Miss Me

Drabbles of All Sorts

*another Little story from my sister. Her birthday is today which is the same as Suho, so I hoped she would write a fic about Suho, but she wrote Hunhan again... whatever... XD*


Why had he gotten himself into this? He had known from the very beginning that it wasn't going to work, but no.... he had been too happy at the time to care about the consequences.

It had started off innocently at first. They were all going to be in the same group (more or less), so they were all supposed to get used to acting as close as brothers; even though all twelve of them had been in the same room together a grand total of five times. Sehun had caught Luhan's attention at first because he seemed so much quieter than the others, which was hardly the personality of your average idol. It was extremely intriging to Luhan. He became even more curious about Sehun when some of the members started saying they could probably pass for brothers.

Later, Luhan went looking for Sehun and found him in one of the dance studios, practicing for an upcoming teaser. As Luhan watched, e could practically feel Sehun's focus. Sehun intently watched every move his body made, rigorously looking for even the smallest mistake. Until he saw Luhan staring at him, that is. After that, they started talking more and more, and soon they were best friends and practically inseparable.

It happened while the two of them were practicing for one of their showcase performances. It hit him like a very heavy bag of bricks, and he couldn't be more thankful. Luhan realized he like Sehun as more than a friend and wanted to always be with him.

Then Luhan realized that Sehun felt the same way after one look at him.

The next thing Luhan realized was when morning came around and Sehun was lying next to him. Asleep on his own bed.

And with a shattering sense of defeat, the last thing Luhan realized was that he was leaving for China two weeks later, with no idea of when the next time he would see EXO-K's maknae again. He tightly held Sehun close trying to take in every last detail.

Now here he was, in China, regretting ever even talking to Sehun in the first place, and trying to up his grief for the cameras and other members.

But all he could think about was Sehun. Did Sehun miss him this much too? Why did it have to be Sehun? It could have been anyone except him. He would have been able to get over it so much easier.

AS Luhan sat, lost in his thoughts, the other members hung out in their dorm. The manager suddenly came in and told them to pack their bags; it was time for the SM Town LA concert and they were even going to Disneyland!

Luhan looked up from where he was depressingly rotting away. How had he forgotten the LA concert? How had he let himself get so depressed? After all, there was the Internet, Skype, and cell phones, numerous ways to talk to his love!

And he was finally going to see him in person again. Now Luhan was lost in his thoughts again, thianking about everything he and Sehun would do in LA...

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OHH i really loved the HUNHAN stories as well as the others^^