
The Guys Next Door

"You're looking hot tonight." Seunghyun said as he winked at me, leaving me blushing. In the corner of my eye I noticed Siwon glaring at him. He seems kinda jealous, don't tell me he has a thing for me or anything like that?


Bom's P.O.V


I kept conversing with Siwon and barely talked to Seunghyun. He seems like such a sweet guy, not that I like him, I clearly have feelings for Seunghyun, but then I remembered the time when Seunghyun kept flirting with the waitress, obviously making me jealous. I was flirting with Siwon, only to make Seunghyun jealous and my plan was working out great considering that Seunghyun seemed to be fuming with anger.


"So, how has work been?" I asked as I smiled at Siwon.


"Nothing special, just the usual, saving lives and that." He said cockily. I forgot to mention that Siwon can be a bit cocky, no wonder he is friends with that bastard, Eunhyuk.


"Nice, that sounds so, manly." I replied as I giggled, giving him a fake smile. I looked to my right only to find the seat emtpy. Where did Seunghyun go? I directed my eyes to the dance floor as I noticed him grinding his body with some random chick. So, that's how he wants to play? Game on, jerk.


"You wanna dance?" He asked as he noticed me looking at the dance floor, he must have thought I wanted to dance. After what I just saw, there is no way I'm gonna decline.


"Of course." I said, faking a smile. He lead me to the dance floor as we started dancing immediately. I noticed Seunghyun glaring at us as he was pressed between to girls.


"I didn't know you were this great of a dancer." He whispered seductively in my ear as I grinded my body on his. In the corner of my eye I noticed Seunghyun making out with a girl. I felt my heart breaking into pieces as I ran out from there, my tears falling down. I take back what I said about Seunghyun, I'm not sure if he's better than Siwon. At least Siwon put all his attention on me, and me only.


"Bom, wait!" I heard that deep voice of his yell. I didn't care and just continued running, he caught up with me in no time considering the fact that I was wearing heels. He caught my wrist and spun me around.


"Let me go, Seunghyun." I said, only to get ignored as he crashed his lips on mine. I don't know why I even responded, I still love him, yeah, but I'm upset about what he did. I know it's not like I'm his girlfriend or anything, he can go around kissing any girl he wants to. But not me, he can't come kissing me after kissing some other girl.


"I'm sorry, Bom. I'm not exactly sure of what I did wrong or why you're crying. But if it has anything to do with what happened in there, does that mean that there is a possibility you like me?" He said with a glint of hope in his eyes. I ignored his look as I hailed a cab, getting in it before it drove away. I hugged my knees as I sobbed silently. I couldn't wait to get home and forget about today. The look on his face was devestating when I left in the cab, I can't believe I hurt him like that, but then again he was making out with a girl a couple of minutes ago. I touched my swollen lips as our kiss replayed in my head only making me sob even harder. I payed the cab driver as I ran inside the house ignoring Jiyong and Chaerin that was lying on the couch cuddling with each other. I darted up the stairs as I stormed inside my room, slamming the door shut. The door was soon opened as Chaerin stepped inside, carefully closing the door after her as she sat down next to me.


"What's wrong, Bommie?" Chaerin asked, my hair.


"It's Seunghyun." I replied as I wiped my tears away. I was trying to stop the tears from flowing, but failed miserably.


"What did he do?" She asked as she furrowed her eyebrows.


"It's nothing, Chae, just go enjoy your date with Jiyong. I don't want you to see me like this." I said as I buried my face in my pillow, sobbing silently.


"Come on, unnie. I've always been there for you, you've always told me everything, so please just tell me what's up. Jiyong understands the fact that I need to comfort my bestfriend." She responded giving me a reassuring smile.


"He kissed me." Her eyes widened as I continued to speak. "Right after making out with a random stranger in front of me." I said scoffing. I'm not sure what he feels about me. He kissed me and he seemed pretty jealous when I was with Siwon, but still, why would he make out with another woman? Maybe out of jealousy?


"And what happened before that?" Chaerin asked confused.


"I had all my attention on Siwon because I wanted to see if he would be jealous. I know it sounds stupid, but I wanted to find out if he maybe had any feelings for me too. And I thought he was jealous, but he just kissed a girl in front of me, like it's some casual, normal thing to do. And then he only confused me even more when he kissed me right after, and that look he gave me once he asked if I liked him, I almost thought he felt the same way." I exclaimed wiping away more tears.


"But, Bommie, what if it was his way of making you jealous? Obviously he likes you Bom and I don't think the kiss with that girl meant anything to him, maybe he was just buzzed from all the drinking. You gotta let him explain, Bom. He stormed inside just a a few minutes after you. If it wasn't for Jiyong stopping him he would already be here, explaining himself. I get it if you need time to think about it, if so, I'll go tell him. Just don't leave him hanging. You're allowed to have breakdowns, Bommie, you're allowed to feel hurt. We don't see you as weak. You're one of the most independent, strongest and most willpowered people I know. No matter how much you cry, you will never be weak in my eyes." She said as she pulled me in for a hug, letting me cry on her shoulder. This is why I love Chaerin. She's one of the youngest, but still she always knows what to say and how to act. What would I be doing if it wasn't for her?


"Thank you, baby Rin. Tell Tabi that I need some time, just a couple of days to clear my mind and I'll be ready to talk to him." I said as my crying finally stopped. She nodded her head in response before leaving the room, shutting the door carefully.



Seunghyuns P.O.V


I sat impatiently waiting for Chaerin to come out of Bom's room. I can't believe I was stupid enough to kiss that girl, I didn't mean to hurt Bom. Now she's crying and it's all my fault. I sighed as I ruffled my hair in annoyance. At least I know she likes me, I'm not so sure if she still feels the same way after what I did though. Chaerin came out of the room as I stood up and darted towards her.


"What did she say? Can I talk to her?" I asked and saw her give me a sad smile.


"Sorry, Seunghyun, but she said she needs time to think it over. She will talk to you when she's ready. She's really hurt, Seunghyun, just give her space." She replied as I flopped down on the couch in misery.


"I didn't mean to hurt her, I swear. It was a mistake, that kiss didn't mean anything to me. You know what I feel about her, Ji. I-I-I love her." I said as a tear trickled down my cheek. I quickly wiped it away not wanting anyone to see me in this state.


"I know, hyung, but give her some time. She will talk to you eventually." Jiyong said as he patted my back, I guess I just have to wait then.


"So, how did the first date go?" I asked smirking, trying to lighten the mood. They looked at each other immediately smiling.


"It was amazing, perfect actually." Chaerin replied as Jiyong intertwined their fingers.


"It turned out great." Jiyong said before leaning in to kiss Chaerin on the lips. He cupped her face as she s her arms around his waist. They totally forgot that I was around as they were only focusing on each other. I cleared my throat and they pulled away immediately looking at me with an apologizing look.


"Too much PDA. Anyways, I'm tired, it's been a troublesome day, so I'll just go to sleep, goodnight. See you in the morning." I exclaimed as they both waved at me before I finally went upstairs and dropped myself on the bed.


I've mad up my mind. When she's finally ready to talk, I'll confess my feelings for her, rejection or not.  "I really hope you'll come around, Bom. I miss you already." I said staring at the ceiling.


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seoinae #1
Chapter 31: Omggg yesss finally he said it!~
babyda #2
Chapter 5: Until here, I can't imagine wht place neighborhood looks like..this little depressed for me arghh!! I can't imagine their house looks like arghh!! So distracted T^T
Chapter 1: OMG Perfect ships! Just saying....
Chapter 59: Nice story.. I love it so mucyymucyy....
Chapter 29: wow, it's amazing someone can be bipolar like that! *cough* TOP *cough*
aishahdaebak #6
Chapter 9: This is great!
Chapter 60: Love your story =) <3
Chapter 59: That's an awesome story authornim :) Thank you for sharing it with us :)))
Chapter 60: I LOVE YOU
I love this.
IS very awesome