2 months of preparation

I’m a back-up for dance, not for love!


**Hae Ri’s perspective**


It has been two months since we entered this company. And within that time, we newbies worked really hard. Now, newbies can’t be identified from the group. We now dance as one together with the sunbaes. We have improved a lot according to Vic Umma (well, she asked us to call her Umma, just for us newbies. She said she feels like we are her babies. Sweet! :>).


Within the two months, I really got close to Wooyoung and Suzy. We were all assigned for Bigbang. Waah~ we’ve been inseparable since the audition. First we’re all on the same batch of auditionees, then we’re on the same group which got accepted for the second round, and then on the same group that got accepted. Then we’re all assigned for YG as we enter this company. Now we’re all assigned for Bigbang. I think the three of us are meant for each other. Wahahaha!


It’s quite tiring to learn each of the choreography Bigbang have. Within those 2 months, we practiced every part. We danced the part of the Bigbang, the part of the backup, and the part of their dance partners.


It’s the last week before we go to YG to meet the artists and practice together. I’m so excited!!


“Back to your position everyone!” Vic Umma announced; break time is over.


Now we’ll be practicing Bigbang’s ‘Fantastic Baby’. We just learned the dance a week ago, and I’m kinda messing up here. Maybe I’m just tired, I’ll get better! I promise!


Boom shakalak…boom--


“ooops-“ I think I just stepped on something…or someone.


**Wooyoung’s perspective**


“aww!” I said loudly as I felt someone step on my foot.


I reach for my foot and rub it while I jump. Gaah~ it hurts!


“Yah! Lee Hae Ri! You’ve stepped on my foot for the nth time this day! My foot’s going to sore!” I said (well, I think ‘shouted’ would be a better word) to Hae Ri. That caught everyone’s attention.


She keeps on messing up on this song. Too bad I’m always beside her when she messes up!


“Sorry~ I’ll move a little so I won’t step on your foot again.” She said while laughing at me.


Does she think I’m acting?! No, I’m not! My foot really hurts!


“Ok, ok, ok! Let’s get back to practice!” Shin dong hyung said looking at us.




Well, we’re off now. It was a very tiring day. I think we’ll get even more tired when we start practicing with YG artists. I heard their boss is strict.


“Wooyoung!” I heard my name so I looked back. It was Vic-Umma.




“Can I ask you a favour?”


“What is it?”


“Well, you see, this Monday we’ll start practicing in YG. So, I thought that it’s better if we all stayed in a nearby apartment...”


“and? What does that have to do with me?” I asked. I still don’t get her point.


“Well, I’m asking you if you could look for an apartment for all of us. I mean, not just one apartment, we’re too many to live in one apartment, maybe 5 apartments but on the same building. Choose something that’s comfy and near YG’s building.”


I’m still digesting what she said. So, I’ll look for apartments?


“Thank you very much!” She said as she pat my shoulders.


Wait, did I agree? It’s hard to look for an apartment in a very busy district! Oh no! I’m doomed!


“Hey! Why is your expression like that?”


I heard Hae Ri said. Well, yeah, I know her voice.


“Wooyoung? You’re still not going home?” She asked me.


“I’m going. Wait for me.” I said as I grab my things, check the room for unplugged equipments, then turned off the lights, locked the door, and started to walk walk with Hae Ri.


“Why are you in a daze a while ago?” Hae Ri asked me again.


“Well, it’s because you stepped on my foot too many times earlier, and I think it’s getting numb.” I said to her seriously. But, obviously I’m not being serious. Haha!


“Hmp. It’s not a big thing.” She said as she pouted, just looking straight ahead.


I laughed a little. She’s so cute.


“So, what’s the real reason?” She asked again, now looking at me.


“I need to find apartments for all of us. Do you want to help me?”


“Sure! When?” She said without hesitations.


“Maybe tomorrow after our practice. I’m telling you it will not be easy.” I warned her, just to see if she’s really serious about helping me.


“It’s okay.” She said with a bright smile.


“The bus is here. Bye!” She said.


“Bye! Take care!” I said to her as she gets on the bus. I waved at her until she’s out of sight.


Now I’m alone walking. For the past two months this has been our routine.


We wait each other, and our other friends, in the café every morning. Eat breakfast there before going to our company. Practice ‘til lunch time. Eat lunch at our favourite Korean restaurant near the company. And when it’s time to go home, we wait for each other (Hae Ri and I), and then I send her off to the bus stop, while I walk alone.


At times I’m thinking that these things are only done by couples. Hehe. Well, guess close friends do it too.


I reached my home earlier than before. Did I walk faster? Anyway, it’s better. I can go to sleep and rest now.


Before I change my clothes and rest, I get my phone and texted Hae Ri.


To: Hae Ri ^^

I’m home now. How ‘bout you?


That’s also part of our routine. We text each other when we reach our home.


I was about to go to my room when I heard my phone buzz.


From: Hae Ri ^^

I just got home. Too tired I’m now on my bed and I’ll sleep without washing up.


Aish. This kid.


To: Hae Ri ^^

Wash up first or, at least, change your clothes. You’ll get sick. Rest well, okay? Good night.


I didn’t get any reply. Maybe she really fell asleep right away.


I laughed a little.




It’s 4PM and the dancers have been off from work earlier today. But though they got off from work early, Hae Ri and Wooyoung still have extra work to do.


**Hae Ri's perspective**


“So, where should we go today?” I said excitedly. I don’t know why, but I feel excited. Maybe because there’s only 4 days left before we practice together with YG artists. Yipeeee~!


“On that place again.” He said.


Well, we’ve been looking for an apartment for 2 days now, and we still can’t find an apartment that can accommodate all 50 of us.


But I feel different today. I feel like we’ll get apartments today!


“The bus is here. Let’s go.” He said.


It’s not really far from our company, just a few streets away. The ride is quiet.


I turned to Wooyoung and he’s still looking at the list he searched yesterday. I went closer to look at it too.


“I think that one is good.” I pointed at the apartment which says that a room can accommodate at most 10 people.


Wooyoung flinched as he heard me.


Didn’t he notice me when I leaned closer??


“This is our stop.” Wooyoung said quickly and walked immediately. Why is he in a hurry?


**Wooyoung’s perspective**


I got off from the bus and I notice that Hae Ri wasn’t here yet.


Whew~ Why did I act like that a while ago? I might look weird. Now calm yourself, Wooyoung! Breath in, breath out, breath in, breath-




“HEY! Why did you leave me there?” Hae Ri said as she hit the back of my head.


I almost got a heart attack hearing her voice! Good thing she hit my head. My attention was diverted to the pain in my head.


“Yah! That hurts! And I didn’t leave you there, you’re just slow. Com’on let’s go!” I said it quickly, that I feel like I’m gonna be out of breath, but while breathing I heard a little laugh from myself. Why did I laugh? Huh! I’m becoming weirder.


I noticed I was holding her hand. Quickly, I let go and hold my list with two hands so it won’t be awkward. Then I looked at the list and the building on my right.


“Oh, this is it.” I said as I look to Hae Ri.


Hae Ri is looking at the building with open. I tapped her chin.


“Something might get in to your mouth.” I said with a laugh.


She pushed me a little, signalling that we should just get inside.


“It’s just that the building is beautiful and big.” She said


When we reach the front desk, we were welcomed by an old lady with short, gray, curly hair, wearing an eye glasses almost at the tip of her nose.


“Apartment for two people?” She asked with a grin on her face.


This Ahjumma here is a bit weird. Why is she grinning? I think I’m a bit slow in digesting words and thoughts.


“Uh, no! We’re looking for an apartment that can accommodate 10 people.” Hae Ri said nervously beside me.


Why is she nervous? Oh my god, does this Ahjumma think that we’re a couple? And that’s what made Hae Ri sound nervous? Oh…I’m really slow!


**Hae Ri’s perspective**


Gaah~ why did I sound so nervous a while ago? Wooyoung might think the wrong way.


We are now being lead to the rooms at the 8th floor, the highest floor of this building. Ahjumma said that this floor contains 6 rooms, each room can accommodate up to 10 people but, 8 persons are the suggested number.


The rooms are clean without the furniture. There are 2 rooms, one room have a bathroom the other doesn’t have, 1 bathroom outside the room, and a small kitchen. I can’t imagine 10 people here. It’ll be too crowded.


We looked into the apartment. Wooyoung is busy checking; I think he’s a bit OC.


“The other rooms look exactly like this. But if you want we can check it too. There are no tenants here on this floor.” Ajhumma said.


Wooyoung, being the OC he is, said that we should also check for the other rooms. So we went to each room, which look like we’re just entering the same room over and over again.


Now that we are done checking, we went down to finalize our rent. Wooyoung’s the one who talked to the Ahjumma. I don’t know anything about these kinds of things.


“Wooyoung?” I heard a girl call him, made me look at the girl with curiosity.


“Wooyoung! It is you!” The girl then hugged Wooyoung excitedly.


Woah~ The girl is pretty! They look good together.


But why do I feel strange? I’m feeling bad, I feel sad. Is she his girlfriend?


“Long time no see!” The girl said as she pulled away from the hug and then hugged him again.


Too much hug! Who is she?!!


“Ahem.” Oops. I unconsciously let that out.


“Oh. You have someone with you? Uhm, who is she?” The girl backed a bit away and asked in a low volume.


“Well…” Wooyoung looked at me with a nervous expression, and then looked to the girl again.


“…this is Hae Ri, we’re moving in here this weekend.”


Wait. That doesn’t sound right.


“You two are…together?” the girl asked looking really surprised.


“Oh. I didn’t know. Sorry for...uh… Then, I should go now. I need to go to work and I’m almost late. Goodbye! See you two around!”


She said with a fake smile. Well, I can see that she was affected with what Wooyoung said and just tried to smile.


What’s with them? Hmmm…I’m curious.

Thank you for reading, everyone! :)

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