Peaceful Morning

My Dark Knight


Taeyeon smiled at Tiffany, who was now sleeping soundly on the bed. She seemed to trust Taeyeon a lot to be able to fall asleep at her place without any reservations or cautions.

Taeyeon then started feeling a little guilty.



If Tiffany knew what I am hiding from her… would she still be able to … trust me? But sooner or later, she will have to find out eventually…

When that happens… will she still come and celebrate my birthdays with me and accompany me when I am feeling down…?



Taeyeon furrowed her eyebrows together as she worried about the future. As she thought more and more, she realised that she was actually worrying about her relationship with Tiffany. She realised that deep down in her heart, Tiffany was already starting to matter a lot to her.

Taeyeon shook her head, trying to get rid of these stray thoughts. After making sure Tiffany was sleeping comfortably, she headed out of the room and down the stairs.




The Next Day


Tiffany started stirring in the bed as she stretched her arms. Tiffany gave a long yawn as she slowly sat up on the bed. After rubbing her tired eyes, she slowly opened her eyes. To her surprise, she did not see the familiar pink furniture and accessories and quickly realised that she was not in her own room.

Tiffany then remembered that the day before was Taeyeon’s birthday and that she had come to celebrate Taeyeon’s birthday for her, and that she had fallen asleep during the movie. Realising that she was still in Taeyeon’s house and was on her bed, she climbed off the bed and checked the time.

It was just past 6.00am, so there were still 2 more hours before she had to report to work.

Tiffany went down the stairs to the living room, looking around to find Taeyeon. After searching through the entire house and being unable to find her, she went to the living room couch and sat down on it absent-mindedly.

She got up again quickly when she abruptly realised that she was not sitting on the couch but on someone’s leg instead. Following the leg up to its owner, she realised that the person sleeping on the couch, much to her surprise, was none other than Taeyeon.

Tiffany watched anxiously as Taeyeon stirred slightly in her sleep at the sudden weight of Tiffany’s body but continued sleeping peacefully. Tiffany let out a sigh of relief, glad that she had not accidentally woke Taeyeon up from her sleep.

Tiffany saw that Taeyeon was still shifting uncomfortably on the couch. She realised that Taeyeon must have given up her bed for her whilst she went down to sleep on the couch instead. As Taeyeon continued fidgeting, her arm dropped down over the couch and laid hanging down the seat.

Tiffany helped to pick Taeyeon’s arm up and put it back on her body. As Tiffany touched Taeyeon’s arm, she realised that Taeyeon’s arm was ice cold.



It must have been really cold to sleep on the couch… Silly Taeyeon… Why didn’t you wake me up… It was your birthday yesterday too…



Tiffany started feeling guilty for making Taeyeon have to sleep so uncomfortably on her birthday night. Tiffany’s eyes watered at the thought that she had made Taeyeon suffer for her when it was her birthday and she should have been treated much better.

Tiffany quickly ran up the stairs and brought back down the blanket on Taeyeon’s bed and covered Taeyeon, who was still asleep on the couch, with the blanket. Tiffany helped to tuck Taeyeon into the blanket.

Tiffany decided to help Taeyeon get her breakfast in order to make up for last night. Tiffany quickly wore her shoes and ran out of Taeyeon’s house towards the nearby bakery. Tiffany wanted to be back before Taeyeon woke up so that Taeyeon would be able to enjoy her breakfast immediately without waiting unnecessarily.

Tiffany glanced at her watch nervously. She wanted to be back in 15 minutes at most, afraid that Taeyeon would wake up soon. Tiffany ran at the fastest speed she possibly could run at and swiftly arrived at the bakery.

Tiffany looked around the bakery to find food that Taeyeon might like. She silently scolded herself for not checking the food in Taeyeon’s kitchen to find out her likes and dislikes. Tiffany then got an idea, remembering how much Taeyeon enjoyed eating the muffins the other day. Tiffany then bought a few blueberry and chocolate flavour muffins before quickly sprinting back to Taeyeon’s house.

By the time Tiffany had got back to Taeyeon’s house, she was already perspiring profusely and large beads of sweat were dripping down her forehead, whilst her damp shirt was sticking uncomfortably to her body.

Thankfully, when she opened the front door and checked her watch, she had made it in just under 15 minutes. As she set the food down on the dining room table, she heard Taeyeon starting to get up on the couch.

Taeyeon gave a slow yawn as she lazily sat up on the couch. To her surprise, she realised that there was a blanket covering her body. Taeyeon smiled as she took the blanket off her body and lay it back onto the couch, realising that Tiffany must have put the blanket on for her. Taeyeon smiled at Tiffany’s sweetness.

Taeyeon then breathed in the warm aroma of the muffins that Tiffany had bought for her. The fragrance of the muffins filled her nose as her stomach rumbled in hunger. Taeyeon got up quickly and went over to the kitchen, drawn in by the scent.

Taeyeon looked at the muffins on the table and smiled greedily. Taeyeon then noticed Tiffany, who was still standing in the kitchen washing a few plates. As Tiffany turned around to set down the plates and place the muffins on them, she saw Taeyeon who was staring at the muffins with a greedy smile on her face.

“Oh, hey, you’re awake! I bought these muffins for you. ” Tiffany smiled.

Taeyeon, looking up, was slightly surprised to find that Tiffany was drenched in sweat. Taeyeon realised that Tiffany must have rushed out to buy the breakfast for her. Taeyeon smiled back in return.

“Wooow! How did you know these are my favourite foods for breakfast?” Taeyeon asked as she sat down and gestured for Tiffany to sit down and eat as well.

“Hehe. I remembered that last time when we ate a cafeteria, you ordered muffins to eat and you seemed to enjoy them a lot … so I thought you probably had a liking for muffins.” Tiffany said confidently.

Taeyeon nodded, secretly happy that Tiffany could guess what she liked to eat. They dug into their food hungrily, both of them enjoying their food.

Because Taeyeon liked the muffins so much, she did not speak at all whilst eating, and Tiffany mistakenly thought that Taeyeon was mad at her. Tiffany cleared uncomfortably before speaking up.

“Umm… I’m really sorry about yesterday Taeyeon… I wanted to make your birthday special… but I ruined it by falling asleep so early and making you have to give your bed up to me…” Tiffany admitted guiltily whilst avoiding eye contact with Taeyeon.

“Ahh… Why are you sorry about yesterday? I mean, yesterday was like the first time I actually felt happy during my birthday… so I think you’ve really done more than enough actually. So.. Thank you for accompanying me for my birthday yesterday.” Taeyeon said.

Tiffany heaved a huge sigh of relief, glad that Taeyeon was not angry at her. She then realised that Taeyeon had just thanked her. Tiffany blushed shyly and nodded her head in acknowledgement.

Taeyeon noticed that Tiffany was constantly fanning herself with her hand even though the morning was relatively cool and there was even a slight breeze. Taeyeon noticed that Tiffany was still very sweaty from just now.

“Fany ah. I think you need a bathe… your clothes look REALLY uncomfortable…” Taeyeon stated, staring in disapproval at Tiffany’s sticky clothes.

Tiffany nodded in agreement, realising that her clothes were also starting to smell a little because she had not bathed at all since yesterday. Tiffany then realised how awkward it would be to bathe in Taeyeon’s house, on top of that, she did not have a change of clothes with her.

“Oh… erm… it’s okay, I think I’ll get home to change instead. I need to pick up some things from home anyway.” Tiffany made up an unconvincing excuse.

Taeyeon saw through her excuse immediately and understood that Tiffany was in fact uncomfortable to be bathing in someone else’s house.

“Fany ah… there’s no need to feel awkward bathing in my house… it’s not like we don’t know each other well… surely you can trust me by now?” Taeyeon asked, looking at Tiffany with puppy eyes.

Tiffany, looking at Taeyeon’s cute puppy eyes, could not help but relent to Taeyeon’s requests. Tiffany nodded, signifying that she would be okay with bathing in her house.

“Yay! I have a spare change of clothes and undergarments for you. All of them are new, so you don’t have to worry about privacy.” Taeyeon chirped happily.

Tiffany smiled at the dorky Taeyeon as she quickly finished up her breakfast and took the change of clothes from Taeyeon before heading into the bathroom.

Inside the bathroom, Tiffany took a look at the clothes that Taeyeon had given her. Tiffany gave a high pitched squeal in excitement when she saw that Taeyeon had passed her a navy blue t-shirt and a pair of jeans, but on top of all of that, there was a bright pink cap. On it was also pasted a small paper note.


Recently the days are getting hot isn’t it? Since you didn’t bring a cap along, I thought this may be able to keep your face away from direct sunlight. We wouldn’t want any freckles on your face now would we? Hehehe. Hope you like it!

P.S. Pink IS your favourite colour isn’t it?


After reading the note, Tiffany threw the cap up in joy and caught it again, hugging it tightly.

Taeyeon, who was outside of the bathroom, gave a smile of contentment upon hearing Tiffany’s excited squeals. Actually, she had specially bought that cap for Tiffany yesterday before she returned to her house, thinking of giving it to her as a present in the future.

Tiffany bathed quickly, looking forward to trying on the pink cap Taeyeon had prepared for her. Tiffany bathed finish in 5 minutes and quickly put on all the clothes and finally tried the cap on. It fitted her perfectly. Tiffany gave an eye smile to the mirror, feeling extremely happy to be wearing a cap of her favourite colour.

Tiffany then exited the bathroom to find Taeyeon who was standing in front of her (Tiffany’s) bag looking through some pieces of paper, appearing to be in deep concentration.

Tiffany then decided to sneak up behind Taeyeon to give her a surprise. Tiffany snuck up right behind Taeyeon.

“BOO!” Tiffany shouted an inch away from Taeyeon’s ear.

Taeyeon, shocked at the sudden noise, jumped in surprise and spun around. Upon seeing Tiffany, she quickly hid the papers behind her back. Tiffany looked at Taeyeon’s suspicious actions curiously.

“What were you looking at? Why can’t you let me see it?” Tiffany asked.

“Oh… er… it’s nothing.” Taeyeon lied.

Tiffany looked at what Taeyeon was holding behind her, and she immediately recognised the papers that Taeyeon was holding in her hands. It was her police mission briefing notes. Tiffany did not think too much about it and decided not to enquire more about it. Tiffany just gave a shrug.

“Um… Fany… Are you really going to be… Never mind.” Taeyeon asked strangely, with a grave look of concern on her face.

Tiffany looked at Taeyeon puzzled, unsure why Taeyeon stopped in the middle of her sentence.

“Going to be what?” Tiffany asked

Taeyeon shook her head.

“Oh… er… I mean, are you going to wear that cap outside? It does look really pretty on you though.” Taeyeon gave a smile.

Tiffany smiled at Taeyeon’s compliment, however; somehow deep down inside her, she felt that Taeyeon’s words just now felt really superficial. Tiffany nodded in response to Taeyeon’s statement.







A/N: Hey people! I’m thinking most of you are getting tired of all these fluff… hehehe.

I know I promised some drama starting this chapter… It’s starting already... I won’t be giving too many hints, not spoiling the surprise!

I’m really sorry for not updating frequently… Kind of busy… :( Sorry people. You guys won’t give up on me though right? Kekeke~

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Champ1234 #1
Chapter 36: ahwweeeeee
mutiapuspita27 #3
Chapter 36: heyyy authorr i just found out about this story and i really like it the roller coaster emotions in this story really know how to guilt trip someone so bad haha
iva09022 #4
You have to update it, it's really an amazing story
Chapter 36: hi~.........
dbloxb #6
Chapter 36: You have to update it, it's really an amazing story. how could you leave the reader like this. ㅠㅠ
Bluepink_taeny #7
Chapter 36: Please update I'm dying to read what's next!!
creamcarlton #8
Chapter 30: The feels to the edge of my seat, EPIC. I really like it.
HungryDog #9
Chapter 27: Update please!!
Please update !! I really like this story ~~~