Request a oneshot!!


I have been wanting to write some fanfics, but have no idea what group to chose!:/ So that why I need your help come request a oneshot story from me!!\(^o^)/


Okay, if you want to request a one shot comment below! The following is what is required, if you do not follow the requirements I will not write you a oneshot until all is met.

1. You'll need to subscribe so you can know when your oneshot story is up, I will message you the name of the requested oneshot.

2. You must give the groups name and the one you would like to be the lead.

3. Your charters name (looks are not required but would help if listed)

4. The last thing is not required but is always nice to have. What is something you have always wannted a guy to do for you? You can privetly message this one to me if you'd like!:)

Simple enough, at least give me a week to write it I'll tell you if anyone is ahead of you. I will message you the name of your oneshot. Also if you do not like what I writen for you I will rewrite. Thank you and hope to write you a story!!mヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ -soraskylovelife


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gomawo ~^^
Soraskylovelife #2
I'm having a hard time getting pics up on here so if you can tell me how that would be great!
I wanna request too ^_^

EXO-k's Suho
my character's name: Karizma :D