The Dream

Should I Love U Again?

The Dream

Narrator’s PoV

The sun has gone to rest and the moon has gone to work. At Uee’s house, Uee is sleeping in her bedroom. She is having a dream, a deep dream that every night the dream is the same. In the dream she is chasing a male figure. She keeps chasing a guy but the guy left her, then another male figure appears. The second guy started to run and Uee without thinking follows him and chases after him too, but this guy also left her. Uee seems to be confused, but once again another male figure appears and like the first and second guy, he runs and Uee continues to chase after him, but this time it seems like the first and second appear again but is now following Uee. Uee is very scared and run, run, run and run. She wants to reach the third guy and she almost reach to the third guys’ shoulder and….Bee-dee-dee-deep! Bee-dee-dee-deep!...It is the alarm informing Uee to wake up

Uee yawning, “Ahhh…what time is it?” She looks at the clock and it says 9:54 AM. Uee yanks from her bed “Shoot I’m late! My class starts at 11:00 AM!!!” She runs fast to the bathroom, and with the speed of light she brushes her teeth, washes her face, fixes her hair and make-up, and finishes her touch with very stylish clothes. Before going out she encourages herself “Here comes another day Kim Uee, fighting” and with an icy expression she left her house.

Uee’s POV

(In her thought)

Aigoo! why did I sleep late yesterday? It is all the fault of that stupid dream I have every night…why do I keep dreaming of chasing those guys? I don’t need any man in my life! I don’t need…

“Uee-unnie, Uee-unnie! Gosh Uee-unnie didn’t you hear me call you?”

I turn my head and it was Nana. She is my best friend since entering to PC (Pledis College). I’m only older to her by two months but she likes to address me as unnie. Somehow she is the only one that I can talk comfortable and she is the loveliest girl-friend I ever had.

“Oh Nana-ah~” I replied “Miane, I was thinking something”

(Nana): “Oh Wae? What happened? Why are you showing such scary face? But you know Uee-unnie that’s why you are called the ice princess! You scared people away! Even though you are a beauty no one dares to talk to you! And…”

I roll my eyes, as she says I’m a beauty but look at her with a killer body herself. Before she continues with her nagging I cut her:

“Yah Im Nana! How dare you talk to your unnie like that? Aren’t you also late? Stop asking so many questions and let’s hurry to school! Palli!”

(Nana): “Oh yeah I almost forgot! I slept late yesterday watching a drama and woke up late and…” she sees me give her the eye “ne, arasso arasso unnie I’ll shup up gaja!” She stuck out her tongue cutely. Oh boy I can never hate her, she has so much aegyo.

Narrator’s PoV

As they hurried to school Uee gets more compose with the company of Nana and she is not annoyed by the dream anymore.

Once they get to school, the whole school is awed as always seeing the two iest girl of PC school with Uee and Nana walking in the school’s hall. Men are amazed and happy to see those two beautiful girls.

 “Oh aren’t they the ice princess and lovely Nana? Look at them~ aren’t they the goddess of beauty?” – one guys says.

“Uee’s honey tight and Nana’s hot body, they are true art in live!”- another guy says.


Even women are envious of their great curves and pretty face.

“I wish I have my legs long and slender like Uee’s” –says one girl.

“I will do anything to have Nana’s body!” says another girl.


However, where there is good there is evil, and jealousy among girls is inevitable.

“Cheh,  Goddess my @$$. They are nothing but all plastics!” (Implying to plastic surgery) says one anti-Uee-Nana-girl.

Uee and Nana of course can hear all comments of them. They are used to it. Uee will always ignored those comments and coolly walks away, and Nana will just smile at them, making tons of males fall for her and raising even more fire/hate from the anti-girls.

Uee and Nana split to go their own classes. Even though both Uee and Nana are models they both want to pursuit different major. Uee wants to be an actress and Nana wants to be a fashion designer, so Uee goes to her acting class and Nana to her designing class.

There is still five minutes before 11:00 AM, and Uee has one more stair to arrive her classroom. Once she is almost there she sees a crowd full of girls around the entrance of acting department class. She is not interested in what the commotion is, but one thing for sure is that they block her entrance. She taps the shoulder of one of the girls signaling her to move so she can go in, and when the girl turns her head she exclaims “Ommo! Is Uee-unnie gah!” The girl did it. With just the word “Uee” every girl turns their head toward Uee’s direction and quickly makes a passage way for Uee to walk. As Uee walks in there are some of Uee’s fan girl screaming excitedly “Uee-unnie neomu yeppeoseo!”, “Uee-unnie I saw your latest clothing’s promotion! They were so cool!” and another says “Unnie-unnie can I have your autograph?” To all this laud voices, she replies none and walks in ignoring their affections.

Inside the classroom there is another crowd, a little one, around a seat, and before Uee takes her seat, she thinks, “Why people don’t sit down? Class is going to start geez.” Then suddenly the outside crowd screams loudly “Uee-unnie, HyunJoong-oppa saranghe!” They did it again. Now the whole class turns their eyesight on Uee’s direction and so did the little crowd in the classroom. Uee is annoyed, but not because she got the attention, but because of the mention “HyunJoon-oppa.” In her mind she quickly says, “HyunJoon? It can’t be…” as she meets the eyes of someone inside the little crowd that she never once again wants to see. It is non other than the famous boy-band’s SS501 Kim HyunJoon.

Flashback Uee & HyunJoong (7 years ago)

Narrator’s PoV

Laughter and giggles is filling at the high school’s hall. The happy voices come from a classroom occupied by a sweet young couple, smiling to each other and talking about silly things. The girl is very pretty, with long straight hair and big round eyes. The boy is very handsome, with smiling eyes and fair skin. As we look closer, the young couple is actually Uee and Hyunjoon. Hyunjoon looks at Uee lovingly and raises his hand and careses Uee’s hair with love. Uee returns his love by kissing his lips and Hyunjoon closes his eye to receive it.

End of Flashback

Now infront of us is Uee and Hyunjoong again but they are not the same as back in high school. There’s no smile in their faces and no lovely eye contact. In Uee’s perspective there’s only hate, but she tries to contain her feelings and ignore the little crowd and sit on her seat. Her mind thinks “I cannot believe it why is Hyunjoon in the acting class? No, why is a celebrity even attending school for? Don’t tell me aside singing now he wants to act? Huh then for sure he will win the best actor award, since he is so good at acting and lying.” All the hateful comments toward Hyunjoon that Uee is thinking, none of them does she shows in her face, after all she has control in her emotions.

Hyunjoon on the other hand avert Uee’s eyesight when their eyes meet, and he continue to smile brightly to the little crowd. Before the outside and inside crowd go wild. Professor Yoo Jae Suk comes in, “Alright, alright let me in let me in” as he struggles to entering the classroom, “please everyone from this class sit down” and towards the outside crowd, “hak-saeng! You are not in high school anymore! Go do your businesses!” and he closes the door. “Ok so what is the reason for this alborotation? Ah~” he looks at the students in the class. He spotted Hyunjoon and then Uee. “Well, well I know now why this is happening, our nation flower boy band SS501’ Kim Hyunjoong and our rising model Uee is on the class. No wonder why the students were going crazy. Hahaha… Now there’s a reason for me to look forward this class right Uee-shi?” It was evidently that professor Jae Suk is a fan of Uee. Uee nod, “Ye” “But remember” continued the professor “acting is different than standing doing some poses or be on a stage singing” directing toward the crowd “please remind yourself that in my acting class you are not only model, singer or performer. In my class, you’re a multitalented person that can be more than one person by just switching off to many faces/personalities through acting.”

Everyone in class claps their hands and so it’s Uee admiring Professor Jae Suk’s brilliant speech. While Uee is looking at the professor, secretly Hyunjoong gives a quick glance at Uee.

The acting class ends, and by that time the entire school already knows of Hyunjoong and Uee both are attending in the same acting class. Some are happy that the popular idol now goes to the same school, and some are excited that the school’s bright model and nation’s flower boy are in the same class.

Now at the school cafeteria, Uee meets Nana to have lunch. While they are eating their lunch, Nana excitedly says “Uee-unnie I heard that the flower boy Kim Hyun Joong from SS501 is attending the same class with you! Is that true? Is he like a flower in person like everyone says? Ah~ palli tell me!”

Of course Nana doesn’t know Uee and Hyunjoong past or that they even know each other, because she only know Uee for a couple of years when they both were participating in an audition for modeling. Uee is not surprised that Nana knows of her and Hyunjoong in the same class when this only happened only couple of hours, since PC aside from being known as one of the best performing art school it is also known for being the best at gossip. “Just eat your salad” said Uee “we still have our dance class to attend.” Nana is persistent “aw~ tell me unnie was he handsome? How tall is he? Was he taller than you? They say he is around 180 cm tall.” Uee does not want to talk about Hyunjoong’s stuff, but Uee cannot refuse Nana’s aegyo of curiosity “yes, he is like a flower in person, he is tall and handsome satisfy?” Uee is not complimenting Hyunjoong just stating the fact. “dangyonhaji! I knew it. Why is he attending acting classes? Aside from singing he wants to act?” says Nana “it’s not uncommon for an idol to act and sing Nana” says Uee “yeah, you’re right is just that I can’t believe he attends to school here, you know most idols just drops out of school, some comes back but they don’t last. I hope Kim Hyunjoong-oppa comes to school more often, then my school life won’t be that boring~” says Nana.

“Oppa?” thinks Uee irritated “Nana ah, stop day dreaming when were you a fan of SS501? I thought you liked CNBLUE form our school band, aside that don’t you have a crush on Nichkhun-ssi gosh you are such a playgirl!” Uee teases and Nana defends herself “I am a fan of all pretty boys and SS501 is on my list of good looking boys. I do like CNBLUE since they sing so good, but I don’t know, their leader Yonghwa-ssi gives me the creeps I think he dislikes me” Uee questions “He dislikes you? How you know? “You seen it too Unnie, when we go to their band concert, Yonghwa-ssi gives me deadly glares! Uee rolls her eyes “Nana ah~ I think he just likes you, maybe he is just shy, if not why would he stares at  you when there’s a whole crowd of their fans?” “Ah! Molla molla, boys don’t look at me like that, they all look at me…”

Uee’s PoV

Oh boy! before Nana continues with her love line and before she talks about the nonstop topic of Nichkhun-ssi I better stop her, “Nana we need got to go to dancing class or else Kahi-unnie will gives us a lesson!” “Ommo! I almost forgot about it! Gaja Uee-unnie or Kahi-unnie will scold us!” Replies Nana. All this talk about Hyunjoong makes me tired thank god that Kahi-unnie class is about to start and avoid any further love conversation with Nana, aigh~ she could talk all day about boys. We have to hurry to Kahi-unnie class or else she gets very scary when people are late to her class even thought she is my childhood friend Unnie, and now she is the dance teacher at PC, she is the best dancer and iest girl I have ever seen, but if I don’t hurry to her class, she will be mad at me.

Narrator’s PoV

Both Uee and Nana go to the dance class and both sweat a good one. Kahi comes forward where Uee and Nana are “Yah, both of you need to work out more, your body is not in the best shape. What were you guys eating for this little while? Kahi teases, even though she was their instructor and childhood friend of Uee, they are only 5 years apart from Uee and Nana’s age and also their party buddy. Uee replies “Unnie, you’re mean we didn’t gain that much weight!” Nana cuts in “anni, Kahi-unnie you’re right we’re not in our best shape right now but I’m strict on my diet to compensate it, but Uee-unnie ate a ‘big’ (she emphasize the big world with her hands) plate of fried chicken” “Yah Im Nana it wasn’t that big!” yells uee and laughter came out form the three of them.

“Well anyway” says Kahi “both of you are no longer rookie models, you’re both in covers of big magazines so better take care of your bodies right?” kahi eyed Uee “arasso, arasso~ I will be strict on my diet too” Kahi continues "by the way I hear one of SS501 idol comes to our school and is attending the same class as you Uee, is that true?” “Wow! News sure travel fast! It’s Kim Hyunjoong-oppa!” exclaims Nana “Kim Hyunjoon-ssi?” Kahi raises her eyebrows and looks at Uee. Uee just gives a nod to Kahi.

Kahi have known Uee a long time ago so she knows the story of Kim Hyunjoong and Uee.

Nana continues “Isn’t it exciting? SS501 is very popular now. I’m glad we’re on the same school as him!” “Aish! Nana ah you sound like a commoner and crazy fan girl. You’re a celebrity too, a model one so act like one!” says Kahi and Nana pouted cutely then Kahi asks Uee “So how are you doing? Can you deal with it?” Nana doesn’t understand what Kahi had asked and asks “deal with what?” Uee responds “there’s nothing to deal with…I…I’m fine” Nana breaks the tension “you guys are talking something I don’t understand is unfair!” Kahi tells Nana “You rascal don’t need to know” and starts to strangling Nana’s neck playfully and Nana cries “arasso, arasso unnie” all three of them laugh out loud, but Uee’s mind is occupied by Kahi’s question “Am I fine? I am probably, after all this is a long time ago. Yeah, you are fine the way you are Kim Uee” Uee convences herself.



Hey guys here is my first chapter of “Should I Love U Again?” sorry if is boring ToT but I have to include the dream. It is like a fore shadow for later in the story! I know the character development is slow (the other characters will come out eventually). I have so other many things to do sigh~but I will work hard on it so anticipate my next chapter please (>_<)

Also when I logged in I see many subscribers! YAY~ thanks a lot I will continue to work hard in this story line~

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ranimah #1
Chapter 3: I would love it more if the love in the end is between Hyun Joong and Uee. Anyway thanks for the story.
Chapter 1: i love it..!!! argh!^^ waiting for updates! i love uie too :)
Chapter 3: please please update
aoisakai #4
Hi,this is fanbase for our JoongUee couple . Hope you like it
Update please! ><" Hehe♥
sweetestlisa #6
i'm UEE fan!!! i always and loved read UEE FF, so happy when i found FF that she in and so many idols loves her kkkkk
sweetestlisa #7
i'm UEE fan!!! i always and loved read UEE FF, so happy when i found FF that she in and so many idols loves her kkkkk
Chapter 1: Im uee fans.... i like if everyboys fall in love with her... then she just pick one. my fav is ueeXhyunjoong. UeeXyonghwa.
Hana98_UieIffany #9
Chapter 3: ai....please update soon ur story......:)