Sweetness of Heartbreaker

Circle Equation



[No One's POV]




“Please not him, hyung. I don’t care with anyone. But not with him.”

“What are you talking about , Kev?”

“Can.. can we talk tomorrow?”

“..... I have a date with him, maybe later. Is it ok?”

“No. We don’t have to talk again!”

Why? It’s the only word that stuck in Kevin’s head, interfering him in a perfect manner. Everything was happened out of the blue whether Kiseop was truly falling for him or not. No body could understand what he felt at that moment instead he’s confused about his feeling about what he should do. Should he tell Kiseop that the guy almost him? “There’s no sense in telling him.”

Maybe he’s just too selfish for forcing Kiseop to stop his heart, blocking his own life from the truth, wanting him to lie for saying that he love him as he’s only created for him. Or he’s just too jealous why people could liberate their feeling, confessing their truly heart, defending the pure love instead creating the abhorence for paying their sins. But he knew that he’s just too stupid, expecting a slight love from his inability, not able stealing Kiseop’s heart even for years of waiting, even for years of crying, even for years of dying. “I’m just insane.”

Kevin let his legs to take him away, depending the movement of wind, blowing him like the seeds of white dandelion carried away as tiny parachutes, spreading widely for finding the new life. Then the dandellion became lonely after protected its seeds on its unbranched frame, noticing its role had ended, just being left in the end. However, this dandelion described Kevin’s heart as it was shattered into pieces, leaving uselessness in him, indeed wishing the pieces found other hearts he could trust as it grew higher.

Kevin tried to lifted his head, finding him in front of the city park, somehow a right place for calming down. He came to the park, seeing some children ran and  played happily. Then he took a seat on the end of the path in order to call into  the silent. He leaned his back to the bench, looking up to the dark sky, announcing the rain would come soon.

Unwittingly, a little a boy approached him, hugging a ball tightly. “Why are you crying?”

It made Kevin confused for a while but he finally recognized what the boy meant after he felt a drop of water fell to his hand, or maybe it’s tear. Kevin wiped his cheek with his finger, feeling a bit shy like when his mother used to find out he cheated in a card games. He forced to smile and the boy’s hair.

“You’re pretty when you smile.”

Suddenly, the little boy ran away after he had said that simple words, making Kevin blushed due to what the little boy spoke.

The street lamps finally brightly as if the night had come, bringing the thunder roared through the park, making the children scare indeed they searched their parents for their safety. Kevin kept staring blankly however his heart still in pain seemed not able to heal in a short time. He had a notion that god cursed him, telling how bitter the love was, not as sweet as the elder said.

He somehow thought to make a bet to god for attempting his luck whether he still got a chance for loving him or not. “Please... I beg not to make it rain.” But, no one seemed hear what he had said, considering him like a blast of wind, instead making against him. The rain immediately came, bringing peace of mind for everyone, but not for him.

Kevin let the tears come as the rain streamed down his face, covering the tears flow. Then he paced to the shade tree, bringing him away from the rain. He tried to make up his mind, nevertheless, he had to forget everything about the boy instead forget every moment with him that meant to bury all of his memories eight years ago since he didn’t even have a single memory without him.




Finally, the rain stopped, leting Kevin disappeared as the sun set an hour ago, realizing he’s not a part of bliss carrier in the park. Kevin let a sigh, going home for resting his mind. He wished that Kiseop wouldn’t come to his house since their house were just meters away. He titled his head and looked at the shopwindow beside him, reflecting his miserable body in an oversize clothes, reminding that it’s not belong to him. Apparently, Kevin noticed something weird. It seemed he was being followed since he had been in the park.

Facing the ground, not wanting the strange guy found him, indeed widening his steps to make a long distance with him. The guy wore a black hoodie covering his face, making Kevin unable to see his hidden face. Kevin pondered not to come home since he was alone and it’s already night, making the guy easier to do unpredictable things to him.

He tried to run as quickly as he could, somehow the guy surprisingly was closer to him. Kevin then turned left on the edge of the road, tilting his head, assuring the guy was far behind him but he ‘s wrong. The guy was some meters away, following him to an alley.

Finding himsef in a serious problem, Kevin chose the wrong choice for hiding in a little bar on the right side, emitting light by the neon sign on the top of the door, offering a little help for this little boy. Knowing there’s no other chance, Kevin decide to enter the bar. A scary guard suddenly appeared in front of him, checking him out head to toe.

“Are you sure you want to enter?” the guard kept smirking to him.

Kevin took a  gulp, taking all of his money from his pocket. “Just take it all.”

The music sound was heard when Kevin first entered the room. No experience made him confused what he should do there, expecting not to get involved further into this kind of game. Furthermore, a waiter approached him, pulling Kevin’s hand in order to make him sat on the stool near the round table in the side of the room.

“Is it your first time to come here? I never saw you before. Actually, I wondered why a cute boy like you come to a place like this. But, I’ll bring you a good drink. Just wait and sit here!”

Kevin didn’t know how to react with the waiter’s sudden invitation. He bit his lips, sitting there only propped by his innocence, instead tilting his head sometimes if the strange guy came there. A glass of drink were brought by the waiter when a middle-aged man came to sit beside him, staring at him seductively. Kevin held his drink, keeping his eyes on it, not wanting to be disturbed by the man’s presence.

The man suddenly placed his hand on Kevin’s chin, making Kevin felt clumsy for the oddity. Kevin then took his unknown drink and drank it to cover the situation, however it’s not feel good for Kevin but he drank one glass of it, making he felt dizzy on his head. The waiter then filled his glass again with the same drink, forcing him to take another gulp until he lost his consciousness.




The birds still chirruped, perched on the branch, enjoying the sunbathe created from the rays among the leaves since the sun was upright to the appropriate latitude of their state. Not as usual, the twitter kept humming like tried to wake up the sleeping princess from thousand years of dreaming and never stopped until the reality passed by the fantasy.

Kevin felt like dying, seeing an enormous black wall incrusting every creatures then he felt like it him into a blackhole. He tried to opened his eyes hardly, noticing he’s not fully awaked instead he’s implicated with a kind of dazed sensation. The bed was not as soft as his bed, not too hard and not too soft. It’s just nice. Kevin moaned and turned his head to the right until he saw something in front of his eyes, a smiling face with a big puppy eyes as leaned his chin on the tip of the bed somehow his body couldn’t be seen. 

“Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhh...” Kevin widened his eyes then he slapped the unfamiliar face however seemed wanting to eat him up.

“Aaaargh.. What the hell are you doing?” a blonde-haired guy was screaming while his hand holding his red face.

Kevin looked at his palm using for slapping him. “I-I’m sorry. It’s a bad habit.”

Then he tried to sit on the bed, making the blanket moved and showed his bare chest, startling his dizziness.

“Whoaaa.. I-I’m ? What, what are you doing to me? Wh-Where my clothes? Who the heck are you? Why am I here?” Kevin asked in panic as he held the blanket tightly covering his body.

 “You didn’t remember?  Hmmh.. Should I remind you with that sweet night? Don’t you think that you should say sorry after you dominated my bed all over the night?” The guy smirked and stared to him seductively.

“I-I don’t understand wh-what you meant. What happened last night?”

“hmm.. ok. You drunk and danced like crazy. Then some guys flirted with you and they’re about to take you. So, I saved you and carried you home, but YOU THREW UP ON MY CLOTHES AND LOCKED ME INTO MY BATHROOM WHOLE DAY. HOW I SLEPT WITH THE COLDNESS ALL NIGHT WHILE YOU WAS SLEEPING IN MY BED. Now get up from my bed!”

The guy paced him and pulled his blanket. Kevin took a gulp and pulled the blanket back to cover his body. They seemed like playing a who-got-the-blanket-could-get-it-all game, until Kevin bit the guy’s hand strongly, leaving a bite mark on his hand.

“Aaaarrgghh....” He screamed for the second time. “I’ll count to ten, if you didn’t get out, you must pay for that.”

“10. 9...”

He went out from his room and left Kevin alone as he continued to count. Kevin widened his eyes, thinking how crazy that guy was. He apparently found his clothes folded neatly on the chair. Quickly, he closed the door and wore his pants. “5. 4....” He took his clothes and wore it, however it smelled nice as if someone had washed it that night. “2. 1.”

“Finish.” The guy opened the door, seeing kevin was still there, he furrowed his brows.

“Why are you still here? I ordered you to get out, don’t you hear?”

“You.... you’re a stalker. I know you followed me last night, saw me , and it’s all happened because of your fault.”

"I don't hear anything." The guy covered his ears childishly, not wanting to hear Kevin nagged. “Ok. I should give you a punishment since you’re still here.”

“You.. SON OF .”

“You don’t know how you told me everything last night, right? About your chilhood, never get a first kiss, your broken heart, even your mom.” He smiled. “Should I tell your secrets though it’s too embarassing?”

Kevin blinked his eyes  for his sudden words, not wanting to believe that he easily talked all of his secrets to him, how he was so stupid.

“Now, you apologize or I tell them. Mmmh?”

“I will never ever apologize to a person like you.” Kevin looked at him intensely for the last time and walked out from his house, closing the door hardly, leaving him alone without giving what the guy wanted.

“How interesting!” The guy laughed like crazy. “Don’t blame on me if you got a sweet surprised.”




Getting lost for three hours made him notice that he should be more wise moreover he only walked since he had no money.  His legs were about to broke into pieces even like his heart. Everything was just wrong for Kevin. It’s 8 p.m. but he didn’t wanna go home, instead taking another way, finding someone he could share his problem with. He couldn’t believe that he told everything to the annoying guy even he told him about his mom indeed he never told anyone before. He faced the ground, thinking what he should do to continue his life since it was a mess.

“Dongho, I want to sleep here toni...ght”

Kevin blinked his eyes after he saw Kiseop there in Dongho's house, having a wound on his lips as dongho held a first aid box on his hand. Kiseop suddenly ran upstairs after he had seen Kevin, covering his bleeding lips. Kevin knew that he was still angry with Kiseop but why the heck Kiseop had to run off from him.

“Kiseop told me that you didn’t come home last night. What happened between you two?” Dongho suddenly broke the silence between them.

“Nothing. What’s wrong with Kiseop?”

“Why don’t you ask him?”

Dongho left Kevin alone in the living room, following Kiseop walking upstairs, making Kevin though as if it’s all his fault. Then Kevin went to the backyard, giving himself a time for making up his mind, leting the night breeze dried his wound deep inside his heart until he suddenly heard a little step as someone approached him from behind.

“What happened to you?” Kevin suddenly asked, knowing who the guy was.

“I think we’re still in fight?” Kiseop glanced at Kevin, having a heavy sigh before he started to talk again.

“I dated him this morning, but we’ve broken up.”

“It’s good. Somehow I’ll do anything even force you to break with him if you don’t want to.” He said coldly to him, not even looking at him instead he kept his eyes looking at the ground.

“Is there someone, maybe... in your heart?”

“...... No one.” Kevin went inside the house, not wanting to continue the talk, ending their cold war .




I'm sorry I didn't update for a loooong time, but it's not like I'm abandoned this fic. I had many tests last weeks, I hope you could understand. :{

anyway, I felt a bit confused with this story, but whatever I'll continue it and it's how the story must go. kekeke~~~ {*I'm going crazy}

And yeah, I wrote another fic. Please look on it http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/201068/7th-eli-elvin-kevin-kiseop-ukiss-vinseop-fluffxangst

thanks a lot guys XD

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Choivita97 #1
in the description, Soohyunn and Eli love Kiseop.. but kiseop loves Kevin and Kevin loves Soohyun ... but i think i support vinseop!!
CamiiAusterlitz #2
update !!!
is that love circle about everyone loving Kiseop or Kevin, sry I am confused 0.0
wait is Kevin saying he has no one in his heart?0.0
why would he say that he doesn't love Kiseop?0.0
I don't like this blond guy, aka Eli here T.T
bunnyfish00 #5
please, be patient. I wanna make a little conflict first, LOL. I hope you can wait ;D and THANKS for your comment. Please, keep supporting me~♥
Vinseop please~~~~~~~ update soon!
mipocai #7
update pleaseee
Plz update! :D
I want vinseop~ lol update soon thought!!
and 2shin maybe?:P