


I felt my eyes get watery and the butterflies in my stomach crumble down and leave emptiness. 

"Hey?" Key said and put a gentle hand on my shoulder but I shook it off. I hid my face in my arms as I tried preventing myself from crying. "hey? Don't uhh... be sad, okay? I didn't do anything - I didn't even touch you... this morning I just wanted to tease you a bit... I was only kidding... so, uhh, don't be sad, okay?" he said and tried to come closer to me.

"DONT come closer!" I said in a sharp tone. Key emmidiatly stopped. 

"I... you're right... I have never been together with a boy before... I haven't even kissed anyone... I have never undressed in front of a boy... ever..." I said, and just saying it made me sad. Key seemed like he didn't know what to say.

---------------------------------------- Key POV ----------------------------------------------

I looked at her hesitatingly. 

What could I do to cheer her up?

I really want to... hug her... I want to... tell her how I feel...

I bit my lip, then looked up at her. "Tobi I..." I started out, but stopped when she suddenly looked up. Her yes were a bit red, and her arms were shaking a bit. 

"If..." she started out, "if you would just pretend it ever happened that would make me glad. Knowing that you have seen my... body... makes me... sick..." she said and then ran into her room. I sat frozen in the sofa. I felt my throat tighten and mips get dry.

I leaned back in the sifa nad closed my eyes.

"I messed up big time..." I said to myself. "What can I do? I want to tell her so badly... but... even so... what am I going to say? I don't..." 

I don't even know how I feel...

I sat up in the sofa and rested my elbows on my knees letting my head drop down, and closed my eyes.

"how do I feel...?" I asked myself.

When I see her together with Zelo... one of my best friends... I get... so mad... for like, no reason at all. Just him being close to her. Him being able to make her blush and be all girl like. The fact that she isn't always angry when she's together with him. 

When she helps me change my clothes... brush my teeth... feed me... 

the sight of her cooking dinner... 

the funny way she looks in the morning with bed hair and dark eyes...

and the aura she has when she has just taken a bath and her hair's still wet...

I... have never met anyone I have ever hated this much... and at the same time... want this much.

I want her.

I want her for my self... I don't want to share her with anyone.

That is... the truth...!

I looked down at my leg, then sighed. "If it hadn't been for that 'accident' all of this wouldn't have happened... tsch..." 

My leg was almost healed and I could walk on it without crutches... but I wanted to have her by my side a bit more, so no need of telling her that.

I bit my lip then got up from the sofa, and was about to go to her room to ask her out, when she came out of her room fully dressed. She was wearing a short cute dress   (that looked like  this) ---->

with a thin belt and patent leather shoes. She had also curled her hair, put on makeup, and finished the look with a white embrodied west and a cute hat. 

Overall. She looked gorgeous!

I was too stunned to even speak.

She just glared at me, then smiled when somebody knocked on the door. I looked surprised at the door then at the watch hanging in my kitchen. The clock was 12:34 am. 

"Who...?" I said but my questions got answered when she ran for the door and let the person I hoped I wouldn't be seeing in a while, in. She hugged him tightly before letting him go, then looked over at me with dark eyes.

"Oh, hey hyung!" Zelo called from across the room. I gave him a nod. 

"Where are you going?" I said and tried to sound uninterested.

"On a date downtown!" he said, and was about to say more but Tobi quickly pushed him out of the apartment. "Oh, oh... well, see ya hyung!" he said before Tobi smacked the door. 

I sighed and looked over at the breakfeast she had made for me.

"Seems like I have to play spy for a day huh..."

And that is where my mission began, and i did something I would never have thought I would ever do.

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Chapter 63: Wait..... What happened? I dont get it.. Its confusing.. The three scenes with and then with key then zelo again then mir.. Waaaaaah my head hurts.. I really dont get this.. I swear.. Im sorry.. Author-nim, can you please make it clearer on the next chapter??? Please??????
MissLocket #2
Chapter 60: I got confused, sorry, the last scenario was real? Zelo is really playing with her? See, Key is not so bad after all.
Chapter 51: Ahah! I love him!
But, what the hell happened that night?
Chapter 50: The guy was Mir right?
Such a terrible accident! :s
Chapter 48: MIR!!! WAAAHHH
Chapter 48: I kinda feel sorry for Mie..he must haven't saved them because they can't...right?s;
Chapter 47: MIR?! Why do I feel like he's the bad guy here?
Chapter 47: He what???
Chapter 46: OMG PLEASE UPDATE SOON, I'm in love with your fanfic. ^.^ It's really great. :-)
Chapter 46: Oh come on! How can you, key, lose one oportunity like that???