Peaches ღ 桃子


IU - Peach


I laid there in the soft, green grass, admiring the big, blue sky that was filled with white, fluffy clouds. I closed my eyes and thought of the time I confessed to him. 

It was a quiet day. My friend, Lu Han, and I were standing in the large peach tree field, facing each other. 

"Lu Han..." I muttered. My heart was beating wildly. It was time.

He didn't say a word. He just tilted his head and gave me a look, telling me to continue. 

"I like you." I confessed, giving him the most sincere look I could.

A wind blew by and some flowers on the peach trees floated off. They swirled around Lu Han and me, making me feel like we were in a romantic movie. After a period of peaceful silence, Lu Han smiled gently at me and replied, 

" you too." 

At that moment, I felt like my heart stopped. All I could do was stand there and try to process what just happened. Lu Han let out a chuckle before pulling me into a tight embrace. I could hear him mutter, 

"Mei Xin, you're so cute." 

I looked up at him, smiled brightly, and said, 

"Thank you!" 


I opened my eyes, and the corner of my lips tugged up into a small smile. It was nice to reminisce about joyful things that had happened in the past. However, I was snapped out of my reverie when a shadow blocked out the bright sunlight. 

"Glad to see you awake, sleepy head." Lu Han teased. 

I rolled my eyes before breaking out into a grin. 

"I wasn't sleeping, Hannie. I was thinking about the time I confessed to you." I replied truthfully. 

I sat up and stretched my arms, groaning slightly at the feeling of my muscles relaxing. As I was doing this, Lu Han plopped down right next to me. 

"I remember that moment clearly, and I don't think I'll be forgetting it any time soon." Lu Han said. 

"Neither will I." I smiled gently at him.

A comfortable silence settled between us as we admired the scenery. There was nothing more calming than sitting in a vast field full of tall peach trees. There was a myriad of pink flowers that dotted the outstretched branches. Suddenly, Lu Han pulled out a guitar and handed it to me. I didn't even need to ask him why. I took it and began strumming the strings lightly, tuning it correctly before I could play it. Once I got that step out of the way, I cleared my throat and began to sing some lyrics from Lu Han's favorite song, 

"When you slightly smile at me, I go crazy.

How can you be so pretty, baby?

How can I explain this feeling? 

When I see you, my heart becomes numb and sore." 

I turned to look at Lu Han. He was lying in the grass with a sleepy expression on his face. 

"Keep going." Lu Han requested with a murmur. 

"Telling you multiple times is not enough 

With this tickling voice that only knows you 

I will sing for you.

My heart keeps going to you

I'm really going crazy."

I stopped to check on Lu Han again. His eyes were closed and he looked like he was sleeping peacefully. Chuckling quietly, I leaned over to brush his bangs aside and placed a small kiss on his forehead. Before I could move away, Lu Han's eyes suddenly shot open. He grabbed my wrist before giving me a mischievous smile. 

"I thought you were asleep, little boy!" I laughed. 

"Why would I fall asleep on our super special date, silly?" Lu Han shook his head at my statement.

He sat up and wrapped an arm around my waist. Smiling shyly, I rested my head on his shoulder. We just sat there in silence, admiring the world around us. This was like paradise for Lu Han and me. We honestly wouldn't want to be anywhere else but here. After a few minutes, I lifted my head from his shoulder, not wanting to burden him any longer. Lu Han gave me a confused look. 

"You know how heavy my head will get if I fall asleep on you. I don't want your shoulder hurting by the time I wake up." I explained.

"You're such a caring girlfriend. That's one of the many reasons why I love you." Lu Han gave me a sweet smile. 

I felt my heartbeat accelerate at his sincere words. He is such a wonderful and perfect boyfriend. Another comfortable silence settled between us. It was cut short, however, when Lu Han abruptly stood up and grabbed my hands. 

"Huh?" I looked at him. 

"Come on, Mei Xin. Let's have fun." Lu Han tugged at my hands and forced me to stand up. 

I giggled at his actions. We're both in our early twenties, yet Lu Han still acted like a big child. I let him pull me along until we stopped at the largest peach tree in the fields, the one that had the most flowers. 

"Remember this tree?" He asked. 

"Yeah. This is where I confessed to you." I replied. 

Lu Han squeezed my hands tighter. He leaned in close, pressing his forehead against mines. I thought he was going to kiss me, so I turned a light shade of pink and closed my eyes. Lu Han chuckled before pulling away. 

"I tricked you, didn't I?" 

"Hey! Why did you do that?!" I exclaimed while pouting. 

Lu Han pinched my burning cheeks and said simply,

"You look like a peach." 

"Huh?!" I shouted, unsure if he was insulting or complimenting me. 

"Your cheeks are the same color as the pink on peaches. It's really cute." Lu Han smiled. 

I looked down shyly. I was never good at taking compliments. Lu Han's warm palms pressed against my cheeks, lifting my head so I was looking into his brown, doe-like eyes. Lu Han leaned in and gave me a kiss. I melted at the feeling of his soft lips pressed against mines. It was a simple and sweet kiss, just how I liked it.  Lu Han moved his hands away from my cheeks and wrapped his arms around my waist. Smiling slightly, I s my arms around his neck. Lu Han pulled me closer and deepened the kiss, while still maintaining its innocent manner. Unfortunately, Lu Han pulled away a little too soon for my liking. I gave him a cute pout and he chuckled. Lu Han pulled me back into a tight embrace. I rested my head on his chest and closed my eyes. We began to sway side to side in a dream-like dance, even though there wasn't any music playing. Lu Han reached up and plucked a small flower off of the tree. Smiling beautifully, he gently tucked it into my long, black hair. We stared at each other lovingly until he leaned in towards my ear and whispered,

"I love you." 

His breath tickled my ear gently. I let out a small laugh before replying, 

"I love you too, Hannie." 


我爱你, 鹿晗. 我想同你永远一起...
I love you, Lu Han. I want to be with you forever... 
像桃子一样, 我们的爱将永远不会结束. 
Just like peaches, our love will never end. 

Author's Note:

I'm Chinese so I'm pretty sure the lines at the end are somewhat accurate. OTL I do, however, have limited Chinese knowledge so forgive me if something is wrong. ; _ ;

Also, in Chinese culture, peaches stand for longevity, so maybe that'll help you understand the last line better? haha 

Anyway, I hope everyone enjoyed reading this oneshot! :D 

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p3bbles #1
Chapter 1: I will die from all the fluffiness~ lolx... XD
cathyokrane #2
Chapter 1: such a beautiful one shot
Awww Luhan!!<3333 What a nice story!
Cute ^^
baek-yeols #5
So darn sweeeeet <3
Joyvin #6
Sweet one-shot! <3
Soooo sweet!!!man now I want peaches!!lol^^
Ngawww this is sweet!
Love how you always keep your stories short and sweet.
How i wish this would happen to me. But then again where can i find such a beautiful place in my country? :/
So you're chinese? Same here! Haha but idk how to read chinese. I'm a fail chinese.
Anyways! Keep up your good work!