chapter 3

Love Without Words

Kris again walked down the street towards the cafe. His expression was unreadable, but his eyes kept glancing at anyone that looked similar to the girl. It was about 9 in the morning when he reached the cafe. He hadn't seen her yet, nor had he had breakfast,

Might as well have something to wake me up. If I stay here I'm more likely to see her, right? He shrugged at his own question, and stepped inside the cafe. The strong aroma of coffee welcomed him, along with the scent of freshly baked goods. He walked up to the counter and was greeted by the same old man the other day.

"Couldn't find her?" he asked.

Kris shook his head, "It's not that, just thought I'd grab a coffee."

The man nodded, "Want anything in it or just black?"

"Black." Kris repled. 

"Anything else?"


"300 won, take a seat where you would like and I'll serve to you." the man jerked his head torwards the tables. Kris handed the money, and approached a table that was placed in front of the shop. He sat in a chair where he can see whoever walks in the shop, across from him was another table, and through the window he could see the man behind the baked good counter. 

A few seconds after he sat down, the girl with long black hair walked pass his table and entered the cafe.

Kris sat there, dumbfounded by his luck. Is this stalking? He shook his head.

From the corner of his eye, he could see the girl point to one of the goods, the old man nodded and said something, but he couldn't hear what. She fumbled trhough her purse and grabbed her wallet, pulling out some money. She held it up to him with a questioning look, the man nodded again. Once she finished paying, she headed for the door again. 

Kris quickly took his phone out of his pocket, pretending to look absorbed with whatever was on his phone. He just stared at the screen. 

Can't lower your pride to just go up and talk to her? he frowned, he was always used to girls going up to him first, but she seemed to barely notice him. "Loser." he muttered to himself. The girl took the table across from Kris, and sat in the chair facing towards him as well. 

Then the old man came out of the door and handed Kris his coffee, "Thanks." he said. The old man headed towards the girl's table next with a plate of gyung dan and set it in front of her. She smiled at the old man, "Kamsahamnida." she smiled, her eyes were smiling smile. 

Such a sincere smile, he thought, but Kris was surprised by her voice. He didn't expect it to sound as rich and lush. He also noticed the way she said 'thank you'.

Was accent. He stared intentley at her while she grabbed the rice ball with her chopsticks. She put half of is in and tried to bite it off, but it was too sticky. She tugged at it with her chopsticks, but it still wouldn't break off. Then she pulled it with . 

Kris stiffled a laugh as he watched her struggled to eat the gyung dan. She heard him and looked up from her plate, half the rice ball still in . Her cheeks turned a slight shade of pink. Finally, she bit it off and quickly looked down at her plate. 

The corner of his lips began to form a smile. He covered it with his hand so she wouldn't notice. 

She's even cuter when she blushes. He thought, still staring at her with amusement. 

She could feel his stare. She kept glancing up at him, and everytime their eyes met, her cheeks became pink again. 

They're like flower petals, instead of her whole face becoming a tomato. The glancing and staring lasted the whole time as she ate her gyung dan and as he drank his coffee. 

When she was down to the last one, Kris began to contemplate, Do something! Say something! She's too much of a classy girl to pull a move first. Just go up to her, smile, and introduce yourself. And don't forget to smile. He knew if he didn't smile, she might get the wrong idea and scare her off. He glanced at her again, chewing her last gyung dan and put her chopsticks down. 

Prideful bastard, get up and do something. 

She stood up, so did he. More like shot up, he ended up tripping on one of the legs of the chair because he got up too fast. She was startled, but then covered and giggled as she saw him stumble. He looked back at her with eyes that showed sincereity. He stared at her blue eyes, captivated by them. She stared back, her expression that seemed almost curious. Finally, she broke off the stare, flushed the same pink petal color on her cheeks, and walked away. 

Kris straightened up and leaned towards the side walk to see if he could catch a glimpse of her leaving. He spotted her, still walking away from him. 

The view I see the most from you is your back. He sighed, I hope we meet face to face again. 



gyung dan is a sweet rice ball if you're wondering.

Short chapter, but glad i was able to update ^-^ I didn't go over and edit it so I hope nothing sounds confusing DX

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okkk here's the thing. I FINALLY came up with a decent plot haha, but I thought of it too late meaning I won't get to start until I come back from Mexico which is in a week >.< june 30th to be exact. I'm sorry!!! ://
So I said I'll be making a sequel, and yes I will, but I have a different plot fresh in my mind for another fanfic. So, I'm starting on that. But I will get back to this story.
YifeiLIM91 #3
uhmmmmmmmmmm gahd... i'd love to have Krisus pov tooo.... but in this story he already has his Pov... so maybe Jinae's?? whahah i wanna know whats in her mind too~ LOL! And uhmm i dnt knw for me... but gaaah i like the name Jinae rather than the ____ or I or the you or the not to fond of the oc's being that way... i always like for them to have names..~ whahaha i await for your epilogue author-ssi~
YifeiLIM91 #4
AWWWwwwwww How sweeeeet!!! DO an epilogue~ Please! I want more interaction from them! All they have are stolen glances and secret smiles~ do a legit longer fanfice! Ima so be waiting for it!!
aww that was super cute~
i really like it from beginning to end.
you wrote it really well. =]
YifeiLIM91 #6
HI~ im a silent reader... btw... whahaha i subscribed you ever since you started this... im sorry i ddnt comment! But yeah...i like your story oh so much...i like the progress its making... i look forward to reading more soon. im sorry i cant comment much... im in a bit of a hurry~ LOL but yeah hope you update soon! Can't wait to read your next chappy~
Lol I'll try!! Hoping Thursday, but I have to update my other fanfic first since i started it beforeT.T but definitely this weekend!!
cherish_dreamer #8
Wait for the update! Please! ASAP!