Hug Me

Drabbles of All Sorts

*Like I said before. These will be drabbles written by my sister! Thank you!*\

Pairing: Hangeng/Kibum... i don't know what the name for that couple is...

Word Count: 335

Rated: PG

Warning" BoyXBoy stuff... nothing else really. but if you see something, please tell me! ^_^

   The window was cracked.  There was hardly anything left in the apartment that was still in one piece.  The food was everywhere except the pantry and fridge.  Kibum and Siwon were staring at each other with the most indescribable look of loathing ever shown on a human face and would have been holding each other at knifepoint if Leeteuk hadn’t child locked all of the cutlery.


 “Give it a rest Siwon!  If he liked you more he wouldn’t have me in his bed every other night!”


 “Stop exaggerating, Kibum.  He only feels bad for you because you won’t talk to anyone else!  We actually care about each other!"



 “Care about each other!?  He’s only doing that for the camera and you know it!”


“HA! Keep telling yourself that.  We don’t just shower together for the fans, you know.”



This had been going on all morning and continued in the same way all afternoon.  Kibum narrowed his eyes and launched himself at Siwon’s throat knocking them both into the door in the same second Heechul opened it with Hangeng behind him carrying all of Heechul’s shopping for the day.  Heecul looked down at Kibum and Siwon and started laughing hysterically.  “Boys, boys, stop fighting; there is plenty of Heechul to go around.”   

 Kibum and Siwon quickly got up and stared at Heechul incredulously.  After a few seconds, Kibum said, “Hyung! Tell Siwon you like me not him,” running right past Heechul toward Hangeng.  “No way!” Siwon followed, “Did everything in China mean nothing to you?!”  Hangeng sighed.  He put Heechul’s bags down and hugged Kibum.  “Sorry, Siwon.  I was bored.  I thought you knew.  Now come on, something tells me Leeteuk is not going to like whatever you did to the apartment.”


 As they walked past him, Heechul stood in the doorway with his arms crossed.  “Well I like whoever brings in my stuff!”  After a long pause, Heechul gave up and dragged his bags into the apartment.  He did love himself very much after all.   


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OHH i really loved the HUNHAN stories as well as the others^^