The Past

Should I Love U Again?

The Past

Narrator’s PoV

Few days have passed since the beginning of new semester in PC. Hyunjoong and Uee are still the hot topic surfacing in school, but the strange thing is that both of them do not talk. They don’t even say the basic politeness of “Hi/Hello.” With this situation, rumors erupted. On Hyunjoong’s side of fan, they say that Uee is thinking too highly of herself that she will ignore Hyunjoong and adding bad reputation to her “ice princess” name. On Uee’s side they say that Uee is actually shy and others even say that Uee is very cool for not being affected by flower boy Hyunjoong. While others speculate that they are dating and are hiding from public and others say that both hate each other and are competing to see who’s more popular.

At a recording studio, SS501 are recording for their new song. The other members of SS501 are recording their singing, but only Hyunjoong is at a corner sitting in the couch thinking deeply.

Hyunjoong’s PoV

(In his thought)

Ah~ I can’t concentrate in this song…It been days that have passed but it pains me every time I go to the acting class. I don’t know if I should be happy or sad that I had been placed into the same class with her…aigh…what should I do? She ignores me every time we see each other…is not like we don’t know each other…even if I did wrong why she doesn’t forgive me what do I do in order for her to…“Hyung it’s your turn to record your parts” said my dongsaeng Hyunjun. “uh? Oh ye” I should stop thinking about her I need to finish the recording or else the recording director will be mad…”Hyung is something wrong? You don’t look well” I shouldn’t worry my dongsaeng I must be strong so I smile at him “don’t worry Hyunjun I’m just tired from all this schedules” but he keeps asking me questions “really? But you look…you look sad hyung…don’t tell is the acting class? Is it hard or it’s because Ue…” before he can’t finish his line I cut him off with anger “Hyunjun don’t worry is nothing so stop asking that many questions ok?” He replies back with a nod and leave me alone, which I want him to. Thanks and sorry Hyunjun even thought I shouldn’t be angry but you of all should not mention her name because of you me and her are like this…

Narrator’s PoV

Flashback (7 years ago)

The sky was sad and tears fell down endlessly on the day that Uee hated Hyunjoong. Before this gray day happened, it was actually a sunny and happy day. Uee had plan to make a earlier surprise party for Hyunjoong, as that day Hyunjoon had told her to celebrate his birthday a little later, since he was a trainee preparing to debut and had to practice. Hyunjoong’s parents do not live with him since Hyunjoong decided he wanted to be a singer and where his parents live were far away from the company he trains at, but his parents totally support Hyunjoong in being a singer.

Uee went to his apartment with a bag full of decoration and a cake wishing him a happy 16. The landlady recognized Uee as Hyunjoong’s girlfriend and Uee had told her that it was Hyunjoong’s birthday and she would like to make him a surprise party, which the landlady agreed, since she likes Uee’s polite manners and opened Hyunjoong’s apartment’s door for her.

Uee was excited, as it would be the first birthday Uee would celebrate with Hyunjoong. Never did she know that it would be the last too.

Hyunjoong’s apartment consists of a little kitchen that covers with the living room. There’s a little hallway to his tiny room and bathroom. Uee is familiar with his apartment since she would sometimes be there doing homework with Hyunjoong. She started to work on decorating the living room and put the cake on the table. Uee especially made a bracelet for Hyunjoong since Hyunjoong loves to wear them and she wrapped it with a decorated box. Now everything was set, It was already afternoon and it was around this time that Hyunjoong would be back home so Uee went out to the hallway outside of the apartment and sat on the stair waiting to surprise Hyunjoong.

It seems like the clouds were taking over the blue sky, and Uee was worried that it would rain. She wished that the day will come brighter and not rain, but she was still happy just imagining the surprise face Hyunjoong will make. In less than 15 minutes Uee heard voices coming down from the stairs “Hyunjoong-hyung today is your birthday! Let’s hang out!” said one guy and another guy said “Babo! Hyunjoong-hyung is going to celebrate wih Uee-ssi” Hyunjoong Just laught…Uee was happy since there would be only the two of them…but happy the feeling did not last…

“Oh so you’re celebrating with our school ulzzang? When I first made a bet that Uee wouldn’t go out with hyung if hyung asks her out, but man Hyunjoong-hyung  you did it and last like what? Last like half a year already!” and the other guy cuts him off “Yah! Who do you think Hyunjoong-hyung is? No girl will refuse him and Uee is no exception” and both guys laught and Hyunjoong kept quiet. The annoying guy continued “I know right? Hyunjoong-hyung has dated zillions of girls! Even though Uee-ssi is pretty but she still fell for you! Hahaha… I wonder when will you take her ity and then dump her hahaha…” laughter continued from Hyunjoong’s friends even Hyunjoong but not loud still, Uee could hear him. Uee was frozen, her mind stop moving. No question flow over her mind not even questions that she should be asking herself if “Hyunjoong does not like me? He made a bet to date me? He wants my ity? None of them crossed Uee’s mind just frozen.

However one thing she knew was that Hyunjoong had played her feelings, fool her and made fun of her. Hyunjoon’s friends bit farewell and he made a big sigh and walked up to the stairs and to his surprise he saw Uee sitting motionless on the stairs. Hyunjoong was shocked and wonder if Uee heard their conversation. He said “Ah! Uee ah…how…how long have you been here?” He looked at his watch, “it’s still early, didn’t we agreed to meet later?” Uee kept silent and slowly looked up to where Hyunjoong was.

Uee stood up and then many questions flashed through her mind. She was no longer frozen she thought loudly “He made a bet to date me!? He is playing with me!? He will dump me once he takes my ity? So all this time that he said he loves me were all an act!?” Uee from sadness went to anger and her stares became with rage and coldness. Hyunjoong saw Uee’s eyes and knew that she must have heard every single word they talked about. Hyunjoong wanted to explain something to Uee “Uee ah~ it’s not like what you think and heard…listen to me please” but rage took over Uee, she couldn’t forgive Hyunjoong form lying to her and dated her because he made a bet. Uee threw the gift box and slapped Hyunjoong, as tears fell over Uee’s cheek “I don’t want to see you again EVER” and she left. The sky started to rain and both Hyunjoong and Uee were poured out in the rain both feeling miserable.

End of flashback

After the ending of acting class with Hyunjoong and Uee together, Uee quickly goes out of class, and it seems like Hyunjoong wants to have a talk with her but Uee is fast and is out of sight before Hyunjoong can even stop her. Later at the cafeteria where Uee and Nana hang out, Nana exclaims “Uee-unnie I have add another good looking guy to my list!”

Uee’s PoV

Omg here she comes again…how many boys is she gonna have in her list, believe me I’m not even surprise but I need to show some interest so she won’t feel that I don’t care about her, “so tell me who’s the unlucky guy?” I tease Nana and she replies with her aegyo “ay~ Unnie what do you mean unlucky? Never mind, unnie this new guy just transfer from JYP College to here! And he is a HUNK! He has a y muscular body and you know what I heard he is also a model like us! But still a newbie! And his name is Hwang ChanS…”

Nana just keeps raising her voice and is excited but me meh I don’t even remember how many times she has met handsome boys and scream like crazy everytime she tells me new good looking guys and I’m totally uninterested. So I again “ah so this new guy is your new target? So Nichkhun-ssi is open? Should I try to get him?”

 Nana’s expression changes from smiling to shock “NO~ Uee-unnie how can you do that? You know I have been aiming at him since I came to PC! Unnie don’t even think to lay your hand on him! Nichkhun-oppa is mine!” hahaha I laugh out loud…aigoo Nana is just so cute and easy to trick I assure her “arasso arasso I won’t even look at him” “chincha?” Nana says. “yes so you stop getting excited from other boys when you already have someone you like!”

 “But…but no matter what I do he seems to not be affected…I give him so many hints like my sweet smile and sometimes even wink at him but he just brush me off with angelic smile like he does to everyone! Is so unfair! I don’t know what to do~” says Nana…oh? Maybe he is like me….maybe he doesn’t believe in love…but I can’t tell her that so I tell Nana “maybe you scared him; maybe you are too straightforward, some guys dislike girls that are too open”

 “but Uee-unnie you don’t know if I’m not straightforward he wouldn’t even know my existence! Ah~ I jealous of you...” jealous of me? What is she jealous again this girl aigh~

“all boys like Uee-unnie and every time I talked to Nichkhun-oppa he always mention Uee-unnie” Oh god here she comes with her drama “Nana you know Nichkhun-ssi and me went to the same high school and I told you before right? he was good senior to me”

Nana sighs and says “I know…but aigh~ molla molla let’s not talk about depressing love life! Oh Unnie you know what you will have a surprise today!”

“Surprise? What is it?” I say

“you will know Unnie you will know” says Nana.

Narrator’s PoV

Uee takes a bath after exercising with Kahi and Nana. While water drains over Uee’s hair and slide to her smooth body, she is thinking of someone. Someone she can’t forget, someone she loved but betrayed her and her wound is still open. Thinking this someone makes Uee sad, so she decides to end her shower and go somewhere to release her sadness.

Once out of her dressing room Kahi tells Uee that Nana left already and says that she has a date so she can’t accompany her. Uee says “aigh~ this girl once there’s a guy she leaves me…kahi-unnie are you free? Want to hang out?” Kahi with a sorry face “Oh miane Uee I have an appointment too…” Uee teases kahi “uh? So Kahi-unnie also leaves me for a guy?” “of course not but Uee understand I had this appointment first…next time ok?” Kahi assures Uee and she replies “is okay~ I was just teasing~ have fun ok?” kahi: “ne bye” “bye” Uee bit the farewell with a smile but soon fade away as Kahi heads out.

Uee’s PoV

Aigh….what should I do? Should I go out myself or just head home? I don’t want to be home…at home is too silent it makes me think of HIM… “Neo ttaemune manhido ureosseo, maeil bam nanNeo ttaemune…” ah is my phone where it is? Ah found it “yawbosehyo?”

“It’s me”

Wah! I can’t believe it! How dare he calls me?

I ask “who gave you my phone number?”

He responds “your friend Nana”

Nana! OMG is this the surprise you said? You’re dead meat when I see you tomorrow!

He continues “Let’s meet Uee I want to talk to you”

Ah! Is he kidding me? Talk to you?

I say “look be thankful that I have not cut you off yet, you want to talk to me? But I don’t want to”

He says “Uee we have to talk we can’t continue like this. Three years ago you weren’t like this at least you talk to me now you don’t even…”

What the hell is he talking! Three years ago? Was it three years already? Don’t make me remember things I don’t want to remember!

He continues “are you still mad that I lied to HIM? Are you still waiting for HIM? He doesn’t deserve yo…”

HIM? Me wait for HIM?

I scream “YAH! Kim Hyunjoong! Don’t you dare to say it! Don’t even mention it!”

Tears are falling on my cheek now, me and Hyunjoong are in silent

He softly says “….I’m sorry is my fault I shouldn’t mention this…but look we can’t continue like this let’s go back and be frie…”

I shut the phone off. I don’t want to know what Hyunjoong wants to talk to me. Today is really a bad day…I really need to get out of here and go somewhere else….

Narrator’s PoV

Uee is tired and sad. She heads out of the school and decided to dress up and go clubbing.



Here is my second chapter! hope you guys find it interesting! Next chapter is going to be interesting too! so anticipate and keep reading!

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ranimah #1
Chapter 3: I would love it more if the love in the end is between Hyun Joong and Uee. Anyway thanks for the story.
Chapter 1: i love it..!!! argh!^^ waiting for updates! i love uie too :)
Chapter 3: please please update
aoisakai #4
Hi,this is fanbase for our JoongUee couple . Hope you like it
Update please! ><" Hehe♥
sweetestlisa #6
i'm UEE fan!!! i always and loved read UEE FF, so happy when i found FF that she in and so many idols loves her kkkkk
sweetestlisa #7
i'm UEE fan!!! i always and loved read UEE FF, so happy when i found FF that she in and so many idols loves her kkkkk
Chapter 1: Im uee fans.... i like if everyboys fall in love with her... then she just pick one. my fav is ueeXhyunjoong. UeeXyonghwa.
Hana98_UieIffany #9
Chapter 3: ai....please update soon ur story......:)