All Boys School??!!

Will I Really Fall In Love?

A few years passed and you were now 17 years old. You were still working at the restaurant.

Cling cling

"Welcome! How many people?" the ahjumma asked.  "We are looking for this girl." He held out a picture.

Shocked the ahjumma lied "I've never seen her before, what's your reason to find her?" she asked the two men wearing black suits and dark sunglasses.  "Nothing you don't need to know, let's go." he signaled his other comrade.  The ahjumma slowly watched them leave her restaurant, she quickly went to the kitchen to find you. 

You were a beautiful girl who had big Bambi eyes, long curly hair. You were a bright, kind person who is gentle and quiet. You had a pure heart, you never like to burden anyone, you would always put people first than you. 

"~~~!" She panicked. "Neh?" you questioned.  "They're here to find you!" She paced back and forth. "Ehhh?!!!" surprised. You looked at her "Ottokee?!" you bit your nails.  "Come with me" she ordered, she went up to your room and grabbed a bag large enough to fit your clothes and other things in. "Here put all your clothes in." "But-" she stopped you. "~~~ trust me it's for your own good, please." she squeezed your hands. "Ok.." you listened to her.

The ahjumma quickly went to her room and opened her drawer, she took out a stuffed envelope filled with money that you earned. She left her room and went inside yours.  You were still packing your clothes when she called you. "~~~.." she grabbed your hands and gave you the envelope. In your surprise it was money.

"Ah-Ahjumma you can't.." you tried to return it to her. "~~~ the money is yours from all the hard work you did for me this is my return for you." She looked you in the eye.  "Thank you" you smiles at her

 "Are you done yet?" she asked. "Neh." you replied. "Ok come with me."  You And the ahjumma headed towards to back door where the kitchen was.

"Look ~~~ run away far from this restaurant" You looked at her shocked. 

"Go find a decent apartment ok and remember to apply for school too" she told. "Now go" she pushed you to leave.  "And ~~~ I love you very much." she smiled.  You wanted to cry when she said those words, it truly reminded you of your mother. "Ah-ahjumma" you slightly whined. "Go before they come back again." You had no choice but to leave. "I'll miss you! I will always remember what you did for me!" you cried. She smiled and waved goodbye to you. 

And that was the end, you were alone.  You roamed around the city to find a cheap apartment. But in the end you found a apartment that wasn't as fancy but it was better than nothing. You opened the door and looked around and you sat on a chair. *why does this always happen to me?*

A few days past and you applied to the nearest school. The school was called SM High.  You arrived at the school gate, ot wasn't the best looking school but you had no other choice. You walked into the school and felt eyes on you, you looked at them as if they want something from you.  You arrived at the office.

"Can I have my schedule please?" you asked the lady. "Name?" she sourly said. 

"Lee ~~~ is my name" "hold on a sec" she went up to another room, after a few minutes she came back with your schedule "Here you go" she handed your schedule to you.  "Thank you" you smiled. 

You followed your way to your locker, all morning you felt stares from the guys. *where are all the girls you thought?* when you arrived to your locker you did your combo and but your stuff in.  Then you looked at your schedule again to find your classroom. You kept walking to finally reach your destination. You opened the door but to your surprise to see the class full of guys in there, they looked at you but you just walked past them to an empty seat.

"ya.." you heard them talk.  "Since when was there a girl in an all boys highschool?" one of them asked their friends. *what?!* they just shrugged.   

Ding Ding

The teacher came in. "hmm lets see we have a new student let me introduce her to you guys." the teacher said. "come up here" he ordered you to go in front of the class. "This is Lee ~~~ she came was born in Seoul etc etc etc" he finished.

"I hope we get along" you said and bowed to them.

You felt smirks and heard a whistle from the class. You looked at them weirdly, they gave you winks as you walked passed them. You gave them weird looks and went to sit by the window ignoring the lesson. 

During lunch you were at the cafeteria. You walked passed a group of boys. "Hey y!" He winked at you. They all chuckled. You looked at them weirdly, you didn't care if they were flirting all you wanted was something in you stomach. 

When you got your tray and set food on it, you sat on a empty table and grabbed your iPod, turned it up high so you don't hear any of the guys trying to flirt with you. *I can't believe this was once a all boys school, and also a crappy school too, I guess this the only way, I have to endure this* you sign.  You took out your book and started to read while eating. 

You felt a presence infront of you. You looked up to see  another group of boys.  *sigh stay strong ~~~ just like your mother said* you raised your eyebrows at them. "may I help you" you questioned. 

"hey there what's your name cutie?" a guy I'm blonde asked.  You answered back to him. "is there need to know my name?"

"of course! How about I tell you my name first?" he cheekily smiled with a wink. 

You looked at him with a poker face on. "I'm not interested in knowing your name and you don't need to know mine. " you gathered your things and left them. 

"damn hyung! You just got rejected!" they laughed

"Ya-Yah! Shut up" he yelled in embarrassment. 

*geez, do I have to go through this everyday?* you scrunched your face. 

School ended fast but you got so annoyed of the entire school. You were the type of person who wouldn't get mad so easily but if they annoy the heck out of you, you would lose it. You came back home and went straight to your bed. You grabbed the picture of your mother and father deeply gazing at it. *it's so lonely umma, appa...* you slowly closed you eyes and drifted off sleeping. 

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Dukiepoopie #1
Chapter 6: I love this!! Please update soon!
Keep it up - Yuki
Check out my other fanfics on my other acc exogirl4ever12 pls! :D
tinado58 #4
Please update soon!!!!
plz update!!! I've been waiting author-nim!!
ailisu #6
aww~~ lay ^_____^
hes so cute XD
dkhanani27 #7
Unnie update soon;-)
ailisu #8
ailisu #9
haha kai is cute :3
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