younger brother on multiple occasions.

"Why do you need to know?" He asked, already knowing the answer.

"Because I go back to China in a few days and I haven't seen Korea's best tourist trap yet, so come on, take me to Namsan Tower! Ir'll be fun!"

"Yeah, if you're a couple on Valentine's Day...," Sehun muttered under his breath as he finished he cereal and reluctantly grabbed his jacket and headed out the door with Luhan hovering uncomfortably close behind him.

Still, as lame as thought going to Namsan Tower was, he had to admit he as pretty happy to spend the day with Luhan. Of all the members of EXO he liked Luhan teh best by far. Even if he pretended to not care, the day of their impending separation was silently killing him.

Now they were starting to pass all the tourists who had no idea how to read hangul. Sehun had always found it inexplicably entertaining, watching all the foreigners walk right past teh most convenient entrance to Namsan Tower. But Luhan could read Korean fluently and in no time at all, they were in the seemingly infinite line to the top of the tower.

"Hmmmm...seems like we have a bit of a wait ahead of us. Let's talk!" said Luhan.

"OK, what do you want to talk about?"

Luhan thought for a while. "What are you looking forward to after debut?"

Sehun couldn't pretend he hadn't spend hours, possibly days, thinking about it. "I've been obssesed wioth dancing for as long as I can remember," Sehun let out a small laugh. "I've spent more time practicing my dancing than I've spent with my own family. I worked so hard to get here and I can't wait for that hard work to be appreciated. What about you?"

"Something similar I guess. I just hopw our work reaches someone. I mean, I know we were chosen for our good looks on top of our talent, and that SM is a business thrying to make more money than everybody else, and that because we're signed under SM, we're pretty much guaranteed success. But I still hope at least one person looks at us and sees more than just twelve pretty faces. That they'll see people with incredible passion and that it'll inspire tham to work harder for whatever they have a passion for as well. Even if just one person is able to make their life better because of us, then I'll be happy ... Sorry that sounds really cliche, doesn't it?" Luhan blushed as the sun slowly set un the horizon. He leaned over the bar as if he could touch it if he could only lean further.

Sehun looked at Luhan with his neutral face and said, "Yes. Yes it does... not that there's anthing wrong with that," he added when Luhan looked at him with feigned hurt feelings.

As they kept walking through the line, Sehun thought about how much he was going to miss Luhan once he had left. He actually really admired Luhan's dream and wished he had been put into EXO-M just to spend more time with him. Even if it meant a serious language barrier.

Finally, they were looking down on the world that was about to see hteir faces everywhere.

"It'll be weird, not haviong you around to talk to," Luhan smiled.

Sehun looked at Luhan. No matter how many times he looked at that face, he could never find an imperfection.

Sehun didn't want this moment to end. Neither did Luhan. And in an effort to make that day lst forever, they slowly leaned towards each other and kissed. 

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OHH i really loved the HUNHAN stories as well as the others^^