Chapter 2: Punishment

Love is Hard

I got up, trying to get out of here as soon as possible. As I passed the mirror, I looked at myself.

I wasn’t me.


I remember what the note had said on the arrow.

‘There will be consequences.’

I quickly opened the door and tried to find a person. Anyone to help me get out of this mess. The first person I found was Woohyun. It seems like he was cured from the arrow. I tried talking to him, but he treated me like he would treat Sunjong. I tried to explain.

Sungjong (Sunmi): Woohyun, it’s me, Sunmi.

Woohyun: Forget it Sungjong, you can’t act like her.

Sungjong(Sunmi) : No really! It’s Sunmi! I don’t know how I got into Sungjong’s body! Can you help me out?

WooHyun: Yeah. Okay. How about this. You go into your room, and I’ll have breakfast.

Sungjong(Sunmi): What?

He shoved me back into the room, and locked the door. I started banging and kicking the door, pleading for help. My arms and legs were in pain…

WooHyun: I’m not gonna fall for that one, Sunjong. Don’t lie…

Sungjong (Sunmi): I’m not lying!!! It’s really Sunmi!

By that time, Woohyun had already left. I found a way to climb out of the window. Infinite’s manager caught me and thought I was sneaking out. He dragged me into his van for the first schedule of the day. I spent the whole day with Infinite. We even started recording new songs. The songwriter complimented me for my improved vocals. I guess Sungjong wasn’t that good of a vocalist.

I tried running back to my original dorm to solve problems, but that only made things worse. I got caught by paparazzi, and Infinite’s manager. I guess I’ll have to live like this.

3 months have passed living with Infinite in Sungjong’s body. I couldn’t take it anymore, I was about to go crazy! People didn’t understand me. They thought I changed, but I did change!....BODIES!!!!


I curled up in the corner and cried. Just like that. I whispered apologies quietly, but I know that would change anything. I heard a little voice in my head. “ This is what you get for not listening to me! Love can’t be forced, unless both people are too shy to express themselves with eachother!” I thought back to the day when I shot the arrow at him when he was with Seungyeon. He started being really nice to me and paying a lot of attention to me, leaving Seungyeon.

He even spent loads of money on me. Uh oh…

I know I can’t change this, but the least I can do is pay him back. I put on my cap and sunglasses and went to buy Tuna Sushi for him. (His favourite!)

Since he had a different schedule, I left it on the table in the kitchen with his name on it and left for my own. Or should I say Sungjong’s schedule. :P

When I went back to the dorm, the sushi was gone. Woohyun was talking to the other members about how good the sushi was, I gave myself a thumb up! I went back to my room to cry some more, but someone knocked on the door.

Sungjong (Sunmi): Come in!

Woohyun: Hey, just wondering….did you buy the sushi for me?

Sungjong (Sunmi): Yeah. Why?

Woohyun: It was really good. Thanks. How did you know I liked tuna sushi?

I know it’s his favourite. I KNOW IT’S HIS FAVOURITE. I wanted to say that to him so badly. SUNMI KNOWS WOOHYUN LIKES TUNA SUSHI. But he won’t believe me.

Sungjong (Sunmi): I just bought what the store had.

Woohyun: Oh. Okay. Thanks again…

And he slowly closed the door. I curled up in the corner again and cried. I cried more than yesterday, and I couldn’t’ stop. I’M SORRY I’M SORRY I’M SORRY!!! I’m truly sorry for not obeying the rules. Please put me back into my original body, please? I pleaded, looking up, hoping Cupid was there. When will this end? I shouldn’t listened to the note. I SHOULD’VE LISTENED TO THE NOTE!

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