Today More Than Yesterday

Drabbles of All Sorts


*Once again, a lovely story by my sister Kristina! This one is about MBLAQ! *

Pairing: G.O./Thunder

Word Count: 1,208

Rated: PG

Warning: It's kinda AU. I really don't know how to explain it.

Summery: What happens when G.O. builds a time machine to fix his mistakes of the past?


"Is it done yet?" Mir asked.

"For the fiftienth time this hour; NOT YET!" G.O. replied with gritted teeth. He didn't even want Mir to be here in the first place; G.O. was building a time machine and had not wanted anyone to know about it in case he failed miserably. That is until Mir, being his brilliantly oblivious self, just happened to wander down into the basement while he was working on it.

He forgave Mir after he was sure he would be able to successfully build his time machine though, and now he was almost done. He just had to connect these two wires... yes! - themachine started whirring and lit up - it was done.

"Is it done now?"

"Yes, Mir. You can stop asking now. So, only one thing left to do. Let's see if it works!"

"Ooh! Ooh! Can I pick where we go first?!"

G.O. sighed. He hadn't built a time machine just because he was bored after all. Still, he figured if he took Mir whenever he wanted to go, he would be able to go on his own trip alone later, so he let Mir pick the date they went to.

"You just type the date and location of where you want to go and press the big red button. Got it?" He prayed that the directions were simple enough even for Mir to grasp and soon the machine was moving.

When it stopped, they got out and found themsevles in a parking lot that G.O. recognied immediately.

"I've always wanted to come back to this moment," Mir said, " I've never felt more a part of something than when I joined MBLAQ and whenever I remember this, I wish I'd done something more.... Though I don't know what." Mir addmitted sheepishly.

G.O. and Mir hid behind a nearby building so they wouldn't be seen by their past selves. They turned their heads to the scene playing out before them.

All five of them were standing in a line in front of the man who had brought them all together. Even looking back on it now, G.O. thought Rain seemed different than all the other times he had seen him.

Dressed in his army uniform, Rain was very serious and distant, as if the two years they were about to spend had already starteda long time ago. G.O. hadn't expected Mir to come back to this moment and wasn't completly sure how he felt about looking back at them hug Rain goodbye, then watch and wave his car away.

They stood there for a few minutes savoring the nostalgia that was now so close until there was nothing left to do but go back to the time machine.

"So where are we going now hyung?" so G.O.'s hopes fell through. He was still stuck with Mir on the journey he had wanted to take alone. And once again, he didn't mind as much as he thought he would. They entered the time machine and G.O. punched in the date. They were in their apartment. G.O. hoped they had enough time.

G.O. thought back to the arguement he and Cheondoong had. He'd had a bad day - their single hadn't done nearly as well as he'd wanted it to, he was sleep deprived as hell, and dance practice that day had worn him into an irritable and short-tempered mess. So when Thunder asked if something was wrong since he hadn't seemed at the top of his game that day, G.O. snapped.

He yelled at Cheondoong that he was just riding on Dara's fame and everyone knew it, that he was lucky to be in an idol group in the first place, and a lot of other htings he knew would cut Cheondoong deep, but he didn't want to think about that. G.O. and cheondoong had not spoken since and when all five of them were in the same room, the tension could be cut with a knife; Joon had even tried once in a failed attempt to lighten the mood.

But G.O. hadn't ment any of those things. He loved everything that Thunder brought to the group from his aegyo, to his ability to pick up dances and songs almost immediately. Cheondoong was the most precious person in the world to him and he hated himself for saying those things; He hated himself for doing anything that would hurt the visual Maknae.

He wanted to be the one protecting Cheondoong, not the one hurting him. And that's why he built the time machine. He wanted to stop this fight from ever happening in the first place. He wanted to forever erase that pained look on Cheondoong's face that cut him to the core whenever he thought back to it.

He was about to tell Mir to go distract his past self and keep him as far away from Cheondoong as possible when he heard it. They were too late. He could hear his yells getting louder and louder. God, listening to himself was even worse than actually saying those things.

G.O. grabbed Mir and ran towards the time machine. All he hasd to do was go back just a few more minutes. He would keep trrying until he got it right.

When they got to the machine, Mir said, " Hyung, did you do all this just to avoid upsetting Cheondoong Hyung?" G.o.'s silence answered Mir's question. Mir replied, "You know, if you had just apologized, he would have accepted it."

"I know... I... I just didn't want it to happen at all."

They were both quiet for a while until Mir said. "Hyung, today is way more important than yesterday. It doesn't matter what crap you did yesterday if you can make everyting better today. I'm sure Cheondoong would have forgiven you."

G.O. laughed. "Well, if you're right, you should take your own advice. It won't do you any good to look back on all the times with Rain if you don't make an effort to be even better than you were when he left."

Mir nodded. All five of them were working to become bigger and better even though it was hard without Rain there, and after this experience, Mir vowed to work even harder from now on. G.O. took them back to the present day.


G.O. found Cheondoong in his room working on a song for their new mini album.

"Hey," G.O. said quietly.

"Hey." Thunder replied, confused, but just as quietly.

After an awkward silence, Cheondoong asked, "Is there something on your mind?"

G.O. stoood there and Cheondoong patiently waited while he tried to arrange his thoughts into words. Finally he took a little step closer to Cheondoong. "I'm... sorry," he said softly. "I hate myself for saying things that I knew would hurt you and I wish I could take it all back. I'm just.... I'm just sorry for being such an idiot!"

He wasn't quite sure what to say after that. Cheondoong smiled and held G.O.'s hands, "Byunghee, after all we've been through, we've become way too close from me to ever stop caring about you, no matter what happens. I will always love you."

And with that, G.O. pulled Cheondoong close and kissed him, making sure that moment meant more than anything that had happened in the past.



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OHH i really loved the HUNHAN stories as well as the others^^