The Encounter

Should I Love U Again?

The Encounter

Hyujoong’s PoV

“Yaw…yawbosehyo? Uee..are you still there? Uee ah…” aigh~ she cut me off…she was crying..oh my god why did I mentioned HIM!? (holding a bracelet) If only 7 seven years ago that day did not happened, Uee would be by my side now…

Flashback (7 years ago)

Narrator’s PoV

Today was Hyunjoong’s birthday, and before the sad scene with Uee, Hyunjoong was looking forward his birthday, since Uee would be celebrating with him. In the morning of this day, at Hyunjoong’s apartment, he was half- on the bed still sleeping peacefully, until a ringtone wakes him up and interrupted his dream.

Hyunjoong’s PoV

“La la la la la la la la~ La la la la la la la~” ah~ my phone…who is calling me…(his hand searching for the phone) where’s my phone…found it let’s see who is calling…Oh! Is Uee! I have to wake up! Wait maybe I should pretend to be sleep so I answer the phone with a sleepy voice and a yawn


she responds with a sweet voice

“Oh? Hyunjoong~ are you still sleeping? It’s me your Uee~”

She knows how to make me happy kekeke… yes you’re mine Uee..

“Oh is you Uee…miane I was asleep dreaming”

“No wonder, you took a long time to pick up my call…what were you dreaming?

“I was dreaming of you my love” always…

“kekeke…chincha?” I can hear her giggling. She must like that I dream of her

“Yes, really” I asserted her “so what’s the matter?” I know why she call me but I want to hear it directly from her

“Ommo? Is my boy too tired that you can’t remember is your birthday today? We made a promise to celebrate it together!” then I laugh and confess

“hahaha…of course I remember I was just teasing you to see if you remember”

“Ay! Hyunjoong how can you joke about your birthday!” she is so cute when she acts mad…

“Ah! Uee I forgot to tell you I have practice today so let’s move our meeting time 2 hours later ok?” I would like to spend all day with you but I have practice that can’t be miss…

“Really? Don’t worry…I know your dream is to become a singer so it’s fine after all it’s your birthday so fighting Kim Hyunjoong!” I love how considerable she is. Before I could thank her she says

“Hyunjoong happy birthday~ I love you the most~” so sweet! And of course I have to say the cool part too

“I love you too” and we both end our call with giggling.

After I ended the call with Uee, I stayed away from my bed and prepared myself to go to the company’s building where I am a trainee at.

Today seems like a good day, since the sun is so bright…I hope it last long…once I arrived at the practice room, me and the trainee’s mate started to dance and we danced for a long time until almost all of us fall down on the floor with water draining all over our bodies…but I am still happy because I am looking forward today’s celebration with Uee…thinking back I never thought that me and Uee will last that long, I mean all the girlfriends I had before were never like the relationship I have now with Uee…She is…she is just too perfect…at first glance one will think she has a stuck-up personality and a cold person, but she is not. She is the warmest person I ever met and she is has very cute and a bright personality which I fell in love with as I begin to date her…………………….(long pause)……………………………I know I don’t deserve her love…I am the worst…I admit that I dated her through a bet with Hyunjun…my dongsaeng also a trainee with me… and we go to the same high school too…Uee is the ulzzang in our school and she is admired by all male-students including me…but I always thought she is hard to approach to, so I never really try to talk with her or even woo with her as I do with other girls. But one day Hyunjun challenged me and said that I will never be able to win Uee’s heart even if is me the popular handsome guy...hahaha this is even embarrassing coming from me…so I took up Hyunjun’s challenged as I was curious what kind of person she was, and I said I will make Uee fall in love with me and then dump her. I was the worst and still the worst to date Uee for this stupid bet with Hyunjun, but I do not regret dating Uee. This made me realize that Uee is the girl of my life…this few months made me love Uee so much that I hope our love last forever and this bet is just stupid… I will never break up with her.

After practice, my friends decided to walk with me to my house…which I think is unnecessary…the sky is gray now…I don’t like this…almost arriving to the apartment where I live, Hyunjun starts to talk: “Hyunjoon-hyung today is your birthday! Let’s hang out!” so this is what he planned by following to my house…but before I reply him no, Youngsaeng my other dongsaeng replies for me “Babo! Hyunjoong-Hyung is going to celebrate with Uee-ssi” yes I am going to celebrate with Uee so you guys go away! Obviously I did not say this and just give out a laugh. Hyunjun continues: “Oh so you’re celebrating with our school’s ulzzang? When I first made a bet that Uee wouldn’t go out with hyung if hyung asks her out, but man Hyunjoong-hyung you did it and last like what? Last like half a year already!” this babo dongsaeng of mine…if he does not talk no one is going to say he is mute! Youngsaeng says: “Yah! Who do you think Hyunjoong is? No girl will refuse him and Uee is no exception” they both started to laugh but I remain silent…this is wrong…I no longer date Uee to break her heart…I love her now. Hyunjun says: “I know right? Hyunjoong-hyung has dated zillions of girls! Even though Uee-ssi is pretty but she still fell for you! Hahaha… I wonder when will you take her ity and then dump her hahaha…” I don’t know what reaction I should give them…I don’t want to hurt Uee like I thought at the beginning…but I don’t know how to explain to them so I just give out a fake little laugh and we bid farewell to each other. Man Hyunjun may be my dongsaeng but sometimes I can’t stand him.

As I turn to the stairs I see Uee! Why is she here at this time? OMG! Did she hear our conversation? No! I hope she did not. I panic a little and say: “Ah! Uee ah…how…how long have you been here?” I looked at my watch, “it’s still early, didn’t we agreed to meet later?” She is frozen...and slowly look at my direction… oh god I can see that she overhear us she is mad! Her eyes flow with hate… god what should I do? I try to explain: “Uee ah~ it’s not like what you think and heard…listen to me please” and before I can finish my words she slaps me hard on the face…it hurts but it hurts me more as she starts to cry…and she throws something to me and not with her sweet nor bright voice… she with a harsh voice I never before hear her says: “I don’t want to see you again EVER” and she leaves and before I know it my clothes are wet then I realize what a situation I am!…I want to run to her and explain to her that is not what she thinks and is not that I….I….no…I did make the bet…I have no right to call her back…why is this happening? Why? Why? I feel miserable…I pick up the box thing that Uee threw at me…I open it…it is a bracelet…Uee knows that I love bracelet…I don’t know if it’s the rain or my tears but my eyes feel blurry…what have I done?....

End of flashback

Narrator’s PoV

As Hyunjoong travels to his painful’s memories, Uee on the other hand is disturbed by Hyunjoong’s call and decided to dress up with seductive black clothes and mini skirt that highlight her “honey thighs” and go to the Cat’s club (a night club that is operated by PC) to release some of her stress. Upon arriving the public’s focus is on Uee, even though the club inside is dark, but people can still distinguish when someone is shining like Uee, especially her long legs. People’s eyes were glue to Uee’s body and they starts to talk: “Ommo isn’t that the bagel model Uee-ssi?”, “I didn’t know Uee-ssi will be here today! Lucky!” Uee does not care what the people start to talk about her and she starts to dance and all the people are even more amazed at how good she can dance and comments arise again, “Look how she dance! She is y” and “Oh boy! Ice princess is very hot tonight!” But not all are happy with Uee, as the anti-Uee and Nana are there too and they say: “Cheh! She doesn’t even know how to dance” says one girl with an ant waist and another girl, a short one, agrees “Yeah she dances horrible and look how tall is she and still wearing those heels? I think she wants to be a monster hahaha…right Gyuri-unnie?” A blonde with a fairy look replies with a low key and feminine voice “Girls don’t talk bad on people’s back…if you do it, do it on their face…Hara you dance worst…Seungyeon stop being jealous because you are short….so disgraceful…tsk tsk…” both girl look down and say “Neh, Gyuri-unnie.”

Park Gyuri is known as the beauty queen in the advertisement commercial coming from PC, and also known for ther b*tch-lady like personality. She, Uee and Nana are the most popular model girls but Uee and Nana is mostly known in magazine and Gyuri in CFs. Gyuri’s friends Go Hara and Han Seungyeon are her so called model-friends and good dongsaengs but actually both are like subordinates following under Gyuri’s command since she also comes from a good background with rich parents. Gyuri does not like Uee but she doesn’t dislike her either. She thinks Uee has a very cold personality and is not interested in her, but she can’t stand Nana. She hates Nana for having the title as the “Goddess of Beauty” when she is only called the “beauty queen.” She disagrees that her looks are below of Nana and question why Nana is called Goddess and she called queen. She is annoyed as she thinks that Nana has overly aegyo personality and Nana dislike that Gyuri is a stuck up girl with straightforward personality who acts feminine. Both also are interested in Nichkhun, therefore they are known as archenemies.

After Gyuri had scold the girls for being cowards badmouthing on people’s back but not in their face, she is not interested in the crowd where Uee is so she walks away from there and join another crowd as people go crazy around shouting that the CF beauty queen is walking toward their crowd. Both Hara and Seungyeon are feelling piss off but not at Gyuri, since they admire Gyuri’s confidence that no other girl can match up to hers, but piss off at Uee since they got scold because they were talking about her.

Hara is not able to get her piss off feeling away so she decides that she is going to do something and tells Seungyeon, “Seungyeon-unnie don’t you feel that Uee-ssi is not getting enough spotlight? Should we give her more light so that she can get even more attention?” Seungyeon understood what Hara is trying to say and replies “Yeah you are right, Uee-ssi needs more light so that she can be the star of tonight’s club, so what you have plan for her little Hara?” Hara whispers her plans to Seungyeon’s ear and Seunyeon says “hahaha…Hara you are a genius! I guess Uee will have to thank us for helping her to shine hahaha…” and both are laughing evilly.

On the dance floor, Uee is dancing hard and swinging her head left and right. She is trying to release her stress and the thoughts of HIM. Uee, not knowing that Hara and Seungyeon’s evil plan toward hers, continues to dance and the crowd is getting excited as they see Uee being actively into the dance. Then suddenly a young girl pushes Uee almost throwing her off balance but Uee manages to stand despite the strong push. Uee looks at the person who pushes her and it is a freshman at PC and in the same acting class, and if Uee remembers correctly her name is Kang Jiyoung. Uee is puzzled of how this little girl that they barely even look at each other in class dares to push her. Jiyoung then shout out “You b*tch! Why did you steal my boyfriend! Go die!” and before Uee gets what situation she is in, Jiyoung grabs Uee’s hair. Uee then knows in what situation she is. The first thoughts are: “is this little girl framing me of stealing her boyfriend? How dare she treat her senior like this? My head hurts!” Uee knows a little of self-defense so she grabs Jiyoung’s palms and with force she makes Jiyoung’s hand in pain and release Uee’s hair. But Jiyoung is still crazy and wants to slap Uee’s face but Uee self-reacted and grabs Jiyoung’s wrist before she hits her. Uee’s hand is about to hit towards Jiyoung’s face but a strong grab in Uee’s hand hold her from hitting back at Jiyoung.

Uee looks at who is the one who stop her and when she turns her head she sees a broad muscular chest. Uee slowly looks up and sees a handsome looking guy but this guy’s handsomeness did not distract Uee’s anger and she even glare at him. The guy starts to talk with a serious voice: “Hey what are you doing?” Uee responds annoyed “This should be my question. What are you doing by grabbing someone’s hand” He says with a mocking tone “Don’t you think a pretty face like yours shouldn’t hit on other people’s face?” Uee tilts her head a little and wonders what is this busybody doing? Aside this confliction, the three of them is now the main attention in the club, the people are surrounding a big circle and everyone’s saying:

 “Did you see that? That girl hit the ice princess!”…

“Did you hear the girl says that Uee stole her boyfriend?”….

“That’s BS, it must be the girl’s boyfriend who fell in love with Uee”…

“That girl is dead meat!”….

 “Who is that hot guy?”…

“I think he recently transfer to PC”…

“What’s going to happen? Uee must be angry!”….

The gossip goes on and on then a high pitch voice distinct in between these noises comes out: “what happen? What happen? Let me in!” It is Nana and along her is Nichkhun… both are surprise and Nichkhun starts to talk: “Yah! Chansung ah! What are you doing to Uee-ssi? Let go of her hand” Nana says: “Uee-unnie what happen? How you know Chansung-ssi?” All these talks at once make Uee confused but she is continuing in giving deadly glares to this guy call Chansung, since Chansung has not let go of Uee’s hand yet and both glare at each other with intensity.




Here, it is my third chapter guys!!!! Uee and Chansung finally meet!!! Did you guys like it? Do comment on it and post any question you have. I’ll be gladly to answer them! I’m so so so sorry that it took me that long to upload this…I’ll keep trying to upload as fast as I can… PEACE Y(>_<)…keep reading please~

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ranimah #1
Chapter 3: I would love it more if the love in the end is between Hyun Joong and Uee. Anyway thanks for the story.
Chapter 1: i love it..!!! argh!^^ waiting for updates! i love uie too :)
Chapter 3: please please update
aoisakai #4
Hi,this is fanbase for our JoongUee couple . Hope you like it
Update please! ><" Hehe♥
sweetestlisa #6
i'm UEE fan!!! i always and loved read UEE FF, so happy when i found FF that she in and so many idols loves her kkkkk
sweetestlisa #7
i'm UEE fan!!! i always and loved read UEE FF, so happy when i found FF that she in and so many idols loves her kkkkk
Chapter 1: Im uee fans.... i like if everyboys fall in love with her... then she just pick one. my fav is ueeXhyunjoong. UeeXyonghwa.
Hana98_UieIffany #9
Chapter 3: ai....please update soon ur story......:)