Emotional Rain


The door flung open, and I met eyes with a person i never expected to see at such a place - especially not when it's raining.

He stood inside and looked at me with big eyes and crooked eyebrows. I looked at him with a confused face, and troubled eyes. My mouth dropped hallways open, and I felt how reality suddenly came back to me. Suddenly the sound of the rain was loud, and the wind blew in my ear and nibbled my skin as the rain continued to drench my clothes.

I was frozen into my bones, and my whole body shivered, but i didn't think of any other things than;

"Key...?" i said with a low voice. Hes eyebrows crooked in concern and his moth dropped hallways open unable to speak any gentle words.

"YAH!" he yelled after me, and I looked at him again with a drowsy look. I was tired... i wa exhausted... and only one day had passed.

"YAH!" he yelled again. "What are you doing?! Come inside, now!" he yelled, but I only looked at him without saying anything. I could see him thinking if he should roll out in the rain, then touching his hair, then his clothes... then he looked up at me and grinded his teeth. "You give me no freaking choice!" he yelled and then - with trouble - rolled out in the rain, and over to me. I looked down at him and saw how the rain also drenched his beautiful hair, and the school uniform he was so proud of, and then suddenly I felt bad for him. 

"Your'e... you... you..." Was the only words I was able to speak, before falling down on my knees. My neck felt powerless, my whole body was exhausted and my head ached from the cold air and overthinking. I silently let out small cries - those you cannot hear. I didn't want him to see me cry... I didn't want him to see me as a weak person.

He looked at me for what felt like a long time, but probably was only a few seconds, and then pulled my arm.

"Get up... stand up..." was his only words, but they made me stand up on my thrembling legs which blood was almost frozen. I felt my pulse go back to almost normal. "Please... please help me home... in this rain I will... get lost... " he said and then gently took my hand. The warmth of his hand overflowed in  mine, and I looked at him with a tired heart and mind, and started walking towards the entrance. I let go of his hand and opened the door and let him go in first. Before I went in I turned around, and saw that the rain was almost over - gently disappearing - and then turned around and closed the door after me.

Yes... indeed every storm has it's bright side...

But will I regret letting the rain drag me with it?


I'm sorry for the short chapter, I just thought it would end best this way x-) 

Is it getting too emotional? I don't know - haha - the tension ig getting bigger, ke ke x-)

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Chapter 63: Wait..... What happened? I dont get it.. Its confusing.. The three scenes with and then with key then zelo again then mir.. Waaaaaah my head hurts.. I really dont get this.. I swear.. Im sorry.. Author-nim, can you please make it clearer on the next chapter??? Please??????
MissLocket #2
Chapter 60: I got confused, sorry, the last scenario was real? Zelo is really playing with her? See, Key is not so bad after all.
Chapter 51: Ahah! I love him!
But, what the hell happened that night?
Chapter 50: The guy was Mir right?
Such a terrible accident! :s
Chapter 48: MIR!!! WAAAHHH
Chapter 48: I kinda feel sorry for Mie..he must haven't saved them because they can't...right?s;
Chapter 47: MIR?! Why do I feel like he's the bad guy here?
Chapter 47: He what???
Chapter 46: OMG PLEASE UPDATE SOON, I'm in love with your fanfic. ^.^ It's really great. :-)
Chapter 46: Oh come on! How can you, key, lose one oportunity like that???