Chapter 4 - Call me maybe?

Best Friends For Never!

Taemin looked at the cafe girl, and walked to the counter." Sir what would you like today form the cafe?" Ji Yeon asked. Taemin looked at the display, and smiled. He looked at these beautiful pastery that looked like a red spin wheel.

It looked delicious so he decided why not? He pointed at them and said, "I'd like a dozen of them." His sweet voice was music to Ji Yeon's ear. It wasn't husky like Jonghyun's voice.

Her crush that she and Mi Young pretty much grew up secretly liking. 

Ji Yeon prepared the goods and placed them into a box. She handed them to Taemin. " 6 thousand won please!" Taemin pulled out his money, he got a post it from his messenger bag and wrote on it. Ji Yeon wondered what he was writing it was quite odd for a costumer to do this. 

' What am I doing !? I'll just write down my number."Taemin thought. 

Ji Yeon took the money and then she smiled at the post -it- note. " Thank you, sir" 

Taemin smiled, " Call me maybe ! ~" He sang. He left the shop smiling like an idiot. Ji Yeon thought it was sweet of him, she decided she would give him a call later. After a bunch of costumers and hours her shift was finally over. It was Friday, and  she and Mi Young had their movie night! 


" Unnie!~ Can we watch Ju -On ?" Ji Yeon asked. " Isn't that the Japanese grudge?" Mi Young replied back. Mi Young wasn't really fond of scary movies. Ji Yeon nodded. " Ani!"

" Wae Unnie?" " Fine, just don't say anything if I hide behind you and pull your hair!' Mi Young said.

Mi Young placed the movie into the DVD player and them grabbed the remotes.

She shut out the lights and ran to the couch.  

They were in the middle of Mi Young's living room. Throughout the movie they were fidgeting.


 Mi Young's neck shivered, and Ji Yeon wimpered.The movie ended and Mi Young put in a comedy/ romance movie. Ji Yeon cleared . 

'" Unnie, I need to pee!!" Ji Yeon said. Mi Young sighed, " Fine, I'll walk you to the bathroom.

After Ji Yeon finished peeing, time had flown away quite quickly and Mi Young and her dad dropped her off  at home.

Ji Yeon did not live in the best neighorhood nor house. She lived in a cramped, old apartment. She pushed her key into the lck, and opened up the door.She was tired, and put her bag on the old couch in their small living room.

Ji Yeon's dad was serving in the army for 20 years and rarely got to visit his small family. She didn't have any siblings but she knew her dearest friend Mi Young would always be there for her. 

Have you ever wondered why, Ji Yeon worked so hard? Why she was kind, cute, and would light up the whole room without even trying? To answer your first question it was because, her Umma was living with cancer that would slowly, and eventually kill her . Her Umma worked so hard everyday, but when she discovered she had cancer. Ji Yeon knew it was her job to take care of her. Including handling the bills, food, and her mother's health.

The second question isn't as easy to answer on the inside Ji Yeon's soul is slowly eating itself, she doesn't want to lose her Umma or Appa.

They both... who knows could be gone in an instant and leave Ji Yeon all alone. 


Ji Yeon hated being alone, she simply couldn't stand it. 

She grabbed a pot and boiled water. She got medicine from the cabinet, and put it into the mug. It was a herbal kind of medicine that was for her Umma. She poured the mug into a cup, and heated some leftover leek porridge.  She entered her umma's room.

There, plates and  the mug hit the ground and crashed on the wooden floor slowly... shattering.


~>Author's Comment<~

Hello, Everyone!

Its been a while so I decided to update a small chapter as a kind of teaser. Hope your thrilled because of the cliffhanger! I'm really sorry if the chapters are too short. SOOO LONG CHAPTERS = LESS UPDATES, SHORT  UPDATES ARE MORE OFTEN. God, I don't know where I'm going with this story.  But until next time we'll have to see.




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Chapter 4: Hehe its okay, I'm not saying your doing a bad job xD I just wish there was more to read :P
hey the update is soo cute ill enjoy this story.
just wondering if its got any bromance?
Rinnie #3
@dorkylearner sorry ! Its the best I can do! I'm a really young author soo im sorry. As I get older I suppose it'll be better.
need the chapter to be longer D; it's not long enough T^T
update soon ^^ <3
Rinnie #5
@SHIN_sangtae <3 thanks for commenting! I know it's a bit short but it takes time for me to write. SO note that some will be med. and same short. I'll try to make more frequent update its just that i've been busy with school. -Saranghae Rinnie~<3
it's cute, but too short