Chapter : I Don't Need the Arrow

Love is Hard

The next day I woke up seeing my own room again. I jumped with joy and ran out to hug all of the members! They thought I was weird but I didn’t care. I went back to my room to see all of my belongings. Surprisingly, I missed them too. I quietly heard a little voice in my head again.

“Be thankful. Don’t make the same mistake, or else you’ll switch bodies for a year!”

Cupid. He’s giving me another chance! I thanked him, and promised to never make that mistake ever.

 I went to the Music Bank rehearsal happily. I so glad I’m me again! Coincidently, Infinite also has a comeback. I saw Sungjong, and he was very aware of the body switching too.  I even told him the whole thing, except for the “Me liking Woohyun” part.

Sungjong: At least were back to normal now.  Why was it me who switched bodies, and not the other members? That was unfair…

Sunmi: It’s okay. It’s over now, just forget about it and be happy!

Sungjong: You’re right. AISH. But living with your members was fun. i can relate to them a lot more than the Infinite members...

He hugged me and walked off. I was sitting in the dressing room by myself. I looked through my bag and found another Cupid arrow. This time, I know to use it wisely. I took out my comic book and started reading. The other members were doing something I had no interest in. I read my comic book quietly, but then I was interrupted.

Woohyun: Can I come in?

Sunmi: Sure.

I put down my comic book and looked at him, expecting him to talk first.

Woohyun: You know, the weirdest thing happened about 3 months ago. Sungjong was trying to act like you!

He started laughing. I laughed with him, just to play along.

Sunmi: Really? Sungjong? Trying to act like me…?

Woohyun: He kept saying “Woohyun, it’s really me! Sunmi!”

He continued to laugh. I tried to laugh, but it just wouldn’t come out. I kept a straight face, and he noticed.

Woohyun: You don’t think it’s funny?

I just came out and said it straight to his face.

Sunmi: It really was me. I was in his body, Sungjong was in mine.

Woohyun: What…?

Sunmi: I was stuck in Sungjong’s body for about 3 months. We just switched back today.

Woohyun: But he bought me tuna sushi???

Sunmi: I bought you tuna sushi. I knew you liked it, so I got it for you. Do you remember when you bought me a whole new outfit? I thought I could pay you back.

Woohyun: Oh well..I don't remember-

He got cut off when Seungyeon entered the room. DAMN IT. I stood up, trying to leave those two alone. I’m so used to staying out of their way that I do it naturally. It’s instinct.

Woohyun: Where are you going?

Sunmi: I thought you and Seungyeon would like some privacy. So I’ll just leave for now.

Woohyun: No.

 I grabbed onto my wrist and faced Seungyeon.

Woohyun: Hey. Seungyeon. Can you go?

Seungyeon: I thought you wanted to see me?

Woohyun: No. Why would you think that?

Seungyeon: But…Didn’t you tell me you liked me???You said it!!! I know you did!!!

Woohyun: Yeah. It’s called lying to keep the idol image. You think I really meant that? I was told to say that on the show.

Sseungyeon: No! You’re lying right now!

She ran up to Woohyun and started tugging his arm. She begged and begged but he rejected her, just like that. She shot me a glare and ran out of my dressing room.

Sunmi: I think you should apologize to her, get her back.

Woohyun: I don’t wan’t her back, I want you.

I blushed at the last 3 words. I must be dreaming~ But I’m not. This is real.

Sunmi: You should atleast apologize…

Woohyun: Fine. Meet me back stage, I wanna talk to you more. Promise?

Sunmi: Okay. Now go on…Go find Seungyeon.

Woohyun: You promised!

Sunmi: Yeah, okay!

He ran out of the room to find Seungyeon. I left my bag and my comic book and was getting ready to leave the room. I remember what Cupid said to me…

“Love can’t be forced!”

I grabbed my Cupid’s arrow and snapped it in half. I tossed it in the trash as I walked past the door. I think Woohyun and I will be close friends. He seems to be showing interest in me now, so I don’t need it. I’ll keep Cupid’s words in my head. And I’ve surely learned a thing in this experience:

Cupid’s arrows aren’t always the solution to love.

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