
I woke up the next morning, laying the same way I did when i fell asleep the night before and with all my clothes on and unbrushed teeth. My hair was a mess and my makeup looked horrible + I was already late. I rushed out to the toilet, not even checking if there was anyone in there - completely forgetting where and with who I was living with. I quicklly got on the toilet, then cleared my make up and styled my hair. I then ran into my 'bedroom' and took all of my clothes off (except underwear) not thinking about closing my door and looked for my uniform. 

Just as I had gotten my skirt and socks on, I heard someone whistle and then suddenly reality fell down on me. I looked back with huge eyes, and saw to my terror that Key was sitting in a bathrobe on his rollerchair. He had leaned his head to the side and gave me the elevator look. I felt how my whole face got red, and quickly slammed the door to my 'bedroom' while yelling "ERT!!!" with all I'd got. 

That erted bastard!

"Hurry up, we need to go now, the van is here." he said and knocked on my door. I heard him roll away from it, and heard him fidge with some keys in the living room.

I quickly got my schoolbag and ran out to the small passage where (some) of his many shoes stood, and got mine on. I then opened the door, let him come out first and grabbed the keys and locked up his apartment. I then ran over to the elevator which was almost closing. Key was already in it.

"Yah! Key! Hold it!" I yelled as I came closer, but just as I reached there I saw his cocky smile and then the doors closed. I hit the wall in anger, and then ran over to the stairs and ran down until I was at fifth floor where I ran out to catch the elevator. I got out in time just to catch it, and quickly ran in, panting like had I just been running 10 km. He looked at me with his cocky smile and giggled as he saw that my hair was messed up again because of the running. 

I glared at him, bit my lip and then kicked his wheelchair. He looked terrified at me, and then looked angry.

"How could you?! You know that this is special design?! It has to look good!!!" he said loudly.

"SO.WHAT!!!!!" I said through my teeth and looked angrily at him. I kept on starring at him until he broke eyecontact and looked away. I straightened my back, brushed my skirt and shoudlers, and also styled my hair using the glossy walls in the elevator. I could feel him stare at me, but just scoffed to myself.

"Loser..." I said so myself so that he was able to hear it. I again felt his glare at my neck. I thought;

If looks could kill...

By the way... that uniform... it kinda looks my schools uniform... but, no way... that can't be.

We got in the van and he drove up to my school first. I got off and started walking towards the entrace when I heard him call my name. Everyone around me stopped up, and suddenly the whole place was in silence. Everyone stared at me, then at Key who came rollong towards me... in my schools uniform... 

So it really was... 

my schools uniform...


I glared at him - stoned. He came rolling towards me with a huge bright smile that showed his perfect shaped white teeth and perfect marked chins that got more noticeable when he smiled. His eyes glitted and everyone seemed amazed by his shining entrance, but I just starred at him with a completely frozen face. 

And just as I thought things wouldn't get any worse, his 'gang' came walking in the entrance. They stopped up when they was just behind Key. They were shining like super idols, and their image literally screamed out 'you know you'll never get this'. Even though I really didn't want to admit it, they looked perfect as they stood there in my schools uniform and looked at the crowd that just stared at them.

This is really like a drama... it really reminds me of a drama i've seen... what drama is it...? Ahhh, remember...

AH! I got it! 

Boys over flowers...


But no way I will let them be the new F...6! NO WAY! That's going to be over my dead body!

I glared at them all for one last time, accidently locked eyes with the kittylooking one with pink curly hair, but quickly broke eyecontact and turned around and walked in school.

"Hey! Tobi! Wait up!" I heard Key call behind me. I stiffened, and slowly turned around and looked at him with a angry glare. 

He just didn't do that!!!!

He came rolling up to me, still smiling with glittering eyes. He looks so fake - I just couldn't help thinking that as he came up close to me. I looked down on him, and then around. Everyone was starring at me. I smiled awkvardly at them and quickly bowed my head a few times, then stared at him again. 

"What. Do. You. Want?!" I said lowly through my teeth as I kept pretending to smile. He made a sign for me to lean in, and so I did.

"You don't remember our promise?" he started out. My whole body stiffened up. "You and I are going to be together 24/7, that's our deal. Or else the whole schools gonna know that you made me break my leg and arm on purpose. You don't want that, am I right?" he said and smiled. I felt his breath against my ear, and quickly scooted away. I looked weirdly at him and the nquickly ran away from the situation.

"See ya!" he called after me, but I hurried away. 




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Chapter 63: Wait..... What happened? I dont get it.. Its confusing.. The three scenes with and then with key then zelo again then mir.. Waaaaaah my head hurts.. I really dont get this.. I swear.. Im sorry.. Author-nim, can you please make it clearer on the next chapter??? Please??????
MissLocket #2
Chapter 60: I got confused, sorry, the last scenario was real? Zelo is really playing with her? See, Key is not so bad after all.
Chapter 51: Ahah! I love him!
But, what the hell happened that night?
Chapter 50: The guy was Mir right?
Such a terrible accident! :s
Chapter 48: MIR!!! WAAAHHH
Chapter 48: I kinda feel sorry for Mie..he must haven't saved them because they can't...right?s;
Chapter 47: MIR?! Why do I feel like he's the bad guy here?
Chapter 47: He what???
Chapter 46: OMG PLEASE UPDATE SOON, I'm in love with your fanfic. ^.^ It's really great. :-)
Chapter 46: Oh come on! How can you, key, lose one oportunity like that???