Chapter 3 - Being Late Bites

Best Friends For Never!

Mi Young's POV:

So today, Mrs. Choi's said we would start our clubs. The class had already turned in the papers for which club they were taking. I was so excited! I was starting Drama club, I loved acting! It was my dream to be an actress/singer. I practiced lines and lines of pretend script i wrote everyday. Mom often praised me, and it was something I really started to miss. 

Ji Yeon headed to to class B21, since she was taking cooking class. I stared at the paper, theater A12. I headed to the theater which was a bit confusing.  I walked along a hallway and bumped into...

Jonghyun. "OFT!" 

I stumbled on top of him. " Oh my, Minhae." I quietly said. 

" No, problem he said." His words making my heart melt.

" Are, you looking for your club? " he asked in curiosity. He pinched his eyebrows together. "Yeah I need to find the Drama theater." He stared in shock. " I was just about to go there. Are you in Drama club too?"  I nodded.

" I'll show you the way. Come on!" he grabbed my hand and dragged me too the theater. An almost electric shock hit my hand as he touched it, I blushed. We finally arrived in front of the theater. It wasn't much old, and pretty much looked brand new. My eyes were in amazement. 

"Ah, Mr. Kim, and Miss. Lee I see you are here. Late!" A woman said. This women had almost looked like an identical twin of Jung Juri.


" Mrs. I'm sorry but it's-" . " Save it, you to take a seat." she coldly said. Me and Jonghyun took a seat, on these velvety cushioned seats. " Class, I'm Mrs. Jung. Today we will be doing a play on a classical favorite on Romeo and Juliet. I will give you sample scripts and we will be doing auditions on Friday.'' 

" Also you will be informed of your roles on Monday." I smiled, I need to get the lead role of Juliet! The class walked to the table and picked up a script, most of which was Juliet and Romeo." So, um Mi Young right?" Jonghyun asked. I nodded. " Which role are you planning to get." he asked. ' Oh hm, lets see I was planning to get Juliet's role. What abut you?" He smiled,"Well I was planning to be Romeo. "

" Oh, well good luck!"

" Thank you."

I grabbed my script and I then headed to my seat. 

" Okay class since you've all picked a script. I would know like you too practice it with the person sitting next to you. I turned to my right and there he was.  I blushed while I was looking at him, we had a very romantic scene. 

" I guess, we better start?" Jonghyun asked. I nodded. 

"Juliet, if you leave me I will be nothing. I know our kingdoms have hardships, but I will do anything for you, my love."Jonghyun shuddered as he spoke. 

I looked at my script dazed at what I just heard. I look to the script and recited, " Romeo, my love. We'll find a way to escape, just in a while. After the party we'll run away. "

Just as the kiss scene begun the bell to ring.

Ji Yeon's POV

The school bell rang, and I took my bike home. I just made it just in time for work. It was my job the bake cookies, cakes, and the cream cheese and strawberry croissant goodness! It was just me working today, I love working alone. Don't tell my boss but I make myself cookies and coffee all the time. 

To bake the pastries I loaded my hands with a bulky package of  flour, vanilla extract, baking soda. I laid the ingredients and walked to the fridge. There, I gently opened the door taking 10 eggs from the egg container. Just before i closed the door, I remembered to get the cherry jam,and a pound of butter.

 Remember Ji Yeon these are baby chick lives you are messing with now. There lives will not be put to waste! Instead, they will be baked into delicate pastries! I put on my apron and hat and puffed my cheeks.

"I'm going to bake the best pastries in the world! Fighting!"

I started to make today's special, Cherry spin wheel Danishes! First of, I put the butter in the mixer and creamed it. I took the flour and sifted it, along with the other powders. I added about 1/3 a cup of sugar to the butter. I put and the flour mixture into the mixer and blended it away. Together it made a fine dough. While it was mixing up, I sprinkled flour onto the wooden counter. Using a rolling pin I rolled the dough out and cut it into square pieces. I spooned the cherry jam out of a jar and put it into the center. I folded into wheels and then I put it into the oven. Aigoo, that was much work but mostly fun.

I remembered, since I was baking the shopped opened when I was finished. I needed to hurry!

Picture of the Cherry Danish Process~

After it was done cooling I poured a glaze over it. 

Stranger's POV:

I was walking down Ji Wo Ave. when I smelled this wonderful aroma coming from the Hani - Ju cafe. Was the cute girl there again? I really want to get a cup of hot chocolate and a pastry. It would really be a wonderful bonus to see her again. It was  about 4:30, I needed to get hyungs so treats! 

I opened the door and my nose filled with the most pleasant smell.

Ah! So much to choose from, my eyes then looked up and saw the girl with the charming eyes.

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Chapter 4: Hehe its okay, I'm not saying your doing a bad job xD I just wish there was more to read :P
hey the update is soo cute ill enjoy this story.
just wondering if its got any bromance?
Rinnie #3
@dorkylearner sorry ! Its the best I can do! I'm a really young author soo im sorry. As I get older I suppose it'll be better.
need the chapter to be longer D; it's not long enough T^T
update soon ^^ <3
Rinnie #5
@SHIN_sangtae <3 thanks for commenting! I know it's a bit short but it takes time for me to write. SO note that some will be med. and same short. I'll try to make more frequent update its just that i've been busy with school. -Saranghae Rinnie~<3
it's cute, but too short