Collision Between Two

Remember Me


[June 2010]

[Mi Sun POV]

“Sweet dreams, Won Mi Sun. Dream of sweet memories.”

I feel my hand unconsciously reach up and touch my forehead, running my fingers through my hair. Those words… Why do they tug on my mind so much? This is another memory? No, I feels so dream-like, like it’s telling me that I should only dream of memories. But why should I? Those so-called memories would bring me to another confusion. Do I really want that?

Yes, actually, I do. I would go through that just to feel that familiar feeling again, to see what it would be like if Daesung and I were together. A silent sigh escapes my lips as I mentally scoff at my foolishness. As if Daesung would want to be with me. He already had Jiyoung; she seems perfect for him anyway. I should do what I’m supposed to do: back off.

Speaking of… My eyes widen. What time is it? I kick my legs, thinking I’m still in bed. Is it morning already? Hopefully, I didn’t oversleep. Maybe he hasn’t left—           

“Ah crap.” Someone mutters darkly.

I sit up and gasp. “YoungBae! I’m so sorry! Did I—Did I kick you there?” I ask, blushing creeping on my cheeks. I rub his back as he’s folded over. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t notice I was still on the couch. I didn’t know you were still here. I—“

He raises his hand to cut me off. I look over him worriedly until I hear loud laugher come from behind me. Jiyong was clutching his stomach behind me on the sofa, his face extremely red from laughter. On the other hand, Seungri already hit the floor, pounding the ground. I feel the sides of my lips twitch upwards. Seungri looks like a gaping panda right now while Jiyong looks like a big shiny apple.

I shake my head and was about to look back at YoungBae until I meet a pair of eyes. I freeze. Those eyes looked right back at me, searching my own. The noises die and my whole being focuses on him. He takes a step towards me. He opens his mouth. With no control, my body suddenly anticipates.

“Aish! Are you asking to be kicked there?” YoungBae’s annoyed voice breaks my trance. I break eye contact with Daesung as YoungBae jumps on top of Seungri, Jiyong already being strangled in his arms. Surprisingly enough, they were still laughing.

“Ah, hyung! Have a sense of humor will you?” Seungri snorts.

“I’ll show you a sense of humor.” YoungBae mutters evilly. He starts elbowing Seungri on his , a smirk on his lips as Seungri starts whining. With his other hand, YoungBae ruffles his hand through Jiyong’s hair, making it stick up.

“Yah! YoungBae-ah!” Jiyong squeaks, struggling against the strong man.

A giggle escapes my mouth as I continue to watch. Seungri accidentally kicks the coffee table, making my forgotten glass of milk spill across the table. I gasp and quickly run over. I pick up the glass and eye the milk slowly spreading. I sprint towards the kitchen, leaving the three guys fighting.

I place the glass in the sink. I’ll clean it later. I grab a rag and wet it under the sink a little. As I turn around, I ram into someone. A pair of muscular arms catches me by my waist before I fall down. I look up, a little shaken. “Dae—“

Before I can say his name, he envelops me into a hug. I feel him bury his face in my hair. “I missed you.” Daesung whispers. Something flashes in my mind, hitting me like a train. I close my eyes, just wanting to see a glimpse of what my mind is showing me now.

“I missed you. I haven’t seen you in a whole week.” A teenage boy says, hugging his girlfriend tightly. He inhales her scent.

His girlfriend hugs him back just as tightly. “A week seems long, doesn’t it?”

“Too long. How are you doing?” He asks her.

“I’m fine.” She mumbles into his chest.

They continue to talk, never leaving each other’s arms. This is how they are. If they haven’t seen each other in a while, they would make a date. Something simple. They would do something like this, stay in the other’s arms while they converse on what they did while they were apart. They want to know about every single thing. After a while, it was silent between them.

“I love you.” The boy says softly into the girl’s hair.

“I love you more.” His girlfriend replies, feeling her eyes tear up from the sincerity in their words.

I abruptly open my eyes, not wanting to go any further. I don’t want to see anymore, don’t want to feel that longing forming in my stomach. I pull away from Daesung, not meeting his eyes. A sigh escapes my lips. I force out a smile.

“Come on. We should tear those babos apart before they break something.” I say. I give Daesung another smile before I pass him. He grabs my wrist. I turn my head to side the same time as he does. He stares at me. My smile falters. Why are you looking at me like that, Daesung?

He turns his whole body towards me and takes my face in his hands. Just like mine, his hands shake as his fingers caress my cheeks. He leans closer until I can feel his warm breaths hitting my lips. Despite all this, his strong gaze never falters.

He brushes his lips against mine, sending me tingles all over. One of his shaky hands trails down my neck and down my arm. He stops at my wrist then snakes his whole arm around my waist, bringing me closer to him.

“Tell me.” He whisper, his voice huskier than usual.

“What?” I ask, breathless.

“Tell me you remember.”

Before I can open my mouth, his lips finally land on mine. Just like that, my heart and my mind collided once again. Just like that, that memory replays in my mind once again. This time, it continues on. It doesn’t stop, just like how I wish this moment wouldn’t stop either. I drop the rag I’ve been holding tightly on and move my hands up Daesung’s chest and lock my arms around his neck, feeling him shudder.

“Let’s just let the other three do whatever. Just…” Daesung mumbles, never leaving my lips for more than 1 minute.

“What?” I breathe, feeling his lips on mine again.

“Just sleep with me tonight.” 


A/N: So, I'm not really supposed to update today, since it's a school day and all. But since it's Valentines Day, I think I'll make an exception. 

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teddiebears #1
just popping in to older fics to say hi .u.
loloipop #2
Chapter 50: This was really cute <3
miahxx #4
Chapter 17: wahhh.. what about jiyoung?
i mean idc about her, lol
but daesung should at least be honest.
tsk tskk
miahxx #5
Chapter 1: definitely a good start!
this is the first time im reading a daesung fic and im already excited for the upcoming chapters!
im usually reading gd and top ones xD
nhichole18 #6
Wah! I read it in one go. Couldn't stop!
At first I thought Daesung didn't give enough effort but reading him still loving her until the end made it up for me. Glad that things turn out good for the both of them ^^
thank you for sharing this! Hope you'll write more daesung fics. He needs more love. Kekeke! ^^
LeapFrog #7
I loved this fanfic so much, I re-read it like.....5 times! <br />
At first I was like, DaeSung! You gotta visit her more than once a month! You gotta help her get out of the coma~! XD<br />
AHHH. You had me feeling SO many emotions in this fanfic! <br />
But I'm glad they got back together in the end. ^_^ And glad Jiyoung moved on. C:<br />
Okay~ I'm done with the long comment now c: <3
maeriyaki #8
I just Uniates reading this oh how I missed reading your stories it's so Amazing imiss DAESUNG so muchsksk<br />
<br />
Oh and @crazy4aaronyan jiyoung from Kara is in this story
Nicasmine #9
I really liked this story, I couldn't stop reading until I really had too. Thumbs up! ^_____^)b
Heyy! Could you change your tag from JiyoUng to JiyOng? Because Jiyoung is from Kara and people will get confused on the people. Thank you.